The Lord of The Rings Online is an MMO based in the epic fantasy world created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Set during the War of The Ring you can follow Frodo to Mount Doom, run around Rohan behind Aragorn or relax at The Prancing Pony with a pint of Butterbur’s finest ale. For some of the endgame content you can also play a [small, but significant] part in some of the pivotal battles of the story such as Helm’s Deep and the Pelennor Fields.
I have a kinship based on the Laurelin [EN-RP] server; the kinship is called the United Free Peoples and is open to any UFP member who wishes to join us as we complete deeds, level characters, complete group content, or just socialise in The Golden Perch.
Everyone is welcome to bring whichever character they want to, and popular vote gets to decide what we set out to accomplish during the evening.
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7:00 PM BST 8:00 PM CEST
European Times
11:00 AM PDT 2:00 PM EDT
North American Times
4:00 AM AEST
Australian Time
An updated LoTRO client and a character on the Laurelin [EN-RP] server.