Pass all three Academy exams
3.59% have received this achievement
Be a member of the Federation Administrative Bureau
0.33% have received this achievement
Receive a promotion to the rank of Ensign
3.25% have received this achievement
Be a member of Starfleet Academy
0.44% have received this achievement
Sign a community proposal
1.33% have received this achievement
Be Executive Officer of Starfleet Academy
0.09% have received this achievement
Reach five-thousand posts on the forums
0.08% have received this achievement
Receive a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander
0.82% have received this achievement
Receive a promotion to the rank of Commander
0.58% have received this achievement
Sit and pass the Orientation Assessment
19.35% have received this achievement
Reach 500 posts on the forums
0.99% have received this achievement
Be a member of the STO Division
Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM
0.57% have received this achievement
Enabled Two Factor Authentication
Unlocked Sun 24 Oct, 2021 2:59 PM
0.57% have received this achievement
Be a member of Starfleet Tactical
Unlocked Tue 03 Jul, 2018 8:20 PM
6.31% have received this achievement
Silynn has not created any albums
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