Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral
Unlocked Sat 27 Jun, 2020 9:03 PM
0.23% have received this achievement
Reach one-thousand posts on the forums
Unlocked Mon 08 Oct, 2018 11:01 AM
0.62% have received this achievement
Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community
Unlocked Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:19 PM
0.24% have received this achievement
Be a member of the Holodeck
Unlocked Sun 17 Sep, 2017 2:00 PM
11.76% have received this achievement
Receive every medal the UFP has to offer
Unlocked Fri 03 Jul, 2020 6:26 PM
0.17% have received this achievement
Join the Federation Executive Office
Unlocked Mon 04 Oct, 2021 8:01 PM
0.06% have received this achievement
Donate any amount under £25 to the UFP
Unlocked Mon 28 May, 2018 3:58 PM
1.66% have received this achievement
Sit and pass the Officer Qualification
Unlocked Sun 24 Sep, 2017 3:00 PM
5.24% have received this achievement
Donate between £75 or more to the UFP
Unlocked Mon 28 May, 2018 3:58 PM
0.39% have received this achievement
Receive a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander
Unlocked Sun 17 Dec, 2017 4:05 PM
0.82% have received this achievement
Enabled Two Factor Authentication
Unlocked Sun 24 Oct, 2021 2:59 PM
0.57% have received this achievement
Sit and pass the Orientation Assessment
Unlocked Sun 17 Sep, 2017 2:00 PM
19.25% have received this achievement
Submit a Federation News Service article
Unlocked Tue 17 Sep, 2019 9:00 AM
0.38% have received this achievement
Sign roll call
Unlocked Fri 01 Dec, 2017 6:01 PM
12.50% have received this achievement
It's supposed to be jolly, with mistletoe and holly... and other things ending in olly.
"Hogfather", Terry Pratchett ”
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