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Watching the Clock


There's likely no more of a thankless job in the Federation than temporal investigation. While starship explorers get to live the human adventure of traveling to other times and realities, it's up to the dedicated agents of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations to deal with the consequences to the timestream that the rest of the Galaxy has to live with day by day. But when history as we know it could be wiped out at any moment by time warriors from the future, misused relics of ancient races, or accident-prone starships, only the most disciplined, obsessive, and unimaginative government employees have what it takes to face the existential uncertainty of it all on a daily basis... and still stay sane enough to complete their assignments.

Ratings by Users:

4.0 out of 5.0 (1 ratings)

Watching the Clock Review Cover


Agents Lucsly and Dulmur must prevent the creation of a new front in the Temporal Cold War.

Additional Information


Pocket Books

Original Release:

26 April 2011

Book Length:

512 pages

Book Canon Year:

Various (2364-2365, 2366, 2368, 2369, 2371, 2372,

Featured Characters:

Dulmur, Lucsly, Deanna Troi, Jean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway, Worf, Ducane, Clare Raymond, Korath, Morgan Bateson, Melora Pazlar, Daniels, Humanoid Figure, Paul Manheim, Ajur, Boratus, T'Pan, Aleek-Om

Review Series:

Department of Temporal Investigations

Cover Type:

Mass Market Paperback

Book ISBN10:


Book ISBN13:


Book ASIN (Amazon eBook):


User Ratings

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1 user ratings


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1 Comment
Wed 04 May, 2016 10:46 PM
At times the book can be a bit hard going but I definitely found it worth sticking with. Dulmur and Lucsly are really enjoyable characters and this is a very different Star Trek adventure.

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