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Glass Empires


Glass Empires is a novel series comprised of three novels set within the mirror universe, one during the Enterprise era, one during the Original Series era, and one during the Next Generation era. It was published in the larger "trade paperback" format. Age of the Empress Set in 2155. The story follows on directly from the end of "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II". Empress Sato I is quick to consolidate her power base after her assassination of Jonathan Archer and her arrival over Earth with the USS Defiant. The Terran Starfleet is vastly outgunned, and quickly capitulates. In order to gain full control, Sato invites General Shran, commander of the Andorian Imperial Guard, to be her consort. However, Shran has his own agenda to follow – one that could lead to the downfall of the Empire. Meanwhile, T'Pol – having escaped from custody – joins with the Rebellion, and aides in uniting their disparate leaders into a coherent force. When the Defiant is drawn away from Earth long enough for the Rebellion to launch a devastating attack, Sato is secretly deposed, and eventually captured by the rebels. All this leads to a final confrontation, one which will change the shape of the quadrant. The Sorrows of Empire Set in 2267-2295 Having received a vision of a peaceful Federation, Commander Spock of the ISS Enterprise assassinates his captain, takes control of the Tantalus field, and proceeds to seize control of the Terran Starfleet, and then the Empire itself. With Marlena Moreau, his consort, at his side, Emperor Spock begins the process of converting the Empire into a Republic, a process he knows will lead to its destruction. At the same time, the Emperor prepares secret plans to preserve the knowledge of the peoples of the Empire, as well as his own burgeoning resistance movement. For Spock knows that the fall of the Empire will eventually lead to the end of his opponents' as well. And that day may lead to the fulfillment of his vision for the galaxy. Sdlrow Htob Fo Tsrow Eht (The Worst of Both Worlds) Set in September, 2371 Luc Picard is seeking pieces of the legendary Stone of Gol for his patron, Gul Madred. After acquiring the second piece and returning with it to Celtris III, Picard encounters his former lover, Vash, who is now a member of the burgeoning resistance movement. Vash has a proposition for him: meet with an old scientist, and help the resistance track down and contact a mysterious cybernetic race – the Borg – whom they believe may prove powerful allies in their struggle against the Alliance. As Picard and the scientist – one Noonian Soong – follow a trail of destruction across the neutral zone between the Alliance and the Romulan Empire, Vash and her resistance cell attempt to destroy a deadly biological weapon. However, both missions soon fall apart. The weapon is a ruse, and Vash barely escapes the ambush. Picard and Soong find the Borg, and soon discover their potential allies are a nightmare far greater than that of the Alliance. As the single Borg vessel cuts through Klingon space, heading for Qo'noS, Picard's own personal archaeological quest may prove to be the salvation for the Alliance.

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4.0 out of 5.0 (1 ratings)

Glass Empires Review Cover


The rise and fall of the Terran Empire, seen across three generations.

Additional Information


Pocket Books

Original Release:

20 February 2007

Book Length:

458 pages

Book Canon Year:


Featured Characters:

Hoshi Sato, Arik Soong, Thy'lek Shran, Spock, Luc Picard, Mirror counterpart to Jean-Luc Picard, Noonian Soong, Vash

Review Series:

Mirror Universe

Cover Type:


Book ISBN10:


Book ASIN (Amazon eBook):


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1 Comment
Tue 24 Sep, 2019 7:34 PM
An interesting insight into the mirror universe, I love the fact that it details further actions taken after "In The Mirror Darkly" (ENT) as well as detailing the fall of the Empire. Why not also throw in some Picard? Not too shabby - three stories in one!

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