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Rise Like Lions


"In the Mirror Universe... mirror struggles to hold together his weary band of freedom fighters in their war against the overwhelming might of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Each day pushes the rebels on Terok Nor one step closer to defeat, but with nowhere left to run, the time has come to make their last stand. Light-years away, Mac Calhoun and his Romulan allies harass Klingon forces with devious hit-and-run attacks. But Calhoun has a grander ambition: he intends to merge his fleet with the Terran Rebellion and lead it to victory – or die trying. Meanwhile, a bitter feud threatens to shatter the Alliance from within. The old rivalry between the Klingons and the Cardassians erupts into open warfare as each vies for the upper hand in their partnership. Manipulating events from its hidden redoubts, Memory Omega–the secret operation initiated by Spock a century earlier – sees its plans come to fruition sooner than expected. But striking early means risking everything – and if the revolution fails, Spock's vision for the future will be lost forever."

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4.0 out of 5.0 (1 ratings)

Rise Like Lions Review Cover


Rise Like Lions is a novel in the Star Trek: Mirror Universe series. Written by David Mack, and released in November 2011, the novel brings the "Memory Omega" storyline running through the series to a climax

Additional Information


Pocket Books

Original Release:

29 November 2011

Book Length:

352 pages

Book Canon Year:

2377 - 2381

Featured Characters:

Miles O'Brien, Worf, Ezri Tigan, Leeta, Tuvok

Review Series:

Mirror Universe

Cover Type:


Book ISBN10:


Book ASIN (Amazon eBook):


User Ratings

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1 Comment
Wed 04 May, 2016 10:44 PM
This is the first book I've read which didn't take place primarily in the main timeline and I only read it given that it seemed like a good time given the crossover events which have taken place in the Deep Space Nine 're-launch'. I really enjoyed the book, my favourite story by far in the Mirror Universe.

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