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[Announcement] - SFA Community Survey Results - December 2018

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Petrarch, Sun 30 Dec, 2018 9:46 PM
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    sfa banner 2017

    Hi everyone,

    Here are the SFA Community Survey results for December 2018. Much like our previous quarter, SFA has seen some changes in a short space of time, both in staff and structure, but it remains intact and stands ready. Recruitment Operations are running smoothly, the Academy Newsletter has proven popular and the RSO's continue to help settle in and guide our new recruits. With 13 staff in total, we have both a new XO and Recruitment Coordinator since our last survey. Thank you to all of them for their hard work and dedication.

    It has been quiet lately, especially over the Christmas period (I hope everyone had a good one!) and 2019 will bring new games, new faces and new challenges. Though much of what SFA does happens in the background compared to other departments, we continue to evaluate our processes to see where and what we can improve, what can be done more efficiently and how we can interact more visibily with all members of the UFP. This new forum is a step on that journey. There's not been a trivia night in a little while so we hope to get one of those arranged, probably around the March UFPAC and all being well, we can rustle up a prize to go with it. We're here for the whole community and have confidence that the UFP will continue to grow and thrive.

    Thank you everyone for your comments. As always, the SFA doors are always open, so if you have any additional feedback, suggestions or complaints, feel free to drop myself or Enlistednut09 a PM or by using the forum feedback form.


    Head of Community Development/SFA Commanding Officer


    SEPT 2018 APPROVAL: 99%
    DEC 2018 APPROVAL: 99%(~)

    There is constant influx and they are processed fast. Great work!
    Petrarch: Cheers! We're the first point of contact once the applications are processed, so we like to get people welcomed and settled in an quick and timely manner. We're the welcome mat effectively, so it's important for us to make sure we represent the community well.

    EnlistedNut09: The Academy prides itself on our RSO’s being the welcoming faces of the community from recruitment to initial contact and after the initial trial period for new members.

    Petrarch and Saelenna have done a great job running Starfleet Academy and genuinely help the recruits engage in the game of their selection, especially STO
    Petrarch: Thank you very much. I've been with the Academy since about week 3 after I originally joined the UFP, starting out as an RSO and while I've shifted positions within the community recently, I'm staying in SFA also, so I'm looking forward to what challenges the future holds. I'll continue to do my part, but it's the strength of the team together that makes it all work. Saelanna has also recently moved having served to an exceptional standard as the XO, but is staying on with SFA as an RSO, so I'll make sure she sees this, thank you again. EnlistedNut09 has inherited her chair and I'm sure he'll continue to carry those standards forward.

    EnlistedNut09: As Admiral Saelanna has recently been promoted I am unable to speak for her except to personally say that during my time here in the Academy as Recruitment Coordinator both her and Admiral Petrarch have gone above and beyond for our Recruits because they both honestly care about them and about our community. They have both shown time and again that they want to make the UFP better one Recruit at a time. I would also like to say that I know that I have some very large shoes to fill, but I look forward to carrying on the processes that they have both helped to implement and I also look forward to helping to improve our community even more on a daily basis.

    I see constant streams of new members, but when a new member posts an introduction, I want to give credit to the RSOs for inspiring the new member to introduce themselves. Though, some do, some do not, it may be a good idea for the RSO(s) to jump in and help the thread a little. This engagement just breaks the ice a bit more and others in the community may join in.
    Petrarch: While it's left to the discretion of each individual RSO as to replying in the various Application threads (with the exception of whoever is the assigned RSO for that recruit) the comment about the Introductory thread is a thought that Nut and I will take on board and discuss in the coming weeks. Just as a side note, typically the introduction PM sent to the recruits will include a link for the Introduce yourself forum.

    EnlistedNut09: Thank you, I agree that our RSO’s try to inspire our Recruits as much as possible. We can never stop looking for ways to improve processes, both myself and Admiral Petrarch will be looking at our processes in the coming months to see how and where we can improve things.

    I do not know enough to form an informed opinion
    Petrarch: We shall endeavour to continue making a good impression so whatever opinion you may ultimately form about us will hopefully be a good one!

    EnlistedNut09: That’s quite all right, we appreciate you just as much.

    Merry Christmas!
    Petrarch: Merry Christmas and a Happy 2019!

    EnlistedNut09: Merry Christmas to you as well and Happy New Year!

    Probably some of the more underappreciated folks in the fleet.
    Petrarch: Thank you - I've said before that SFA is one of those departments within the UFP that can be sometimes easily overlooked, largely because we generally don't make a lot of "noise" and a lot of what we get up to goes on behind the scenes. We've a dedicated team who give their time and experience to helping new recruits settle in, but we've not forgotten about the rest of the community either. We're always looking for ways to help increase SFA's interaction at large, with the New Member Welcome Session, Tour the Holdings event and Trivia Nights being 3 methods that all got redeployed over the last 12 months to assist with that. We also now have a public facing forum to help increase our visibility.

    EnlistedNut09: Thank you, I personally would like to think of us more as the unsung hero’s of the UFP. The role of an RSO takes a lot of time and dedication day in and day out, we fill a vital role here at the UFP and we may not be the noisiest bunch but each of our RSO’s has volunteered not because of the accolades but because they genuinely care about our community.

    Seems to be going well but I have little interaction with them now that I'm released. I like the Academy Newsletter though, it offers a good breakdown of upcoming events, and things to be aware of
    Petrarch: As I've said above, while helping new recruits is the primary task of SFA, we're always looking for ways to increase interaction at large and assist in the wider picture, as I believe SFA is here for everyone in the UFP, be they be a member for a day or a decade. The Academy Newsletter has proven popular and it'll be continuing in the months ahead.

    EnlistedNut09: We at the Academy are always looking for more ways to interact with the fleet, one of those ways is the Academy Newsletter an idea of Admiral Saelanna’s that I agree has been very positive as well as Tour the Holdings.

    Same as above
    Petrarch: Second verse, same as the first!

    EnlistedNut09: Thank you, we are always looking for feedback, negative or positive.

    Going from strength to strength.
    Petrarch: Cheers! While sometimes, just as it can be for other departments, it's not always easy going, we pull together, get the job done and hopefully leave a few smiles behind us.

    EnlistedNut09: Thank you, we will keep the momentum going.

    One day here
    Petrarch: All of us started out that way too, pull up a chair, relax, enjoy yourself and I'm sure you'll fit right in, in no time at all.

    EnlistedNut09: One day or one thousand we value your input and look forward to gaming with you in the future.
    Petrarch Medals