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Signature Guide - Read Here First

Started By:
Saelanna, Sat 04 Dec, 2021 8:52 PM
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    FAB 240

    A Guide to Signature Requests
    Author: Solace

    This guide will cover how to request a new signature or update an existing one. Below you'll find a list of resources that you can use in your signature requests.

    PRE-REQUISITE: All UFP members need a post count of at least 20 here on the forums in order to request a signature. If your post count is below this, the request will be denied. This is to ensure that signatures are produced for active members of the community.

    Please try to keep the number of requests you make down to a minimum and try to avoid frequent or excessive requests for minor changes such as a change in character or ship image. While the graphics team will always try to complete your signature as soon as possible, making an update request several times in a month is unnecessary and your request will be treated with low priority as a result.

    Helpful Links
    This guide will be split up into several sections covering how to use the guide, the process after submission & how to deal with requests marked as errors and how to provide correct character image screenshots.

    Section 1 - How to use the signature request form
    When requesting a forum signature, whether you are updating an existing one or having one created for the first time, we use a form that will generate a signature request thread that a member of the Community Graphics Team will complete. This section will break down how to properly complete the form to request a signature. You can find the request form by clicking on the following link: Request a Forum Signature here.

    1) If you are new to the UFP and have reached the 20 post minimum requirement to be eligible for a signature select "New Signature" for existing members who wish to update their signatures choose "Update Signature".

    2) Next choose the ship name and registry to appear on the signature. Please provide a high quality, widescreen image of your ship and character.
    Your choice of ship image must be faction appropriate for the character image being used for the signature. In summary:
    • Starfleet Uniform > Starfleet Ship. Note: this includes TOS and Discovery uniforms but we will not be asking for background ship images to be era-appropriate; characters wearing the Bajoran uniform from the guide can use either the Bajoran Denorios Interceptor or a Federation ship.
    • Klingon Uniform > KDF Ship
    • Jem’Hadar Uniform (Jem'Hadar characters only) > Dominion Ship
    • Romulan/Reman Uniform (Romulan/Reman characters only) > Romulan Ship

    3) Next choose the primary position to appear on the signature. On the form there is a drop down button that provides a list of positions to choose from. The positions are listed by division & tier. In summary:
    • Tiers 1 - 3 are CL4 volunteer positions
    • Tier 4 & 5 are CL5 positions reserved for the Executive and Commanding Officers of a division within the UFP
    • Tier 6 are CL6 members of F.E.O (Federation Executive Office).

    If you are a CL4 volunteer please find and select your primary position from the list and select that as your choice. However, if you are a CL4 volunteer and have multiple volunteer positions; please select the position you want to have displayed in your signature.

    If you do not currently hold a CL4 position within UFP, please select one of the 4 CL3 positions from the TOP of the drop-down list. Refer to the screenshot below for a breakdown:

    4) Shown the screenshot below is a dropdown list and comments box. Use the list to select which tier of subscriber you are, if you don't currently subscribe select "No". In the comments, you may put any special requests, such as updating your reputation tier or years of service in UFP.

    Section 2 - The Process After Submission
    Once you've submitted your signature request form, it will generate a thread HERE. Once a member of the Graphics Team is available to handle your request, they will mark it with a special prefix.

    There are three forum prefixes that we use to mark signature requests below.
    • [ERROR] – means that a problem has been identified with your submission and it needs your attention in order for us to process the request. A member of the Graphics Team will provide instructions on what you can do to correct the error. If your request is marked as an error, please do not submit a new request but reply to the original thread.
    • [PENDING] – This means that your request is being looked at and is in the queue.
    • [COMPLETED] – Your new signature is ready for use on the forums.

    Section 3 - Character Image Screenshots
    We ask that all character image screenshots are taken in the Star Trek Online tailor with Lighting 2.0 turned OFF. Follow the steps below to disable Lighting 2.0. We also now request you use the new Green Screen function available in STO's tailor, you can view how to do this by following the screenshots below.

    First you must press ESC ==> Options ==> Graphics


    When you are using STO's tailor system you will notice that your character will sway and move around occasionally, making it more difficult to get a screenshot. We can prevent this by clicking the button highlighted in the screenshot below:

    Step One:

    Step Two:

    Step Three:

    Step Four:

    To enhance the resolution of your character screenshot, type "/renderscale 2" or "/renderscale 3" (minus the ") in chat while in the tailor interface. Don't forget to return the settings to normal by typing "/renderscale 1" in chat before exiting the tailor otherwise your computer might protest.

    Here is a quick video showcasing how to use these commands and disable lighting 2.0 in game:

    If you do not play STO, then a member of the Graphics Team will be happy to create a character for you. Just let us know in the comments section of the signature request form if there is something specific you are looking for.
    Saelanna Medals
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    Update 02/10/2022
    Video tutorial showcasing how to get the best possible character image added.
    Saelanna Medals
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    Update 12/01/2024
    New screenshots added under section 3 detailing how to use the new green screen tool in STO's tailor.