Roleplay Division - Simulation Officer
CL4 - Tier 1 (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
UFP's Roleplay Division is looking for a new Simulation Officer to help assist new members to adjust to our methods and the ongoing storylines. They will help members pick a division for their characters and create their character biographies. Then they will run through a simulation test with them to familiarise them with the way we play and to assess their responses.
It is important to note that simulation officers remain a member of the department and play with their character. They may be asked to play a selection of NPCs (be they crewmembers or antagonists).They will interact directly with the other players involved to help ensure that they're enjoying the experience and participating consistently, answering questions as they arise. Simulation Officers will also aid the rest of the Roleplay Division's Command Team.
- To familiarise new participants in the UFP RP Division's ongoing story with how the RP works through Simulation Tests, and assist them with creating a character to partake in the story.
- Be active with the other members of the ongoing story to ensure continued participation.
- Play NPCs in opposition to the Player Characters, in coordination with the other members of the UFP RP Division's Command Team.
- The successful candidate of this role would report to Lead Simulation Officer RavenSplat and Executive Officer Gostlool
- The successful candidate of this role would report to Kiflin & Gostlool.
- Exams: Orientation Assessment, Officer Qualification Exam & Command Exam
- Be actively involved in the in-character and out-of-character aspects of the UFP Roleplay Division. Also to attend periodic meetings preferably with microphone but using the text channel is sufficient.
- Be willing to be actively involved in answering questions from new members and assist them in getting settled, alongside assisting the other members of the Command Team with managing the ongoing story.
- Is it a CL5 position? No
PLEASE NOTE: If it is a CL5 position, the successful candidate will have to sign the Command Position Agreement before entering the role.
Please apply using the Position Application Form.
The position closes on This position has no closing date.
TIP: While it is ultimately up to you how you format your application, please try to include your online volunteering history, any relevant real life experience that's applicable, why you decided to stick with the UFP, why you feel you're the best person for the role and how you think it will benefit you.