Supported Uniforms & Colour Codes
Detailed below are the guides for the currently supported uniforms for use in signatures and how to change your lighting. These colour codes have been updated due to STO expanding the colour palette in Star Trek Online.... ”
“ Signature RequestRequest Type
New Signature Ship Name
USS Discovery Ship Registry
NCC-1031-B Main Image URL Character Image URL Do you require a... ”
“ Merging signature requests, please reply to the original thread. This is also incorrect, we have provided you with a link to the guide you need to use in order to provide a character image screenshot. ”
“ Joined that server - thanks for sharing Lot of good information there!
Love the idea of this plugin a quiz that can be done in-game. ”
“ Marking as Error, please follow the guide to take a picture of your character located here
Also, your ship image is of low size/quality, along with copyright information displayed in the corner, please choose another, or alternatively follow the guide linked on how to take a picture of your ship... ”
“ Signature RequestRequest Type
New Signature Ship Name
USS Discovery Ship Registry
NCC-1031-B Main Image URL Character Image URL Do you... ”