1.1. Everyone at UFPlanets.com, also known herein as "UFP" or "United Federation of Planets", has a responsibility to prevent and stop harassment and bullying. No matter the method of communication, it is expected that everyone will contribute to an inclusive and respectful environment. Should you become aware of or witness any form of harassment or behaviour that violates this policy or our Code of Conduct, please report the incident directly to the Head of Community Administration immediately for thorough investigation.
1.2. As UFPlanets.com LTD is a company registered in England and Wales, references will be made to laws based in that jurisdiction.
2.1. This policy applies to all members of UFPlanets and any individual that uses any UFPlanets hosted or offered services. This includes our website, hosted Teamspeak server, UFPlanets branded Discord server, any UFPlanets offered guild/clan/fleet in any supported games etc.
2.2. The sovereignty of the Federation Executive Office, known herein as "FEO", is not affected by this policy. Any FEO decision made by majority vote or a decision made by the Fleet Admiral/Vice Fleet Admiral or Head of Community Administration will override any aspect of this policy.
3.1. Harassment can be defined as unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of an individual, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
3.2. In the UK, The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 defines harassment as repeated behaviour that causes ‘alarm or distress’. Its main purpose is to protect people from what is popularly known as ‘stalking’ by making it a criminal offence.
3.3. In such cases, the UFP may report the matter to the police if it deeds the matter to be stalking.
3.4. Harassment can take many forms, occurring in face-to-face settings, by telephone, written or electronic communications, including social media. As the UFP is an online gaming community, this means that all of the interactions conducted by our members usually by voice, video or written communication via Teamspeak or other online platforms. It could however be through other mediums should members personally know each other or provide personal contact information. The list below is by no means exhaustive and many items may not apply to the UFP, but it sets out to provide examples of behaviour that can amount to harassment:
4.1. Bullying is not well defined in law. However, it shares many characteristics with harassment. It can be defined as the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others. The behaviour is often repeated and habitual. Bullying can be carried out by an individual or group of people and often involves an abuse of power or authority.
4.2. Examples of being bullied include:
4.3. It is important to make a distinction between bullying and firm management – where a member of FEO and SFC, is carrying out their role properly and fairly and adhering to the Code of Conduct and duties outlined in their role description. This includes managing under performance or taking unpopular decisions in their division/department. However members of FEO/SFC should always consider their tone and ensure they treat members with dignity and respect.
5.1. Individuals with a grievance may sometimes complain that they are being victimised in some way. However, victimisation within the scope of this Policy has a very specific meaning. It involves treating someone less favourably than other people because they have:
5.2. Victimisation is entirely unacceptable behaviour which can have a profound effect upon atmosphere and environment of the community and lead to a reluctance to report discrimination, harassment and bullying.
6.1. Any complaint is treated seriously by the UFP. It should however be noted that anyone found to be making a mischievous or malicious complaint will have appropriate action taken against them, which will include disciplinary action.
6.2. The mere fact that a complaint is found not to be justified does not mean it has been made in bad faith. Therefore, it would not be viewed or dealt with as a malicious complaint.
7.1. Mediation is defined as an “intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it”. The UFP does not have trained mediators and will therefore not have a formal mediation process. However, on a case by case basis, members of FEO or the Federation Administrative Bureau, known herein as "FAB", may offer to informally mediate between two parties if the situation warrants it and if the two parties agree to an informal mediation session.
7.2. Direct requests to mediate disputes will be considered in exceptional circumstances but will only be of an informal nature.
8.1. If you think you are being bullied or harassed, do not feel that it is your fault or that this should be tolerated. It is important that you take action, and this can be done in a number of ways, both formally and informally.
8.2. Attempts should be made to resolve any complaints quickly and informally, wherever possible, as this can lead to the behaviour stopping and resolution to all concerned.
8.3. In many circumstances the person who makes the complaint will be the recipient of the behaviour complained of, but that may not always be the case. The person raising the issue can also be someone who has direct or sufficient knowledge of the behaviour to enable a complaint to be raised. For example, if they have overheard racist or sexist language which, while not directed at them, caused them offence and distress.
8.4. If you feel your health is being affected by bullying or harassment you are encouraged to access professional medical advice.
8.5. If you are being bullied or harassed it is a good idea to keep a note, including dates and times and a description of the behaviour and its impact on you. This can include changes to your time spent within the community as a result of the behaviour. The details of any witnesses to the incident(s) should be included. Copies of relevant paper or electronic documents should also be kept.
8.6. Informal approach for dealing with harassment or bullying:
8.7. Formal approach for dealing with harassment or bullying:
9.1. If the Head of Community Administration believes that misconduct has been committed, a penalty shall be imposed on the member. Examples include but are not limited to:
10.1. A member will have the right to appeal against the findings of their misconduct interview and/or the penalty imposed. No other person except the person whom the complaint is against may appeal.
10.2. An appeal must be lodged with the Head of Community Administration via a Private Message or email.
10.3. The appeal must be lodged within 7 days of the date of the misconduct interview or issue of the penalty (whichever is later).
10.4. The appeal must and only be based on one or more of the following grounds:
10.5. FEO will consider whether the appeal meets the grounds outlined in this policy. Should an appeal be granted, two FEO members, other then the members involved in the original misconduct interview will be appointed to review the case again. They will consider all evidence previously considered, and any new evidence in line with section 10.4.2. Should an appeal not be granted, the imposed penalty will be enacted immediately.
10.6. After the conclusion of the appeal process, no further appeals will be granted.
11.1. Although all accusations are taken seriously, if you are accused of harassment or bullying, it does not necessarily signify a judgement that you are at fault and there will need to be discussion with you in order to establish the true nature of the situation . It is possible that a problem has arisen because you have not realised, or did not intend to cause, the effect your actions have had. The perception of the person alleging the behaviour is, however, an important factor in determining whether or not bullying or harassment has taken place.
11.2. Throughout any informal or formal procedure, the primary objective is that of identifying the underlying issues and addressing any issues as quickly as possible and with minimal recrimination.
11.3. If the formal procedure is initiated, the FEO will ensure that all procedures are fair and correctly followed.
Last Updated: 24th November 2019