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Various Trek games, including mods and mobile games

Starfleet Tactical (SFT) provides support for popular non-STO Star Trek games, as well as Trek mods for non-Trek games. Alongside, is support with hints and tips, as well as discussions for Star Trek mobile games.

Further Information

Starfleet Tactical, formerly known as Starfleet Reserves, supports a wide range of non-STO Star Trek titles, ranging from the intense FPS Star Trek Elite Force, to the intricate real time strategy that is Star Trek Armada, to the time crunching mobile game, Star Trek Timelines. The people detailed below are tasked with providing events for all the non-STO Trek titles out there, recently expanding to a number of popular mods for non-Trek games.

Alongside support for the classic Trek titles and the more modern Star Trek mods, there will now be support for various Star Trek mobile games, including Star Trek Timelines, Wrath of Gems and Trexels. Whilst these games aren’t playable with friends, there are tools available to talk to each other in game and help each other out, alongside this Starfleet Tactical will provide specific areas for discussion, hints and tips, as well as news about new updates or titles being released.

The goal of Starfleet Tactical is to expand the Star Trek gaming experience for the community, providing an area solely dedicated for playing Star Trek games that aren’t STO, whether they are the classic titles or mobile games, Starfleet Tactical will have it.

In collaboration with Starfleet Holodeck, joint events for non-Trek games, which have Star Trek mods, will be hosted by both teams, increasing the number of games we can play and have available. All of the games and mods currently supported are listed below, however our portfolio is not strictly limited to these games.

Classic Trek Games

Star Trek: Bridge Commander Undoubtedly one of the best Star Trek games ever! Bridge Commander puts you in the centre chair as you take commend of one of a wide variety of Trek ships in the most advanced Star Trek ship simulator ever. As well as vanilla, we play enhance this game with the Kobayashimaru mod.

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force A fast-paced, adrenaline fuelled, first person shooter. Elite Force provides a highly competitive atmosphere which is truly unforgiving to those who come unprepared. May the best man/woman win!

Star Trek: Armada 2 The sequel to the best Star Trek RTS game, which allows you to take command of an entire fleet. A Star Trek real-time strategy game with endless hours of fun, including roleplaying, team deathmatch and free-for-all.

Trek mods for non-Trek games

Star Trek: Armada 3 – for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Based around all the key factions in Star Trek, this mod brings Star Trek into one of the best 4x RTS games in modern times. Originally the first mod to be officially supported within the UFP, it provides a stable platform to have a multitude of events and regular matches.

Star Trek: Continuum – for Homeworld 2 With Homeworld 2 being one of the most advanced RTS games of the 2000s, this mod brings all four major eras (ENT, TOS, TMP and TNG) all into one advanced, 3 dimensional space games. As Homeworld is unique, it provides the advanced Bridge Commander ship simulator, into an RTS scene.

The Star Trek mod – for Artemis: Bridge Simulator Artemis is a game, which brings the bridge to your computer screen, with multiple bridge positions to command, you have work as a team to fly and maintain your ship, during multiple objectives and scenarios. A Star Trek game in its own right, without the Star Trek universe – until this mod!

Star Trek: Infinities and New Horizons – for Stellaris Both these mods are in the very early stages of development, thus not fully playable at this time, but will be in the near future! Stellaris is a large real 4x RTS game, created by Paradox Games, it provides the most in-depth large scale strategy game in modern times, having only come out in May 2016, this game has a lot to offer.

Mobile Trek Games

Star Trek: Timelines The most recent Star Trek mobile game, you create your crew from any Star Trek character you can think of, complete story missions and rank up your characters. Recently implementing a space PvP battle arena, this is the most advanced and good looking Trek game on mobile platforms to date!

Star Trek: Trexels Based in TOS, only recently have TNG ships been added, Trexels is a small 8-bit based game where you manage your ship and explore the depths of an unknown system, with a detailed story and space combat PvP, this game has a lot to offer!

Star Trek: Wrath of Gems A Star Trek version of Candy Crush, with two stories – one following the TNG and one following the TOS crew, you pick your crew and abilities to fight through the campaign with the characters you like as well as fight other players to achieve great rewards!


Starfleet Tactical (SFT) provides support for popular non-STO Star Trek games, as well as Trek mods for non-Trek games. Alongside, is support with hints and tips, as well as discussions for Star Trek mobile games.

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