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Federation Administrative Bureau

The Federation Administrative Bureau deals with the day to day administration of the community.

Further Information

The Federation Administrative Bureau handles many essential tasks within the community. Perhaps the most important responsibility of the Bureau is forum moderation. Keeping both the forums and TeamSpeak free of any unacceptable behaviour or rule breaking is a duty which the trusted members of the Forum Moderation Team take very seriously.

The Community Graphics Team is arguably the most accessible team within FAB. Members old and new see the impact of this team across the site in the form of the forum signatures which adorn the vast majority of the memberships posts. A talented and passionate team with an eye for detail - they complete signature requests and help out with an eclectic mix of graphic related tasks.

External Operations sits under the Federation Administrative Bureau as a mostly autonomous department. They deal with the external relations of the UFP such as other gaming communities and in-game guilds and groups for the games we support.


The Federation Administrative Bureau deals with the day to day administration of the community.

Your Federation Administrative Bureau Staff

  • Head of Community Administration

    Admiral Kerry Malone

  • Deputy Head of Administration

    Admiral Solace

  • Global Moderator

    Admiral Heyallo

  • Global Moderator

    Rear Admiral Zach

  • Global Moderator

    Rear Admiral Sul-Matuul

  • Global Moderator

    Commodore Redking353

  • Discord Moderator

    Rear Admiral Kyuusaku

  • Discord Moderator

    Lieutenant Koala

  • Discord Moderator

    Master Chief Petty Officer miahmagick

  • Community Graphics Team Member

    Admiral Eaglesg

  • Community Graphics Team Member

    Admiral Heyallo