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Conversation Between Mugato and Kains

14 Visitor Messages

  1. I see Dora is exploring again? Smile
  2. Welcome back Dora from exploring. Smile * SNICKERS, runs off.
  3. No worries. I've got plenty of stuff to read tonight anyway!
  4. Sorry, I'm at work. Maybe Saturday Wink you can do your workout.
  5. Awww but mister Mugato the soup is all burny!

    I'm stupidly excited to get back to it. Got a dinner with the wifey tonight and then I'll be back to gaming!
  6. Ok. So, I will not fire you then. I will make you do 5 pushups in the "soup" next time we run an infected STF ground. Wink
  7. Haven't been able to connect to in over a week now. So no forums, no teamspeak, no nothing. Tried asking in game and got nowhere. However, it seems to all work now suddenly so... huzzah! I can participate again!
  8. sure are afk a lot..hmm?
  9. Congrads on the wee ole promotion.
  10. No worries..tommorrow and next Sunday are scheduled war events at 21:00 UFP time due to my RL work as well. Feb 11th Sat and most likely every Sat after will be 21:00 attention to upcoming system wars in the away missions section. By the way ,thanks for answering some questions in the FSOG area.
  11. Yeah, ended up being busy with work. Was supposed to be off for the Secret War, but I will be working now instead....
  12. hehe..You coming on sometime this weekend?
  13. Thanks Mugato! Should make life easier on everyone...

    ... eventually!
  14. Grats on your name change..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14