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Conversation Between Eaglesg and Mack

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Mack!

    I'm doing well, how about you? Well, Besides helping Bridger on his BC-304 project I'm continuing to slowly do the Post-Nemesis Enterprise-E model upgrade Smile
  2. WWow been awhile since I've posted a profile message!

    Hello EagleSG, how are you doing ever since your magnanimus return to the community? Working on any graphics projects lately?
  3. I don't think so, unfortunately...
  4. Ah, so I assume there would be no way for instance a movie/series scene (like my current avatar) - to be lossless when decreasing size then.
  5. Hey !

    Thank you very much Smile For my avatar I'm using Photoshop to make the GIF and to optimize it. But I have to admit that my current one looks "HD" because I directly made it 270x270 pixels and that the black space background takes only one color on the 256 of the palette ^^
  6. Hello! Big fan of your work! I was curious, how is your avatar so HD - what do you use to resize it with such lossless compression, and if you have a tutorial you can link to me?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6