communications relay login

Conversation Between Quiyoughcohannoc and Sharpkiller

8 Visitor Messages

  1. No, it'd be: Pontefract@collinsx71
  2. Pontefract@Cryptic/PWEcollinsx71 is that correct?
  3. Then your character details should be Pontefract@collinsx71. Smile
  4. Pontefract is my main character I go by {UFP}Quiyoughcohannoc on here and STO and my account, my account name is collinsx71
  5. It's your CharacterName@Cryptic/PWEAccountName.
  6. Pontefract@{UFP}Quiyoughcohannoc
    I don't understand the enterface here. Is this the right format of character and account name etc.???
  7. Hi there,

    You just need to request an invite for your characters by visiting
  8. When will UFP allow me to be a part of the fleet again at STO???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8