Contribute with a Donation
Your donation will help keep the UFP running
Your donation will help keep the UFP running
Your support is greatly appreciated
Please use the buttons to below to choose an amount to contribute. All donations must be made via PayPal.
By far our largest annual expense, most of our donations are set aside to renew the dedicated servers that power our website, TeamSpeak and gaming servers.
Late Summer
Every year we must renew our various domain names and renew our license for the software that we manage our dedicated sever with.
Early Fall
When we run tournaments, competitions, or raffles where prizes are purchased with money, we'll partially or fully re-imburse the organiser for their prize-related expenses.
As Needed
If we have a surplus, we'll ocassionally use some of those extra donations to purchase multimedia content, software, or other things that will enhance the UFP.
As Needed