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Last Active: Mon 27 May, 2024 7:07 PM
Veteran Member
Veteran Member


  • Benefactor of the UFP
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Donate between £75 or more to the UFP

    Unlocked Thu 13 Feb, 2020 4:01 AM

    0.42% have received this achievement

  • Electorate
    Common (10 Points)

    Vote in a forum poll

    Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

    11.49% have received this achievement

  • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
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    Be a member of Starfleet Operations


    27.04% have received this achievement

  • Dean’s List
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Pass all three Academy exams


    3.84% have received this achievement

  • Qualified Officer
    Common (10 Points)

    Sit and pass the Officer Qualification


    5.64% have received this achievement

  • Firestarter
    Common (10 Points)

    Start a new forum topic


    39.67% have received this achievement

  • My 2 Cents
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    Post in a forum topic


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  • Part of the Furniture
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    Be a registered user for two years


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  • The Needs of the Many
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    Donate any amount under £25 to the UFP


    1.77% have received this achievement

  • Correspondent
    Rare (50 Points)

    Submit a Federation News Service article

    Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

    0.42% have received this achievement

  • Civic Duty
    Common (10 Points)

    Sign a community proposal


    1.42% have received this achievement

  • Stepping Forward
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

    Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

    1.84% have received this achievement

  • Affectionate
    Common (10 Points)

    Give positive reputation ten times to other users


    1.53% have received this achievement

  • The Mad House
    Common (10 Points)

    Be a member of the Holodeck

    Unlocked Sun 24 May, 2020 6:01 PM

    12.61% have received this achievement

32 Achievements


  • Grimm
1 Friends

User Details

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
June 10, 1990 (34)
Date of Birth
Fri 15 Dec, 2006 3:08 AM
Join Date
Royal Canadian Air Force
CL3 - Veteran Members
Clearance Level

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Total Forum Posts
Reputation Points
Kai Winn - Tier 2
Reputation Level


    Federation Order of DistinctionFederation Order of MeritMeritorious Service MedalStarfleet MedalPersonal Achievement AwardConduct MedalFleet Loyalty CommendationNebula StarDistinguished Service CrossFederation StarRed CrestLegion of MeritGolden Starburst

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Visitor Messages

Feel free to leave a visitor message for Thomas Mullaly. They'll read it next time they log on and will be left for others to read aswell.

44 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  2. View Conversation
    Long *salute*
  3. View Conversation
    I totally understand that and it's good to see you still care Smile I'm doing alright thanks.
  4. View Conversation
    Hey Mullaly, It's great to see you still popping in Smile I hope you're doing alright
  5. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  6. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday, Thomas Mullaly! Live Long and Prosper
  7. View Conversation
    Congrats on getting Veteran Member status. Well deservedCongrats
  8. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday (Retired Admiral) Mullaly
  9. View Conversation
  10. View Conversation
    Put in a request!
  11. View Conversation
    How does a Vice Admiral Demote to Petty Officer 3rd Class?
    Nice to still cya around Mr. Mullaly
  12. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  13. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Live Long and Prosper ...and btw you have a great Avatar!
  14. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Thomas!
  15. Happy Birthday!

    (Also this is the first post to your visitor messages in six years!)
  16. View Conversation
    Merry Christmas, Hope you have a wonderful day and really enjoy yourself
  17. View Conversation
  18. View Conversation
    Hello Mr Mullaly!
  19. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Marra Big Grin
  20. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Mully! Big Grin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 44