communications relay login
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer


  • Qualified Officer
    Common (10 Points)

    Sit and pass the Officer Qualification

    Unlocked Thu 08 Feb, 2024 5:01 PM

    5.69% have received this achievement

  • The Fool
    Rare (50 Points)

    Got pranked on April 1st

    Unlocked Tue 02 Apr, 2024 10:04 AM

    0.45% have received this achievement

  • Dean’s List
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Pass all three Academy exams

    Unlocked Sat 24 Feb, 2024 4:04 PM

    3.88% have received this achievement

  • Exemplary Officer
    Common (10 Points)

    Sign two roll calls in a row

    Unlocked Sat 01 Jun, 2024 5:01 AM

    10.56% have received this achievement

  • Stepping Forward
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

    Unlocked Mon 03 Jun, 2024 5:06 PM

    1.86% have received this achievement

  • Electorate
    Common (10 Points)

    Vote in a forum poll

    Unlocked Sun 04 Feb, 2024 7:05 AM

    11.63% have received this achievement

  • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
    Common (10 Points)

    Be a member of the House of Kular

    Unlocked Sun 04 Feb, 2024 7:03 PM

    12.73% have received this achievement

  • Got Orientated
    Common (10 Points)

    Sit and pass the Orientation Assessment

    Unlocked Mon 05 Feb, 2024 10:01 AM

    20.93% have received this achievement

  • My 2 Cents
    Common (10 Points)

    Post in a forum topic

    Unlocked Sat 03 Feb, 2024 11:02 AM

    41.73% have received this achievement

  • Engage
    Common (10 Points)

    Join the United Federation of Planets

    Unlocked Sun 04 Feb, 2024 7:03 PM

    31.86% have received this achievement

  • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
    Common (10 Points)

    Be a member of Starfleet Operations

    Unlocked Sun 04 Feb, 2024 7:03 PM

    27.37% have received this achievement

  • Paragon of Duty
    Uncommon (25 Points)

    Sign three roll calls in a row

    Unlocked 2 Weeks Ago

    9.59% have received this achievement

  • Old School Gamer [Legacy]
    Common (10 Points)

    Be a member of Starfleet Tactical

    Unlocked Sun 04 Feb, 2024 7:03 PM

    6.84% have received this achievement

  • Command Material
    Common (10 Points)

    Sit and pass the Academy Command Exam

    Unlocked Sat 24 Feb, 2024 4:04 PM

    4.46% have received this achievement

24 Achievements


  • Kiflin
  • Jestersmith
  • Gostlool
  • Nesta
4 Friends


I'm no angel. But I try to live every day as the best human being I know how to be.

-Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien

User Details

U.S.S Nine Tails
August 9
Date of Birth
Sat 03 Feb, 2024 10:56 AM
Join Date
STO, Badminton, Physics
CL4 - High Clearance
Clearance Level

Other Statistics

User Profile Views
Total Forum Posts
Reputation Points
Redshirt - Tier 1
Reputation Level

Current Positions

  • Simulation Officer

    Roleplay Division


    Starfleet MedalConduct MedalMedal of Excellence

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