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Last Active: Wed 18 Aug, 2010 5:48 PM
Federation Citizen
Federation Citizen

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USS Enterprise-D,Deck 1,Bridge
August 30
Date of Birth
Thu 16 Jul, 2009 9:00 AM
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Klingon and Romulan Females
CL0 - Banned Users
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Aspiring Officer - Tier 0
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24 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    prihvatio sam te na msn-u mislim da jesam,posalji poruku
  2. View Conversation
    Heya Mate,

    I'm running an rp today at 9pm! Come along!!!!!! It will be fun! Make sure you have stnh_stmodas and rpg_atlantis

  3. View Conversation
    No I didn't realise that, but thanks for telling me! Big Grin
  4. View Conversation
    I thought the Device Manager would show it but looking at mine it doesn't. So what make and model PC do you have? And what is your current Graphic card?
  5. View Conversation
    I apologise for being rude in the MSN conversation. I really would like it if you would unblock me. I'll be less... potent with my statements if you arent as persistant in your reminders.
  6. Nice
  7. View Conversation
    whats up and u msg my log at 4 30 am Tongue Out i was in bed lol
  8. View Conversation
    MSN ASAP please!
  9. View Conversation
    would you like to be?
  10. View Conversation
    I haven't played it, but Batman: Arkham Asylum is supposed to be really good. Assassin's Creed is incredibly fun on the PC too as is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. As far as basic fighting, Street Fighter 4 is always a safe bet.
  11. View Conversation
    I could look into it. I assume in the same style?
  12. View Conversation
    No problem Smile
  13. View Conversation
    Check the non-Trek games thread for some links, but Jet Li: Rise to Honor is awesome
  14. View Conversation
    Currently I am the temp. one, Temp CO will come soon,
  15. View Conversation
    please accept Starfleet academy social group as soon as possible
  16. View Conversation
    I need a status report ASAP please Petty Officer!!
  17. View Conversation
    Greetings, I look forward to work with youWink
  18. View Conversation
    I would but im at work again Wink I will be off around 4:30 eastern standard time.
  19. View Conversation
    Greetings, your application for XO has been prosessed and I will send a PM reply of my decision shortly
  20. View Conversation
    Greetings Petty Officer 3rd Class Bulgari, I am looking forward to talking with you about how you would like to continue contributing to the Starfleet Academy. Look for the transmission very soon.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 24