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Last Active: Fri 09 Jun, 2023 7:06 AM
Veteran Member
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  • Paragon of Duty
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    Sign three roll calls in a row

    Unlocked Mon 28 Sep, 2015 8:01 PM

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    Unlocked Mon 05 Oct, 2020 3:09 AM

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    Unlocked Mon 05 Oct, 2015 9:02 PM

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    Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

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    Unlocked Wed 12 Oct, 2011 6:55 PM

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    Unlocked Sat 24 Mar, 2018 11:08 PM

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  • My 2 Cents
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    Post in a forum topic


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  • Exemplary Officer
    Common (10 Points)

    Sign two roll calls in a row

    Unlocked Mon 28 Sep, 2015 8:01 PM

    10.45% have received this achievement

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    Common (10 Points)

    Earn your first respect points


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24 Achievements

User Details

Bristol, UK
July 15, 1978 (46)
Date of Birth
Tue 05 Oct, 2010 2:13 PM
Join Date
Star Trek
HBS Agent Bristol Airport
CL3 - Veteran Members
Clearance Level

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Aspiring Officer - Tier 0
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21 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Alas I did get hit with it, felt weird that night and was laid up most of the next day with flu type symptoms but I was fine the following day, now it's 8 weeks until the second dose. To answer the other question, the next roll call is in June and it's every 3 months after that.
  2. View Conversation
    Cheera, got it done now so I'll wait and see what happens in the days ahead.
  3. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  4. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
    Have a fantastic day! Live Long and Prosper
  5. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!!!
  6. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday
  7. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  8. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Tim!
  9. View Conversation
    I hope your birthday was wonderful.
  10. Cheers for all the birthday msgs guys, sos I havnt been around much bt heyt Smile
  11. View Conversation
    Happy birthday!
  12. View Conversation
    I'm really pleased to hear you're happy with your signature, the team who spend their time putting them together really deserve a lot of credit for the effort and professionalism they put in. I'm sure I speak for all members of UFP and not just the administration staff in saying whatever donation you'd like to make to the UFP to keep us up and running would be very greatly appreciated by all.
    Thank you Ensign Jerrom.

    Fleet Admiral Hathaway
  13. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good day today.
  14. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday Big Grin
  15. Wooohooo my signature looks amazing! thanks guys!
  16. View Conversation
    If you get stuck then just drop me a pm but all the details are in that forum link. Smile

  17. View Conversation
    Hi! You can get a signature here. There is loads of info on what to do to get one so read up!

    Also, the TS details are:

    Port: 9987
    Nickname: {UFP}<your name here>
    Password: None.

    Hope this helps!

  18. Also if they ever make a playable Contellation im havin straight away!!!!
  19. Hello fellow trekkies Smile Hi my name is Tim "in R/L" im have been a Star Trek fan since the early 80's when it ran on BBC 1 or 2, ever since that ive been addicted, mainly the starships "fed mostly" just love um, then got into the uniforms and omg wow!!!! Loved the old Star Trek's II to VI uniforms the most but have learnt to like the one that im pictured in now. Altho I want the "All Good Things" uniforms to be the Fleet Uniform as its the closest "cannon" uniform of the current time. Can't wait until we have propper ship intiriors, if its ever gunna happen, but only time will tell...

    Anyhow im quite friendly so please talk to me when im on guys? (not sounding too desperate or nufing Smile hahaha...

    See you out there...

    Tim Jerrom.
  20. View Conversation
    Hello Tim. Roll call opens at the start of the month and emails are sent to every member explaining where to go. A Roll Call button will also appear at the top of the forum next to 'UPDATES' once it's open.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 21