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Last Active: Sun 04 Jun, 2017 7:41 AM
Federation Citizen
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    Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

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    Unlocked Mon 28 Sep, 2015 8:01 PM

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  • Command Material
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User Details

April 19, 1979 (45)
Date of Birth
Fri 24 Dec, 2010 12:15 AM
Join Date
Photography, Gaming, Cooking, Eating and running
Project Manager
CL1 - Federation Citizen
Clearance Level

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Reputation Points
Aspiring Officer - Tier 0
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    Meritorious Service MedalStarfleet MedalPersonal Achievement AwardConduct MedalFleet Loyalty CommendationNebula StarMedal of ExcellenceFederation StarCombat Readiness MedalRed CrestLegion of Merit

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Feel free to leave a visitor message for Grace Pryde. They'll read it next time they log on and will be left for others to read aswell.

79 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Grace, I finally made Captain!
  2. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  3. View Conversation
    Good to hear. I'm good, thankyou. I've just got back into playing ST:O a couple of months back. Wondering whether to go free to play with TOR or not, haven't played it this year. Also very much looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online.

    (With Q's help, my Klingon is finally level 50. :p )

    What's your poison these days?
  4. View Conversation
    'Ello 'Ello!!

    Or was that "'Allo, 'Allo"? :p

    How are you?
  5. View Conversation
    thanks and glad to know that you are still here in the fleet Tongue Out
  6. View Conversation
    Hi GP. Doing well thank you very much, how are you? Haven't seen you for some time so I do hope that all is well with you.
  7. View Conversation
    Dear Grace,

    It has been a long time since I last time came here. I wanted to apologize for my suddenly disappearance form this fleet. I havent been playing for a long time and so I decide that it was time to come back to Star Trek online. and I was wondering if it was possible that you could help me with re-signing back with the fleet. I will do things that are required of me to do and I want to be able to come back to this fleet. I want to be in the science section of the fleet and help out with the building of the starbases if you are still building one. Again I hope to be able to join this fleet again and I look forward hearing back from you.

  8. View Conversation
    Hiya Captain Grace, still having trouble getting a signature, if you can help me please?

  9. View Conversation
    Miss ya grace, hope you return soon Smile
  10. View Conversation
    Dear Grace, Im a bit stuck as In need to take an exam to help with the building of the starbase in sto as its not letting me at the moment, what do I do now?

  11. View Conversation
    Middle aged lady? Not that I'm aware of, although I did have a senior moment a couple of weeks ago when I forgot my PIN number. First time that's ever happened to me, and all because I decided to memorise how many miles are in a lightyear. xD However, Due South did first air during my childhood, was long forgotten, then repeated in my late childhood. One of the best TV shows ever.

    No, not level 50 yet. I'm a 34 at the minute, I think. Slowly getting there, though finding my current planet a little boring. I've also been working a little on my smuggler. I have rolled a new character on a new server with a frind of mine, great fun. Also got a hang on the crew skills now. xD

    I don't really know anything about Guild Wars, except for what I've just quickly read through on Wikipedia.

  12. View Conversation
    183184 1870549770276 1437084374 32158460 1807132 n 1
  13. View Conversation
    So according to the post below, you had a birthday. xD Hope it was a good one, and that you're doing well.

    Finally unlocked Legacy on TOR... Just need to figure out how that works now. (Between watching episodes of Due South and supposedly working on my photography project. xD)
  14. View Conversation
    Happy Birthday!
  15. View Conversation
    Good to hear from you! Your post made me smile, even if it was just a quick hello. How are things at SWTOR? I'm sure you are excelling at that one. I hope it's improving and becoming the game you hoped it would be. I still consider trying it, but my play time is so limited I hate to divide it between games.
  16. View Conversation
    Ohhhh. I see. And uhm... I'm really slow. xD It took me well over a year to get my ST:O character up to top level.

    Josh was ace. And Sam... And Toby... And Leo... And the rest. :p
  17. View Conversation
    Blimey you've been busy!! I didn't realise that the Rakata was a playable species. Yes, I'm still enjoying it. Still need to hit level 50, mind. xD (I'm soooo slow online games.) Got a JK on Alderaan at the minute and a smuggler on Taris, I think.

    Currently watching The West Wing. If only they still made TV like this.
  18. View Conversation
    Good to hear. I'm fine. Haven't logged in much the last few weeks. Looking forward to the 1.2 update though. Hopefully we Jedi can finally take our hoods down. You still playing it?
  19. View Conversation
    HI Grace, how have you been?
  20. View Conversation
    yeah, so did i thought wrong, but i am very happy about how much STo have improved a lot while i was gone
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 79