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NASA Reveals New Discoveries On 'Ocean Worlds'

NASA Revealed New Discoveries On 'Ocean Worlds': Potential Alien Habitat On Saturn's Moon Enceladus Disclosed

By Kerry Malone Mon 17 Apr, 2017 8:30 PM - Last Updated: Thu 20 Apr, 2017 3:08 PM
Space is full of surprises, and science and evolution keep springing more surprises to keep us on our toes!

Star Trek fortunately hasn't been exclusively carbon based in its designs for aliens, Tholians, The Undine etc.

However modern day science, has discovered that Saturns Moon Enceladus has poked its head up over the parapet in the search for ET, not exactly are we going to get Vulcans off the starboard bow shouting Live Long and Prosper however the signs of microbial life may exist that may be non carbon based living on Enceladus.

So now ET is on the doorstep do we go knocking and see what's out there microbes and all? Or do we concentrate our efforts on the thoughts of the SETI programme and other initiatives to drive the search for the Grand Nagus and Kahless? Or continue the unilateral approach of both? (Please comment with your thoughts)

What is certain however is that we are not alone in the universe, other life exists - the question is how advanced is it? Are we going to be the Iconians of our era where we are the only advanced civilisation of our age? Or are we going to be more like 24th century Starfleet where another neighbour is just in the next solar system? Personally I think it's more leaning towards us being part of a pocket of advanced civilisations rather than bustling with Andorians and Rigelians.

The search for life continues but amongst the torrented and icy conditions of Enceladus, the universe is full of surprises and that not all life is as soft skinned as us carbon based Homosapiens, maybe ET will be more like the Tholians than the Vulcans?

The other question we have to ask ourselves is, if we do find ET will they be compassionate? Or will we face more of a race of ETs that are more like the aliens from Battleship, Battle Los Angeles or Independance Day?

Maybe we ought to be glad that the life forms that may be existing in the plumes and ice of Enceladus are microbes after all?


EDITED BY KerryMalone -
Mon 17 Apr, 2017 10:45 PM
That's good news if we can ever get there!
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 12:10 AM
Thanks for publishing!
Wed 19 Apr, 2017 3:03 PM
Yea, I actually heard about the thought of water in our own solar system some time ago: