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Interview for Star Trek: Adversaries

We reached out to Puppet Master Games for an interview, Josh kidly gave answers to a number of community submitted, and additonal questions.

By Three of Seven Sun 01 Apr, 2018 5:03 PM - Last Updated: Mon 02 Apr, 2018 9:33 PM
When we announced a partnership with Puppet Master Games, and their new game Star Trek: Adversaries, I created a thread to reach out to our members for some interview questions. Most of these were sent off, as well as some of my own. The answers were kindly provided by Josh, with Sean doing some leg work inbetween! So I will open with thanks to both of these individuals for giving their time.

What inspired you to make a Star Trek based card game?

I’ve been a lifelong Trek fan from the moment I sat down as a small child to watch The Original Series with my Grandmother. When I was 10 years old I wrote a terrible MS-DOS Basic Star Trek text adventure game that had potential, but probably wouldn’t have wowed paramount at the time. So I guess you could say I am making good on a 30 year old ambition.

With a mobile version on the way, will this be a free to download, with optional in-game purchases?

All versions of the game will be free to play with in App purchases in the same manner as games like Hearthstone. With that said, our reward structure is built to be very different from the average Freemium game. We intend the game to be playable as a F2P experience in a way that other games don’t. We have a premium currency that can’t be earned, but it only restricts Flagships skins as a premium purchase (All $1.00). EVERYTHING else in the game can be purchased with Latinum, which has no caps on being earned from check-ins, Missions, Fleets, and Winning matches.

And what is your expected release date for a mobile build?

Late May/Early June

Are there any plans to add other factions to the game, such as the Dominion, or Romulans?

Yes :)

Will you be adding a singleplayer adventure mode, or campaign?

Yes! We’ve started work internally recreating the Star Trek Universe from the Stellar cartography book released by CBS. You’ll be able to warp from system to system (with real travel time) exploring new enemies that spawn throughout the day.

• In Federation and Klingon space you’ll combat AI controlled Adversaries that drop Latinum, Cards and Packs.

• In Unclaimed space you’ll find random PVP combat over the resources of that system.

• In the Neutral Zone you’ll find Systems that can be taken and held by Fleets, rewarding bounties from the occupants of those systems.

Currently it looks like you are using the Unity patcher for the game, will you be building your own launcher further into development?

That is a temporary solution during our pre-Steam testing. Once on Steam we will be using their standard patching software.

Will you be adding a way for fleets to create tournaments that only their members can join?

Yes, this is high on our priorities and should be coming later this year.

Name:  STAdUiSmall.jpg
Views: 322
Size:  37.5 KBThe board can be overwhelmed quite easily, will you be adding cards that can remove ships more easily? As other TCGs use spells, with Adversaries use something similar?

That is partially the function of Events and partially of Crew. For instance, “Locutus” is probably the generically strongest board removal for late game at the moment. An example from the Events might include “Die With Honor” that deals 2 damage to all enemy ships.

Do you already have an idea of how many expansions you will be doing once in final release?

We are breaking the card game mold a little. We will bring out Mini-Expansions a few times a year, but primarily we will be releasing cards and Flagships closer to the way a game like League of Legends or Overwatch does. Each week, or at latest every other week we will be introducing new cards to keep the meta fresh and not a static experience for 3-4 months at a time.

If so, what do you plan as your first expansion? If we are allowed to know!

I can’t say too much other than it will be a Neutral based Mini-Expansion.

How regular will you do major content updates, such as expansions and card packs?

Card Packs will be updated weekly to offer limited run packs. I.E….”Friends of the Ferengi” (I just made this up). Which could be limited to Neutral cards and Guarantee 1 Ferengi card per pack. There is nothing exclusive to a pack like this….but it does offer a greater chance of getting some cards based on its theme. So if you’re pooling Latinum for packs instead of crafting, you might want to wait for a deck targeted to your favorite cards.

Will you be putting in some starter deck recipes for players to work towards, such as Riker’s deck?

We have a built in Import/Export function in our Deck Editor. We could add a list of suggested decks to copy paste in the future.

And finally, who's your favorite Star Trek Captain, and favorite ship class?

Picard and Vor’Cha Battlecruiser. Picard because I was a TNG kid, and Sir Patrick is simply an amazing actor. The Vor’Cha because I’ve always loved the aggressive look of the Klingon ships, and to me the Vor’Cha was the coolest of them all.

Thank you once again to the guys over at Puppet Master Games for the interview, and now I have an image of Picard commanding a Vor'Cha in my head! That would be an interesting concept.

Don't forget, you can discuss Adversaries on our forum here, use this link to be invite to our fleet (if you have a CL3 forum account with us!), and you can go here to download and play the game for free!

Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this interview, and any other questions you might have about the game!

WRITTEN & EDITED BY Three of Seven -
Sun 01 Apr, 2018 11:20 PM
This looks really exciting! I can't wait to play it.
Mon 02 Apr, 2018 12:49 AM
I’m so excited for this!
Wed 04 Apr, 2018 12:37 AM
I am now looking at this with new eyes.
Wed 04 Apr, 2018 2:11 PM
What happened to your old eyes?