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Day of the Vipers


"A seemingly benign visitation to the bountiful world of Bajor from the resource-poor Cardassian Union is viewed with cautious optimism by some, trepidation by others, and a calculating gleam by unscrupulous opportunists. What begins as a gesture of compassion soon becomes something very different. Seen through the eyes of participants on both sides – including those of a young officer named Skrain Dukat – the personal, political, and religious tensions between the Bajorans and the Cardassians quickly spiral out of control, irrevocably shaping the futures of both worlds in an emotionally charged and unforgettable tale of treachery, tragedy, and hope."

Ratings by Users:

2.0 out of 5.0 (1 ratings)

Day of the Vipers Review Cover


Day of the Vipers is the first novel in the Star Trek: Terok Nor miniseries. Written by James Swallow and released in March 2008, it details the beginning of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, covering the years 2318-2328

Additional Information


Pocket Books

Original Release:

25 March 2008

Book Length:

528 pages

Book Canon Year:


Featured Characters:

Arin, Coldri Senn, Cotor, Darrah Bajin, Darrah Karys, Darrah Mace, Darrah Nell, Els Renora, Gar Osen, Jarel, Jaro Essa, Jas Holza, Jekko Tybe, Kalem Apren, Keeve Falor, Kored, Kubus Oak, Lale Usbor, Li Tarka, Lirro, Lonnic Tomo, Meressa, Myda, Proka Migdal, Rifin, Syjin, Tima, Verin Kolek, Wule, Athra Dukat, Procal Dukat, Skrain Dukat, Hadlo, Hekit, Ico Rhan, Danig Kell, Pasir Letin, Matrik, Orloc, Kotan Pa'Dar, Seren, Tunol, Urad, David Gold, Mark Jameson, Gwen Jones, Muhle, Alynna Nechayev, Dilat sh'Sena, T'Vel, Tepper, Foroe, Grek

Review Series:

Star Trek: Terok Nor

Cover Type:


Book ISBN10:


Book ASIN (Amazon eBook):


User Ratings

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1 user ratings


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1 Comment
Wed 04 May, 2016 11:03 PM
I've given the novel 2 out of 5. I absolutely loved the insight the book provides in to the Cardassian Union, the author does a fantastic job of putting across their perspective and justification for occupying Bajor. That aside I just found the book an absolute struggle to read through, with pretty much the entire story taking place on Bajor at a time when they had little knowledge of the wider universe and in my opinion things are pretty boring when the Cardassians aren't around.

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