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Obsidian Alliances


"Contains three short novels set within the mirror universe, one among the Deep Space Nine crew's counterparts, one among the Voyager crew's counterparts, and one among the counterparts of the Star Trek: New Frontier crew, all set in the same general time period. This is published in the larger "trade paperback" format. Saturn's Children Edit DS9-era short novel, by Sarah Shaw. One fallen dictator's struggle to regain her power leads to the discovery of a bold rebel plan for a decisive military strike that will bring down the Alliance, once and for all. But while Kira Nerys navigates the tangle of politics, sex, and military intrigue that she believes will allow her to reclaim her station, cracks form in the rebel leadership, leading to a showdown that will change the course of the mirror universe. Info from the Pocket Books Spring Catalog The Mirror-Scaled Serpent Edit Star Trek: Voyager-related short novel by Keith R.A. DeCandido. Chakotay and Tuvok are members of the Terran Rebellion, and while running from an Alliance ship in the Badlands encounter Neelix and Kes, who have been swept across the galaxy to the Alpha Quadrant. The Alliance then tries to find them, with hopes to use Kes's telepathic abilities to their advantage. One of the most powerful and intimidating members of the rebellion: Harry Kim. Cutting Ties Edit Star Trek: New Frontier-related short novel by Peter David. Almost a century after the fall of the Terran Empire, its long-time rivals, the Romulans, have absorbed many of the fringe civilizations spread across that part of the galaxy. One of their slaves, M'k'nzy of Calhoun – who, in this universe, will never become Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the Starship Excalibur – learns courage and the value of freedom from an unlikely teacher, a Romulan named Soleta."

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Obsidian Alliances Review Cover


A look at the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, and what the mirror counterparts of Deep Space Nine, Voyager and the Star Trek: New Frontier crew are doing.

Additional Information


Pocket Books

Original Release:

20 March 2007

Book Length:

448 pages

Book Canon Year:

2371 - 2375

Featured Characters:

Kira Nerys,B'Elanna Torres, Mackenzie Calhoun

Review Series:

Mirror Universe

Cover Type:


Book ISBN10:


Book ASIN (Amazon eBook):


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