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UFPAC December 2011

Started By:
LynxMukka, Sat 17 Dec, 2011 11:53 PM
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    Hosted By LynxMukka, Mikester92 & Reggie

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    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    1DeadlySAMURAI has shown a consistent level of activity since joining the fleet back July. As a dedicated NCO, and as a loyal member of the fleet 1DeadlySAMURAI is hereby given a promotion to Chief Petty Officer. Congratulations.

    • Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade

    2Step has shown a consistent level of activity since joining the fleet back July. As a dedicated member, and as a loyal member of the fleet 2Step is hereby given a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Congratulations.

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Legion of Merit

    Since joining the fleet, Airik has had a great level of enthusiasm and drive to engage himself with the divisions and departments taking on several roles within the fleet, such as in Starfleet Operations and FNN. Airik's passion as both an SFO officer and FNN CO doesn’t stop there, Airik goes beyond the call of duty to provide Star Trek Online players with development updates through his regular and successful "Dev Watch” updates. For his significant role in the fleet, Airik is hereby awarded the Legion of Merit and Combat Readiness Medal.

    {UFP}Ash Wallis
    • Promotion to Master Chief Petty Officer

    As fairly active member in-game and on TS, Ash Wallis is, simply put, a well recognized face in the SFO event team. His attendance in various STFs and PvPs makes him a well regarded and respected NCO in the battlefield. For his important role as an NCO, Ash Wallis is therefore receiving a promotion to Master Chief Petty Officer.

    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Next up we have Badboy; and let me tell you he is certainly not a bad boy when it comes to the fleet. His consistent activity on the forums and interest in the fleet is good behaviour coming from an NCO. For this Badboy is getting a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    • Promotion to Master Chief Petty Officer
    • Starfleet Medal

    The SFO and HoK command team regard Belcans as not only an active member in the community but as a fun, enthusiastic, and active member in the battlefield. His attendance and support of various SFO events has not gone unnoticed. For his role, Belcans is awarded the Starfleet Medal.

    {UFP}Ben Hurley
    • Promotion to Lieutenant
    • Personal Achievement Award

    Ben Hurley has proved to be a most worthwhile addition to the fleet. His activity stems beyond STO and into Ravens, Harriers, and the Reserves. Ben’s name in itself is recognized among SFHQ and SFC members as being one of the more active TS contributors and personalities. If Ben isn’t supporting our Star Trek gaming divisions, he can be found supporting our Holodeck titles along with several other UFP officers. For his continued support and activity, Ben is hereby given a promotion to full lieutenant and is awarded the Personal Achievement Award.

    • Conduct Medal
    • Starfleet Medal

    Bracknell is regarded by his superiors as an active, friendly and helpful member. His activity on TS can always be counted on as he frequents while attending SFO and HoK’s various events. His respect and support for the fleet’s values and its Code of Conduct is also recognized as being model officer behaviour. For his contributions, Bracknell is awarded the Starfleet Medal and Conduct Medal. Congratulations!

    {UFP}Caymen Greener
    • Conduct Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award

    Caymen Greener’s role as a CL3 member can be considered to be one of the most profound and active roles in the fleet. His UFP SIMM project is an example of how far any member in the fleet can develop their own proposal. His support for the UFP, outside of his own projects, is also well recognized as he’s been know to frequent several open senior meetings in areas like FNN. For his hard work and dedication, Caymen Greener is herby awarded the Personal Achievement Award and the Conduct Medal. Congratulations!

    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Crushed has not only earned the respect and admiration of his commanding officer, but has proven his dedication to the fleet and his duties as an Away Team Leader. He can always be expected to add his own opinions to a meeting and frequently shares his ideas. In addition to this support, Crushed has also proven to be very successful with joint fleet events, and is always helpful to other members. For his hard work, Crushed is awarded the honorable Distinguished Service Cross.

    • Federation Star

    Dodgers has shown a sense of dedication to the fleet that is both valuable and a rarity in most online communities. His continued efforts in helping to lead the Starfleet Operations division has been noticed and appreciated by many. The popularity of Dodgers in the fleet is high and this is a consequence of his continual involvement in events throughout the week. For his service to the fleet and the consistent activity displayed, Dodgers is receiving the Federation Star, congratulations!

    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Ershwin’s activity on the forums over the last couple months since he’s joined has been exemplary. Always willing to pop on the forums, Ershwin is an satisfactory example of how a member can stay active while not taking on too many responsibilities.

    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Next up, we have another NCO promotion. Gahris is an active member of the fleet and is always willing to come on and check out the forums. His consistent activity that has been shown through since joining the fleet is another fine example of members willing to contribute to the community and become a socially integral part of the community. I’m pleased therefore to award him with a promotion to Chief Petty Officer, congratulations.

    {UFP}Grace Pryde
    • Red Crest

    Grace Pryde has done a terrific job of setting up and maintaining the House of Kular division, supporting the Klingon side of Star Trek Online for the {UFP}. Her contributions of generating interest in the Klingon side, through the setting up of multiple events and managing the staff of the division has given the fleet a whole new aspect for members to play for. Grace Pryde’s particular efforts in setting up events, even so for inter-fleet events, is a significant achievement that many tried but failed at.
    Grace Pryde has also continued her work in other areas of the fleet, such as Starfleet Academy, continuing to help new members of the fleet settle in and find their way around, which is helped by her patient and understanding attitude.
    For the continued and valued service of Grace Pryde, she’s being awarded the Red Crest, congratulations!

    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Since joining the fleet back in January 2010, Jaison has maintained a consistent level of activity on the forums and in-game. Along with completing the Academy's requirements, Jaison has shown a level of interest in the fleet of which should be recognized among an NCO. For his efforts, Jaison is hereby granted a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    {UFP}Kate Munro
    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Kate Munro. Much like the original Kate Munro from Star Trek: Elite Force, our fleet’s Kate Munro is just as active and dependable. Although an NCO, Kate has maintained a consistent level of activity on our forums and has made multiple appearances on TS. For her efforts, Kate is hereby promoted to Chief Petty Officer.

    • Conduct Medal
    • Legion of Merit

    Kyuusaku has consistently met the targets set to him by his commanding officer and has contributed to the FNN department extensively. Known for his quality articles and news stories, Kyuusaku is perhaps one of FNN’s greatest assets. In addition to his news contributions, Kyuusaku also contributes to the Herald as a writer and can always be found sharing his thoughts and ideas for new content. Considered a solid Back Bone of the FNN department, Kyuusaku is hereby awarded the Legion of Merit and the conduct Medal.

    • Valor Award

    Over the past three months since the last award ceremony, and the last six months since taking office as Starfleet Academy Dean, Lazereth has truly gone beyond the call of duty with his implementation of Academy Days to make the training of new members easier and more fun, and the successful re-introduction of Career Day which proved to be the most successful one as of yet.
    Lazereth’s efforts in maintaining certain fleet engineering aspects has also not gone un-noticed and provides a welcome breath of fresh air from the performance of former members working in that area.
    For his exemplary service thus far, I’m pleased to award him with the Valor Award, congratulations!

    • Starfleet Medal

    MerTYol is an up and coming Away Team Leader in Star Trek Online, having hosted a fair few events and is always a common sight when it comes to other events in the Starfleet Operations and House of Kular divisions. Since joining the Fleet, MerTYol has been an extremely active member both on the forums and on TeamSpeak, showing great interest in the fleet, perhaps until recently, focussing on Star Trek Infinite Space.
    In recognition of the this, the fleet is awarding MerTYol with the Starfleet Medal, congratulations!

    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Nebula Star

    Since becoming an Orion Syndicate Trader within the House of Kular division, Mesh has contributed greatly to the running of the fleet bank and in generous donations. His keen eye to make sure that the bank is always fully stocked goes a long way to showing his helpful and enthusiastic attitude. His help in crafting items in order to grow the fleet bank always deserves recognition and I hope that others pick up on Mesh’s helpfulness to do better themselves.
    So congratulations Mesh, you’re receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and the Nebula Star!

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Conduct Medal
    • Valor Award

    Mugato has slowly but surely become a familiar face with those in the Star Trek Online divisions. His dedication to running STFs and the tactics he teaches to other members have shown his abilities in-game and the conduct displayed is fitting with the fleet’s Code of Conduct.
    Mugato has always come across as enthusiastic when proposing new ideas that are hoped to improve the fleet, particularly when it comes to Fleet Events. So for his efforts as an active STO staff member, Mugato is receiving the Combat Readiness Medal, the Conduct Medal and the Valor Award, congratulations.

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Starfleet Medal

    Since joining the House of Kular, Noram has been a great asset to the House of Kular staff. He frequently can be seen running events and has shown a consistent attitude of collaboration with his fellow Battle Officers on a monthly Bat’leth tournament that has further increased community involvement on the Klingon side.

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Valor Award

    Silynn really is an example to all members as to how you can help out the fleet in so many ways but not necessarily need to be in a Command position. In addition to running multiple events in the Star Trek Online divisions, being an STF expert, maintaining two fleet rosters for the STO divisions, Silynn’s opinions are always valued and contribute a great deal to discussion.
    His efforts recently also, in helping LynxMukka out with the signatures, has been greatly appreciated and the required skills of the job aren’t always easy to find, so I’m pleased to award Silynn with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, the Medal of Excellence and the Valor Award, congratulations!

    {UFP}Steven Kenter
    • Conduct Medal
    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Starfleet Medal

    Steven Kenter is most notably an up and coming member of the fleet who has over the past three months, continued to get further involved with the fleet and has impressed those to which he serves under. Steven Kenter is certainly one of the most dependable CL4 members to currently reside in the fleet to say the least. His work in the Starfleet Diplomatic Corp and Starfleet Academy has resulted in him being an officer in demand which is no doubt helped by his efforts in getting some inter-fleet events up and running that would have otherwise been left for many more months. In lesser words, Steven Kenter has become the SDC’s forefront ambassador in record time.
    For his outstanding efforts and notable contributions, Steven Kenter is being awarded the Conduct Medal, the Fleet Loyalty Commendation and the Starfleet Medal.

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award

    Stormy is one of the most active members out of the two Star Trek Online divisions, Starfleet Operations and the House of Kular. Posting on a consistent basis, Stormy contributes to all types of discussions and displays numerous valuable virtues such as being able to think outside the box. Being one of the most conscientious Battle Officers, Stormy has now stepped up to look after the fleet bank in the House of Kular which shows an array of qualities that many would do well to replicate. For his continued presence, I’m awarding him today with the Combat Readiness Medal and the Personal Achievement Award, congratulations!

    • Starfleet Medal

    It isn’t every day that we see regular members take a step up and get more involved to help out the fleet on an administrational basis. That’s why Subzzo is being awarded the Starfleet Medal today, for recognition of his willingness to get stuck in and help out with some projects for the Federation News Network. So congratulations, a worthy example!

    • Conduct Medal
    • Starfleet Medal

    We’ve now got to the last five members coming up, and Terrel is being awarded the Conduct Medal and the Starfleet Medal. Terrel is a regular forum user and regularly engages in conversation with those around him. The activity that he has displayed is an example of how those in the community can get involved to make it a friendlier place. So congratulations!

    • Promotion to Chief Petty Officer

    Although relatively quiet, Torias has shown a consistent level of activity since joining the fleet earlier this year in February. Any CL3 member who displays dedication and activity to the fleet should always be awarded and so Torias is being promoted to Chief Petty Officer, congratulations!

    • Starfleet Medal

    Going onto the final three now and the next member is Von_Doom who has proved to be an active member of the Starfleet Operations division who in particularly, takes part in a significant amount of STFs and has always shown politeness and a socialable attitude on the fleet’s TeamSpeak. I’d like to award Von_Doom therefore with the Starfleet Medal, congrats!

    {UFP}Xemion Xethrill
    • Starfleet Medal

    Despite not having a microphone, this next member, known to the community as Xemion Xethrill, is a reasonably new but active member of the fleet, particularly on TeamSpeak. Despite not currently voice chatting, Xemion almost always engages in text chat conversation and has already become a familiar face. For his example of great activity, Xemion is being awarded the Starfleet Medal, congratulations.

    • Starfleet Medal

    Zerohive is the final member on our list of those receiving tonight, and I think it rounds us off quite well. Zerohive has become an example of an active member that isn’t afraid to get involved, by becoming quite active on the fleet’s TeamSpeak server and in Star Trek Online lately, he is always up for doing some STFs which is always a healthy site to see. For his activity and conduct thus far, zerohive is being awarded the Starfleet Medal, congratulations.
    LynxMukka Medals
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    • The Ghost Writer [Legacy]
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:05 PM

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    • The Fool
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    Thanks to SFC and the UFPAC committee, and congratulations to all. Even though I was only able to stay on for about 45 minutes (laptop battery went), it was a great time. Well done all!

    CaymenGreener Medals
  1. Simulation Officer

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    Congrats to all. Was decorating the house, so I wasn't able to make it. ;P
    JoshBroughm Medals
  2. Recruitment Coordinator

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    Dang. This was the first UFPAC I have missed since joining the UFP. I'm sure it was a huge success and congratz to all who were recognized.
    Stormy Medals
    What I really need is a cupholder and a couple of Advil.-Quincy Taggart
  3. Federation Citizen
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    Grats to all who recieved awards. And Thank you for mine..I'm a Happy Mugato.
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    Congratulations to everyone who got an award. Smile
    Bondgadget76 Medals
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    • The Fool
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    Conga-rats to everyone who received awards, I wish I could have been there, but alas, christmas shopping waits for no one.

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
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    Congratulations to all and well done on the presentation.
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    Wow, a great thank you to all Smile

    Sorry I could not make it. But as previously stated holiday shopping waits for no man or woman!
    Anyway I wish nothing but the utmost best to all, and a very Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

    Sincerely Xemion X. Xethrill
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    • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
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    is there anywhere where i can rewatch the UFPAC?
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     –  Last edited by ukarmy065; Mon 19 Dec, 2011 12:32 AM.
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

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    Wow thanks guys! Kind of surprised to be honest, wasn't expecting anything Smile. Congratulations to everyone else who got awards this year, well deserved!
    Terrell Medals