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Star Trek: Meridian - An RPG-X Serial Roleplay

Started By:
Torinth, Sun 11 Aug, 2013 11:43 PM
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     –  Last edited by Torinth; Mon 03 Mar, 2014 2:51 AM.
    Star Trek: Meridian
    A Harriers RPG-X Serial Roleplay.


    Audaces Fortuna Iuvat
    Fortune Favours The Bold

    Star Trek Meridian follows the crew of the USS Aurora and the USS Belleau Wood in their never ending journey to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before... but with a few twists. Watch as the crew battles against unknown enemies, as they endure the fun and games of the Q continuum, and as the cracks within the crew themselves start to show...



    Below you will find a list of all the crew, civilians and recurring guests characters.

    Senior Officers:

    Commanding Officer (CO) - Captain Craig 'Clint' McClintock (McClintock)
    With a long background in Tactical, Craig McClintock found his first command aboard a science vessel on an exploration mission demeaning, not to mention a waste of his particular skillset - which he feels would be best served on the various frontlines of battle. This has left him resentful with a certain degree of animosity towards "the brass". Nevertheless, he has always been by-the-book, and his crew always comes first.

    Executive Officer (XO) - Commander Makeda Hames (Torinth)
    Joining Starfleet at an early age, coming in top of her class she quickly climbed through the ranks attaining the rank of Command and her first XO position aboard the U.S.S. Aurora.

    Chief Tactical Officer (CTO) - Lieutenant Commander Edward Branning (Christopher Halsey)
    Human male. 47 years old. After leaving the Academy went straight into Starfleet Intelligence as an analyst for eight years before being assigned to field assignments. After over two decades working for SI he requested a transfer to a starship posting having grown weary of the constant intrigue associated with intelligence work.

    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Lieutenant Commander ...

    Chief Science Officer (CSO) - Lieutenant Stephen Bates (rebus16)
    Stephen Bates is a Human Starfleet officer from Earth. He was born in London, England. He is 34 years old.
    He has several degrees and doctorates. He specializes in astrophysics, stellar cartography and other fields of physics and occasionally chemistry.
    He likes to make new friends and is excited about his new post.

    Chief Engineer (CE) - Lieutenant Thomas Rite (MonsterOmen)
    Thomas joined Starfleet to prove him self. Was second is his Engineering Class at the academy. Has worked with various Engineers to develop the next class or warp drives and working on Transwarp Theory.
    Relative Role

    Helm (HELM) - Lieutenant (JG) Jeff Kinney (fivedollardare)
    Jeff Kinney is a Starfleet pilot at the controls of his first major starship assignment, the U.S.S. Aurora. With countless hours racked up in the Academy holodecks, Kinney is both excited and nervous to actually be flying through the great unknown. While he is very eager to please, his "sea legs" haven't quite been toughened with experience -- not that he would admit it. Kinney is confident, but stubborn, a quality he will eventually have to face up to.

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Ensign Edward Hannard (Connor)
    Edward is a young gentleman who looks to be in his late 20's. His personality is warm and his jokes are terrible. Edward always tries to make the best out of the darkest situations, and is often considered a pleasure to be around. Despite him being one of the newer additions to the crew of the Aurora, Edward's vast knowledge and service record made him eligible to take on the role of Operations Officer. Both hard working and dedicated, Edward is an asset to the crew.

    Junior Officers:

    Security Officer (SEC) -

    Security Officer (SEC) - Petty Officer Travis Archer (Trav)
    Travis Archer is a human security officer who got reassigned to the Aurora after his first ship was decommissioned. He's rather young and still inexperienced, but passionate and rigorous in his job.

    Engineering Officer (ENG) - Ensign Artorius Holmes (artoriusHolmes)
    Hailing from Virginia, USA, Artorius Holmes is a recent graduate of the Academy. Always interested in systems engineering and space travel, he looks forward to his first mission.

    Engineering Officer (ENG) - Petty Officer Wyatt Still (Solace)
    An engineering veteran, just transferred from the U.S.S. Sutherland.

    Medical Officer (MED) -

    Science Officer (SCI) -



    Guest Characters:

    Starfleet Command (ADM) - Admiral Torinth B'Lor (Torinth)
    After the events of the Aurora's previous voyage dubbed by Starfleet Command as 'Sunrise', Torinth was quickly elevated to full Admiral and placed in command of her own Division within Starfleet, however she keeps a close and personal eye on the crew of the Aurora, especially her Captain.

    Starfleet Command (RADM) - Rear Admiral Anton Norman (Landshark535)
    An overly sarcastic Trill Admiral whom works within the Office of Science Ops, under order of Admiral B'Lor, Anton works closely with the crew of the Aurora on her exploration missions.


    Event Synopsis

    Below you'll find short synopsis about what happened in each event.

    Episode 1 - The Aurora departed from Sector 001 on route to Starbase 8451 although with several senior officers already on Starbase 8451 the Aurora was being ran on a skeleton crew, which provided ample opportunity for someone or something to impersonate the ship's Executive Officer, Commander Makeda Hames. Unknowing of this the Commander walked into a trap in which her command codes were used to rig an EPS conduit on Deck 5 to explode once she passed it, making it out unscathed the Commander was puzzled at how her codes were used against her, later on they would be used several more times.. The crew lead the investigation into what was going on until a violent explosion shook the ship, but where was it? and what did it hit?

    Episode 2 - After the explosion aboard the ship the crew of the Aurora quickly set out to discover the location of the explosion, with several members of the crew suffering minor injuries the Senior staff thought long and hard over who could have accessed Makeda's codes, coming to the conclusion that no other living been could of known her codes they turned to the Computer itself, after some suspicious and odd malfunctions in various areas of the ship weeks before. Knowing this the Commander devised a plan with the CTO and Operations Officer, to shut down all of the cores primary functions excluding life support and engines, making the last leg of the trip to the Starbase safely.

    Episode 3 - After traveling at slow warp for a few hours the Aurora finally reached SB8451, however the face they were welcomed with wasn't a happy one for all, having been concerned for the mental status of the Captain, Admiral B'Lor questioned his 2nd Officer, getting nothing out of him they proceeded to the Operations room where the newly commissioned U.S.S. Meridian was docking, dazzled by it's beauty the crew then head to the Conference Room for there brief on the Mission at hand.

    Episode 4 - After a brief few days of R&R as the Aurora undergoes standard repairs and some slight refitting the crew set off with co-ordinates provided by Admiral B'Lor to search for the Romulan Operatives that once attacked the crew.

    Episode 5 - With nerves at an all time high curious as to what they may find when they drop out of warp the Aurora and her crew prepare for the worst, only to be amazed when they find the corpse of a female Romulan floating in the void of space, upon beaming the corpse aboard the Medical personnel were able to determine that the woman had been out there for close to a week. Meanwhile Commander Branning, Ensign Hannard and Ensign Johnson devised a plan to find the woman's ship, upon finally establishing a lock onto the vessel they slowly tractored the small ship into the Aurora's Shuttle Bay, unknown what they may find within.

    Episode 6 - With nerves on an all time high as to what they may find inside the crew slowly but surely pry open the back of the romulan fighter, to find a rather large romulan man standing behind the door with a disruptor, unfortunately a young officer from Engineering lost his life when the Captain accidentally shot him instead of the Romulan. Putting aside the Captains clear lack of sight he and the CTO, Lt Commander Branning quickly escorted the Romulan to the Brig, where he was to be questioned as to how his comrade ended up drifting in the expanse of space. Along with this episode some interesting news was sent to the Aurora, specifically addressed to Commander Hames, Admiral B'Lor had promoted her to the rank of Captain and placed her in command of the USS Meridian, an experimental Intrepid-Class vessel that the crew had bared eyes upon only a few weeks before.

    Episode 7 - A rather dull day on the Aurora, which suddenly took a swift change, the Romulan captive being held in the Brig somehow managed to activate a subspace transporter, allowing him to escape the crew of the Aurora. Unknowing to him the crew knew how to track him, following subspace distortions to a distant Class H planet on the edges of the Algar Nebula. Unfortunately though the planet was going through some sort of tetryonic storm, trying to beam down would of been suicidal, and flying a shuttle through the storm would of been as equally devastating, to this the crew had only one option... they had to land the Aurora, although did the ship make it down? or was the storm too rough for the ship to handle?


    List of Downloads

    Below is a list of downloads and how/where to install them.

    U.S.S. Endeavor & U.S.S. Aurora Maps - For this simply download both maps, and drop them into your BaseEF folder which you can locate somewhere like this 'C:\Program Files (x86)\{UFP} Gaming\Star Trek Voyager Elite Force - RPG-X Advanced Edition\BaseEF'.

    Music - Simply download the file, extract to desktop and open, then drag the Music file within into your BaseEF folder.

    Ship Skins - Once again, simply download the file and drop it into your BaseEF folder.

    Various other downloads may be needed in order to get set-up, however they are listed within the installation guide here.


    Make sure to check back onto this thread regurly for updates. If anyone has any issues feel free to PM me or contact me via TS.

    Lieutenant Torinth - Starfleet Harriers Bridge Officer
    TorinthTorinth Medals
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    14/09/2013 - Added the Synopsis for the first event.
    TorinthTorinth Medals
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    15/09/2013 - Added the 2nd Event Synopsis.
    TorinthTorinth Medals
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    29/09/2013 - Added the 3rd Event Synopsis.
    TorinthTorinth Medals
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    17/10/2013 - Added Event Synopsis 4 and 5.
    TorinthTorinth Medals