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A Long Road - We're Halfway There!

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LynxMukka, Thu 07 Nov, 2013 11:57 PM
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    I think there's been some miscommunication on our end on some of these issues and FEO would like to apologise that some people feel as though they've been left out in the cold. Our intention was not for people to get upset over the changes, since we are a voluntary community and we are supposed to look out for each other.

    There was indeed a delay between this announcement and further details being revealed to the staff of SDC, which I accept responsibility for, however this is due to real life circumstances which prohibited me from revealing this information sooner. That said, as of this evening, the information has now been divulged.

    My post here is to alay those concerns and I truly wish to express that FEO do appreciate the work and progress that SDC has been making over the past year. Which is why those in SDC will be transferred over to the newly created FAB department and largely continue the work they did before, except actually with more responsibilities and a slightly different, exciting direction.

    I apologise if the wording of this announcement has caused some confusion. If people still have concerns, particularly those in SDC even after all information has now been announced, then they're free to contact me and I'm happy to respond further and accommodate where I can.

    UFP is driving through a period of change at the moment, and there will unavoidably be some bumps along the way, and sometimes we don't always get it right first time with everything we do. If we did, it wouldn't have taken us 11 years to get where we are today.

    Thank you though for the support of members through these times and we hope it will be all worth it when we get to the end of the road. Smile
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    While I'm trying to be gracious I do take some exception here, and with any other post along similar lines.

    I'll say this; That may have been where SDC was heading but we worked hard to change that. We kept it relevant by increasing the number and quality of JFE's while also improving on our primary mission, to promote UFP's standing in the wider community.

    Many fleets regard us as one of, if not the best Star Trek gaming groups, especially when it comes to diplomacy. I've even helped another fleet re-structure their own diplomacy departments, though of course, there are those out there that just copy us (something I personally take as a compliment).

    Sorry but credit is due to Hermanator and the rest of SDC. Do give them some leeway if they come accross as upset or annoyed, this hasn't been executed particularly well and this is the first they're hearing about this as well.
    Gotta choose my words more carefully. I meant stagnant. When Bond Left for a different post, I took temp post and it went very quiet for my tenure as acting CO. Had literally nothing to report. No insult was intended. Wink
    JoshBroughm Medals
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    Gotta choose my words more carefully. I meant stagnant. When Bond Left for a different post, I took temp post and it went very quiet for my tenure as acting CO. Had literally nothing to report. No insult was intended. Wink
    Thanks for clearing that up, no harm done in the end Smile
    Farron Medals