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[STO Fan Fiction] Puma Punku

Started By:
Kantazo, Fri 22 Nov, 2013 2:38 PM
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     –  Last edited by Kantazo; Mon 25 Nov, 2013 9:18 PM.
    UFP date 21.490 time: 14:25 Computer start recording:

    Oh, well it is time to get up, I just have few minutes to take a bath, get dress and depart to the Spaceport, although my flight is going to be a short one. I must go to the Selena III the recent new site opened on the dark side of the Moon to analyze new samples collected there and if everything goes according with plans, right back to Puma Punku.

    I still remember when I presented the project about the possibility of Puma Punku been an ancient Spaceport destroyed by global flooding that affected our planet. Many thought I was nuts . But now those who once mocked me and my team are about to be silenced, not that it matter to me, their opinions are sort of "water that ran under the bridge". My wife used to go nuts because of my way of twisting the old sayings. LOL, I missed her a lot.

    The scientific clues we found on our previous mission to Egypt and later on the mission to the pyramids of Visoko in Bosnia where we found the Havritza Scrolls helped my team recreate what happened in Puma Punku. The soil samples, the presence of sea life forms in lake Titicaca and the many fossils found gave us a hint of what took place there. Later geological studies showed that many of the rocks used in the construction of Puma Punku were of extraterrestrial origin, but we didn't know where to look until the data was compared to a new base built on the Moon's dark side, Selena III gave us the proof we needed and now I am on my way to collect the samples and return to Earth for final comparisons and to plot our next step.

    Computer: Stop recording.

    Time to jump in the shower.

    Ps: please feel free to pint out any grammar issue or better way to write the sentences.

    To be continued.

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    UFP date 21.493, time: 21:18 Computer start recording:

    Well my trip to Selena III took longer than I expected, I managed to collect the rock samples we needed for the geological study that will give us the evidence we need, to compare with the samples of Puma Punku and so far the results have proven very promising.

    I have had to delay my return trip to Earth so I have sent the samples back to my lab on Montana and I should get the confirmation of my hypothesis sometime soon. The reason of my delay returning to my lab was the amazing discover of an underground vault that have been sealed for millennia. One of our best linguistic and expert in alien languages arrived this morning and we shall meet shortly in the science lab to discuss the new finds.

    I am very excited, the scientists who discovered the vault have transmitted some interesting data and video of the vault. So far any attempt to open the vault has failed, so we needed to bring her aboard to see if we can decipher the language in the inscription found at the door of the vault.

    Ok, I must go now, will be back tomorrow to update the files.

    Computer stop recording and send files to Dr. Montgomery at the Montana facility and attach the videos and copy of all the material collected at the underground vault. Ask Dr. Montgomery to check the language in the inscription against what we found in the Havritza Scrolls.

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     –  Last edited by Kantazo; Mon 16 Dec, 2013 3:47 PM.
    UFP date 21.493, time: 23:18 Computer start recording:

    "Wow, great news guys, after meeting with Dr. Montgomery we went over the inscription found and after comparing it with the Havritza Scroll Omega and the Scroll of Dreams (part of the collection), we discovered that the inscription is a cryptic message, it was created using words from the Havritza Scrolls. Very cleverly designed this inscription mentions a Key that will unlock the underground vault where the Books of Knowledge are located".

    Just one little problem, the key is located in the most sacred place in Vulcan. The key is located at the Kolinahr monastery.

    We must contact immediately the Department of Religious Affairs in Vulcan and the High Council of the Vulcan Government. Hopefully we will obtain those permits and depart to investigate and do our best to find that key.

    (Phone rings)

    Computer stop recording.

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    UFP date 16.494, time: 12:18 Computer start recording:

    "Well, we managed today to get the approval of the High Council of the Vulcan Government and also the blessing of the Vulcan High Priest to start an in situ investigation at the Kolinahr monastery."

    We all are very excited and also we will have the privilege to be joined by two of the must renown Vulcan archaeologists and we will also be accompanied by the Second High Priest of Vulcan also he is the Director of the Vulcan Department of Religious Affairs.

    Our departure is setup for this afternoon and I hope we can find that mysterious key and once and for all solve whatever secret lies hidden.

    Computer stop recording.

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