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Creating Your Backstory in STO

Started By:
Proteus, Thu 20 Mar, 2014 9:04 AM
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     –  Last edited by Proteus; Fri 21 Mar, 2014 9:41 AM.
    I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the reserves, but I went with this section since it deals with STO specifically (for now at least). If any mod feels this is better to be in a different section, feel free to move it there.

    * * *

    I recently changed my captain's name, from Isis, to Naomi Willows. For most of the time I've been on STO, I've wanted to make my play experience as wholesome as possible, and avoiding just mindlessly grinding everything out as fast as possible and instead actually shaping my character with a personality and background, and MAYBE even personalized captains personal logs and the such. I just had a few questions and some need for advice.

    How many people here do this - here on UFP, and generally on STO? Is it worth it? Does it tend to actually improve gameplay for you or does it just slow down progress?

    I'd like to give Naomi a good, believable background, though I don't want to make it a huge novel for people to glance at and feel its too long to bother to read. The thing is, while I'm good at writing in general, I'm just not good at fictional writing, and at that, fictional writing around a universe as complex as the Star Trek universe. Even having grown up watching it, there is still a great deal about a lot of the races and timelines that escapes me, and so, I'm pretty lost as to a good way to place my character into it. What do you think is a good way to go about shaping her background and various characteristics around it?

    Just some horribly incomplete and maybe even trivial information to go off of:

    Name: Naomi Lei Willows
    Race: Human (Female)
    Faction: Federation
    Profession: Engineer
    Typical In-Game Stance: Relaxed (could use this as a clue to her personality)
    Typical Clothing: Enterprise mirror top, tight pants, all black, w/belt and dagger on waste
    Hair: Close Short 1
    Ship: U.S.S. Splitshot (Kitbashed Advanced Fleet Escort)
    Bridge: Prometheus Class
    In-Game Rank: Vice Admiral (50)

    Image of Naomi (click image for full size):
    Name:  Naomi-1.jpg
Views: 99
Size:  120.0 KB

    I've gone back and forth in my head as to whether she might be a rogue-like character who is more battle and conflict oriented, or if she would be better as a more formal starfleet member who is more exploration and diplomacy oriented. If she were the latter, it feels like much of the details above would be different to reflect it and that affects a lot of what I have already spent a lot of time and effort on already shaping (including her skills and abilities which are shaped specifically around fast, hard-hitting escort blitz battle).

    What is a good way to flesh this character out so that she's not just a "toon" (I personally dislike that term lol) that is just there for no other reason than grinding and fighting?
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    IMO, given the "non-Starfleet" appearance of both herself and her possession of a kitbashed ship, I'd say she sounds like an independent spirit who is allied with the Federation but is not an active member of Starfleet. Kind of like the position that Fed-aligned Romulans have but not as obvious. She could be called upon on occasion by Starfleet to act in a "direct action consultant" role or as a less overt diplomatic contact yet have the freedom at most times to go her own way. She has run across some things which she knew Starfleet would find interesting and passed it onto them. Certain powers in Starfleet have found this to be of great use and are always appreciative when it happens.

    Or she could be someone who achieved Vice Admiral rank on the fast track, ran afoul of in-service jealousies, and chose to leave said foolishness behind, much the chagrin of those who really matter. And while those who really matter still must face the reality of the Service, they stay in contact with her for their mutual benefit and listen when she speaks.

    Just my 2 EC's worth.
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    I love to see people put thought into their characters in STO. I drug my main character out of my old simming days into STO (my namesake) and then when I stopped playing STO, he continues on in the UFP simms today. It's a lot of fun, and a lot of fun to see others take it "seriously" as well, instead of just min-maxing and pew-pewing and lawling all day.

    You should write her back story and submit it as Fan Fiction in Utopia Planitia. And heck, write a short story about her (not necessarily this month) for the competitions! Wink


    PS: Sorry for the shameless plug lol
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