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Star Trek: Renown: Summary

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Adster94, Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:31 PM
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    Hey guys,

    This thread has been created, for the purpose of adding summaries of the events played out, in each episode. This will allow anyone to read through the current events, and hopefully understand the story even more - whether they are participating, or not.

    These summaries will only recount the events in the episode, as well as the consequences of the episode - on the rest of the galaxy, as well as the roleplay.

    So - Enjoy!
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Mon 16 Jun, 2014 10:08 PM.
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    Metak and Torok had a very brief meeting, in which Torok made it clear that he wasn't wanting to stop the feud between the two houses. As Metak began to leave the system, he was ambushed by Torok and 2 of his ships.

    Even with the help of one of his own ships, he was outnumbered and outgunned and so he ended up fighting to the death. Metak was killed, now the House has fallen under the control Kalath - his son.

    Now the Empire has fallen into disarray, with the High Council split in two - deciding allegiances, based on previous alliances and/or belief in who would be better as leader of the Empire.

    The House of Torok is now building up for an assault into Metak's territory, and Kalath is preparing his forces for a defensive. Soon both forces will meet, and the outcome of the first battle(s) may mean the difference between defeat, or success.
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Mon 23 Jun, 2014 9:57 AM.
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    Ben Hurley

    The forces of Torok assaulted the Mempa shipyards, whilst the Metak ships destroyed many enemy ships, the shipyards were lost - significantly reducing Metak's construction output. However, this has been countered by the number of Torok ships lost in the assault.

    This reduction in ship output, has put the House of Metak at a large disadvantage compared to Torok - this has caused an increase in assaults into Metak's space from Torok's allies. However, the counter offensive mounted by the House of Metak has been very successful.

    Kalath launched an offensive into the Narendra system, to which Torok mounted a defensive, but it wasn't enough. Kalath's forces managed to do serious damage to Toroks forces, which forced them to retreat back into Torok's territory - which is a massive boost to the House of Metak, even after the loss of the Mempa shipyards.

    Tensions between the Romulans and Federation have increased, after a small border skirmish between two small taskforces - with neither side coming out on top, this has each side even more at each others throats. The Federation doesn't want war, and so they are trying to avoid it by any means necessary, but may be forced into a war.
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    Ben Hurley

    The House of Torok launched an offensive to recapture the Narendra system, after a long and brutal fight between the two forces - the forces of Torok retreated, and regrouped for a counter attack. Both sides took heavy losses, and were forced to regroup in different systems.

    Kalath's forces regrouped in the Beta Lankal system, to rearm and repair at the Outpost located there. Kalath was enroute to the station, with a convoy of ships - which contained vital supplies, needed for any counter offensive. Whilst he was enroute, one of Torok's commanders - Furb'Tok, led an additional offensive into the Beta Lankal system.

    Whilst Furb'tok's forces took heavy casualties, they managed to destroy all the freighters within the system, thus putting the House of Metak's operations at a hault - without the additional supplies, it won't be possible to setup defenses in the B'Moth system.

    When Kalath arrived, he helped fend off the final invaders, and immediately organised an attack on the B'Moth system. Kalath's forces beat Furb'tok's forces to the B'Moth system, and caused significant damage to the structures in the system before the additional forces arrived.

    Some of the taskforce stayed in Beta Lankal, and didn't help defend the B'Moth system - this increased the number of casualties taken by Torok's forces. After another long bloody battle, Kalath managed to wipe out the enemy structures and forces within the B'Moth system.

    Whilst Metak's forces secured the B'Moth system, they weren't able to fortify the system - but have put the forces of Torok at a disadvantage. Kalath is now on the front lines of the war, and will be now leading all of the offensives within this sector. Furb'tok's forces have pulled back to their defense lines, waiting for the next set of reinforcements from Torok.
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    Ben Hurley

    Kalath and his forces arrived in the Balduk system, to find Torok and one of his aides, K’lint, lying in wait for their rendezvous. Whilst Kalath was expecting a Romulan ship, shortly after they entered the system - under cloak - a ship of unknown configuration dropped out of warp. After a short conversation between Torok and the alien ship, he learned that the ship belonged to the Zephan Sovereignty...

    Kalath found out that this ship had been seen previously by one of Metak's highest Generals, Ka'rak, had dealings with the Zephans in the Hydra sector, and managed to thwart their plot to secure a foothold in our region of the galaxy. Kalath and his taskforce de-cloaked and engaged the enemy ships just as the Zephan's lowered their shields.

    Within the first volley, the Zephan's were crippled and Kalath was engaged in combat with Torok. After a short confrontation, the Zephan cruiser was destroyed - along with the supplies that were intended for Torok. Torok retreated, and K'lint's ship was destroyed, whilst taking out Kalath's: Kalath managed to board Kurak's ship, just before his ship was rammed.

    Kalath's forces regrouped back at the outpost in Beta Lankal, and were greeted by the task force Tebok had sent to assist Kalath. After he transferred to another ship, that was sent to rendezvous with him docked at the starbase. Torok quickly regrouped with his forces, and began an immediate counter-attack on the starbase.

    In the long battle than ensued, Torok ended up killing himself and his crew, whilst killing Kalath. Torok's forces then ended up destroying the Starbase, shortly after Kalath's brother, Kem'pek rallied his forces and retreated back to the Mempa system - whilst Torok's remaining forces pulled back and began repairs.
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