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Federation Education - A brief history of the UFP

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Christopher Halsey, Sun 08 May, 2016 12:19 AM
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    2161 - 2381

    To celebrate Federation Day please enjoy this brief history of The United Federation of Planets, the most ambitious political and culture experiment ever conceived of.

    2161 - The United Federation of Planets is founded

    The United Federation of Planets was founded during a meeting of the Heads of State of the Andorian Empire, the Confederacy of Vulcan, United Earth and the United Planets of Tellar which took place on the 8th of May 2161 on Earth.

    Several different dates are given for the actual founding of the United Federation of Planets, these dates vary, as the agreement to found the United Federation of Planets, the signing of the Federation Charter, the creation of the Federation Council and the Federation Charter going into effect all occurred on different dates due to the scale of the union which included bringing more than a dozen worlds into one political alliance. Which one of these events represents the true founding of the United Federation of Planets is therefore somewhat debatable especially since the time and date of all of these events differed depending on the calendar and timezone difference across each of the different planets involved much to the annoyance of historians.

    2165 - The first democratically elected Federation President

    Originally when the Federation was first founded there was no elected Federation President. Instead there was a President of the Council of the United Federation of Planets. The position of Federation President was agreed by the Council of the United Federation of Planets in 2264 and later that year the first Presidential Election took place in which Federation citizens could democratically elect a full President with a four year term.

    Haroun al-Rashid, a human male from Sudan, Earth and former Interior Minister of United Earth under Prime Minister Nathan Samuels won the election and served from 2165 until 2169.

    2241 - The Four Years War

    The Four Years War was the name given to the first major conflict between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire.

    The rise of the Federation had significantly impacted the growth of the Klingon Empire. Whilst empire building was something the Klingons could respect they saw the Federation’s expansion as unnatural by aligning with others rather than conquering them and saw their methods as dishonourable believing that they were attempting to undermine the Klingon Empire economically because they lacked the courage to fight them head on.

    Interestingly the Klingon Empire did not view the conflict as a war. The Klingon forces were led by the warlord Kharn who served as supreme commander for a Klingon force predominantly made up of privateers, their goal was not to conquer the Federation but to destroy the political union between the Federation worlds.

    The first act of hostilities was the Klingon attack on Arcanis IV, a prosperous Federation colony located on the Federation-Klingon border. The Klingons saw the founding of the Arcanis IV colony as a great insult believing that they had a valid claim on the planet and seeing the colonising of the world as encroachment by the Federation.

    Over the course of the war the Klingon forces continued to launch raids on a number of Federation colonies with Starfleet having very little success in containing the Klingon forces. The war ended just over three years later following the Battle of Axanar where Fleet Captain Garth led the Federation to a significant victory over the Klingons.

    Following the battle the Klingons decided that the campaign against the Federation was not worthwhile as the resistance they were now meeting proved too costly for the believed benefits.

    2243 - The Duotronic computer revolution

    In 2243 Doctor Richard Daystrom invented the duotronic computer which succeeded circuitry that used components such as resistors and transistors. The duotronic computer would quickly be adopted by Starfleet and was integrated into advanced new exploration vessels such as the Constitution class heavy cruiser.

    2246 - The Tarsus IV Massacre

    In 2246 one of the greatest crimes in Federation history took place. An exotic fungus destroyed most of the Tarsus IV food supplies resulting in famine, originally the fungal plague was believed to have been a natural mutation but there was evidence to suggest it may have been an act of eco-terrorism.

    The governor of the colony Kodos selected half of the 8,000 colonists who he thought were less necessary and had them killed earning him so that the others might live, this act earned him the name Kodos the Executioner.

    Aid ships arriving at the colony arrived ahead of schedule with enough supplies to render Kodos’ extreme measures completely unnecessary and the population rose up against him, as Kodos was overthrown it was presumed that he had also been killed by the colonists with his burned body recovered by rescue teams.

    Kodos was believed to have been killed during the massacre with a burned body presumed to be his found at the colony, it wasn’t until 2266 when he was discovered to be alive and going by the alias of Anton Karidian an actor who operated the Karidian Company of Players who were sponsored by the Galactic Cultural Exchange Project and was killed shortly after being identified.

    2255 - The Treaty of Armens

    In 2255 The Treaty of Armens was signed between The United Federation of Planets and the Sheliak Corporate which ended the Federation-Sheliak Conflict. The treaty consisted of 500,000 words and took 372 Federation legal experts to draft. As part of the treaty the Federation ceded a number of Class H planets to the Sheliak.

    2267 - The Federation-Klingon War

    Following the Four Years War the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire had been engaged in ongoing negotiations to form a lasting peace but were both engaged in a cold war. During 2267 the Klingons withdrew from talks and the Klingon High Council issued the Federation Council with an ultimatum demanding that the Federation remove it’s colonies and forces in all disputed regions which included the Archanis sector, Donatu V, Sherman’s Planet and Organia.

    Starfleet Command expected that war would break out and that the Klingons would launch a surprise attack before any official declaration of war would be made and made preparations to defend against such an attack as well as to launch pre-emptive action if needed.

    Starfleet’s fears were justified with the Klingons launching an invasion of Federation of space shortly after issuing their ultimatum but since the Klingons had acted as expected their invasion was met with significant resistance by Starfleet forces.

    Shortly after war broke out the U.S.S. Enterprise was ordered to the planet Organia to prevent Klingon forces from occupying the planet and being able to use it as a forward base for their invasion. Shortly after the Enterprise’s arrival a Klingon task force led by Kor arrived and successfully invaded the planet.

    Starfleet forces waged a guerrilla war against the Klingons on the planet’s surface but soon the Organians revealed themselves to be powerful and advanced noncorporeal beings who stopped both the fighting on the planet and disabled a number of Federation and Klingon military vessels preventing either side from attacking the other and bringing about an abrupt end to the war, a member of the Organian species then addressed both the Federation Counil and the Klingon High Council and announced the imposition of the Treaty of Organia which laid out terms for peace and rules for future conduct between the two civilisations and the prediction that the two would one day become friends.

    2267 - The Planet of Galactic Peace is founded

    Following the end of the incredibly brief Federation-Klingon war earlier in the year, the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire jointly established a colony on Nimbus III calling it the planet of galactic peace.

    Despite the promise of the three powers working together the project quickly became a failure although this failure did not de-rail diplomatic efforts between the three powers with each government still providing an official to act as a representative on the planet.

    2268 - The Polaric test ban treaty

    Early in 2268 a Romulan research station on Chaltok IV was destroyed by a polaric ion detonation. The disaster resulted in the Polaric test ban treaty which was signed later that year which prohibited all polaric ion research by the signatories which included the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire.

    2273 - V’ger

    A sensor drone being operated by the Epsilon IX communications station located along the Federation-Klingon border detected a high energy cloud moving through Klingon space, even several light years away the cloud’s power emissions registered as a twelve power energy field, making it’s energy generation capacity greater than that of thousands of starships.

    The sensor drone relayed it’s observation of three K’t’inga class cruisers engage the cloud and being swiftly destroyed by it. The Epsilon IX crew were able to project the cloud’s course confirming that it was on a direct course for Earth. Shortly after entering Federation space the cloud attacked and destroyed the station.

    With Starfleet unable to stop the cloud it eventually reached Earth’s orbit and released a series of plasma energy spheres which took up position around Earth after being unable to locate it’s creator. The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise discovered that V’ger had once been the Voyager 6 probe, it’s mission to learn all that is learnable. The Voyager 6 encountered a powerful an advanced alien race who built a vessel around V’ger in an attempt to help it complete it’s impossible mission.

    After all it’s encounters V’ger eventually became self-aware and sort out humanity, it’s original creators in an attempt to evolve to a higher plane of existence which it did after merging with Captain Decker of the Enterprise.

    2284 - The Genesis tests

    The Genesis Device was a sophisticated piece of technology developed at Spacelab Regula I in the Mutara sector by a team of scientists led by Doctor Carol Marcus. The development of the Genesis Device received backing from the Federation and Starfleet.

    The device was designed to initiate a process of rapid terraforming, able to turn lifeless planets into class M worlds. This was achieved by the Genesis Device creating a massive explosion creating the Genesis Effect, a high energy distortion wave that reduced everything it came into contact with into subatomic particles and then reordered those particles via a preprogrammed matrix into a more desirable configuration which resulted in the creation of life.

    The ultimate aim of this device was to help alleviate sociological problems such as overpopulation and limited food supplies.

    The first live test of Genesis took place under the surface of Regula, a class D planetoid that Spacelab Regula I orbited. The test was successful and a Starfleet ship was ordered to assist the science team in locating a completely lifeless planet to attempt a planet wide test on.

    Whilst on it’s mission the Starfleet vessel was hijacked early in 2285 and was used to steal Genesis. The renegade starship was destroyed by Starfleet however the Genesis Device was activated and transformed a region of the Mutara nebula in to a class M planet, later called the Genesis Planet.

    The Klingons believed that Genesis was infact an advanced Federation weapon resulting in increased tensions between the two. The Federation ordered Starfleet to investigate the Genesis Planet and it was revealed that the inclusion of protomatter in the Genesis matrix resulted in instabilities which ultimately destroyed the planet.

    Since introducing a Genesis Device to a planet that already inhabited life would result in the destruction of that life and given the dangerous flaw exposed by the use of protomatter the Genesis Device was eventually deemed as being too dangerously powerful and Marcus’ research was classified.

    2286 - The Cetacean probe

    Early in 2286 a massive alien probe was detected on a course for the Sol System. Attempts to communicate with the probe were unsuccessful and any Starship or civilian vessel encountering the probe was disabled by the transmissions from the probe.

    Despite all attempts to stop it the probe was successful in reaching the Sol System and entered orbit of Earth, it’s presence resulted in all Starfleet and civilian ships, stations and facilities in Earth orbit being neutralised, this even included Earth Space Dock.

    The probe focused its transmissions on Earth’s oceans resulting in the evaporation of much of the planet’s water, this in turn led to an increase in cloud cover and shortly after worldwide cloud cover reached 78% planet-wide emergency and red alert were declared with the Federation President later transmitting a planetary distress signal.

    Analysis of the probe’s transmissions and actions led to the revelation that the probe was trying to communicate with humpback whales, a species thought extinct since the 21st century. Starfleet was however able to locate and procure two humpback whales, a male and pregnant female, and re-introduce them to Earth. The whales were then able to respond to the probe. With the probe having received a response it terminated its disruptive transmissions and left the system without incident.

    2287 - Journey to the centre of the Galaxy

    In 2287 the U.S.S. Enterprise A took part in a survey of the Great Barrier, an immense energy field of unknown composition which surrounded the center of the Milky Way galaxy and had a diameter of approximately 15,000 light years.

    The survey mission was a joint operation between the Federation, the Klingons and the Romulans to better understand the creation of the Milky Way galaxy. Unfortunately the mission was cut short when the Enterprise was damaged attempting to penetrate the barrier, confirming the previously established theories that the Great Barrier was impassable.

    2293 - The signing of the Khitomer Accords

    During 2293 the Klingon moon Praxis exploded as a result of over-mining and insufficient safety precautions in an incident now referred to as the Praxis event. The explosion resulted in a massive subspace shockwave that effects of which were felt even outside the Klingon Empire. Not only had Praxis been a primary source of energy for the Klingon homeworld but the shockwave resulted in the massive pollution of Qo’noS’ biosphere.

    As a result of the huge cost of the Klingon military the High Council did not have the resources to deal with the catastrophe resulting in the then Klingon Chancellor Gorkon to seek a genuine peace with the Federation.

    Gorkon never lived to see the conclusion of his mission, he was assassinated by rogue Starfleet forces who were colluding with extremists within the Klingon Empire as well as Romulan agents in an attempt to derail the peace process.

    His daughter Azetbur negotiated the process in her father’s place and the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire signed the first Khitomer Accords creating a true peace between the two.

    2311 - The Tomed Incident

    With the Klingon Empire still recovering from the Praxis event the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire became the two largest powers in known space resulting in an escalation of tensions and competition between the two.

    The Klingons were wary of being a target for any ensuing hostilities and announced that if either side attacked the other the Klingons would side with the victim thus helping to maintain balance. This resulted in both sides being involved in a cold war but neither daring to initiate open hostilities.

    The deadlock was eventually broken following a terrorist attack on the Federation by Romulan Admiral Vokar. Vokar feared that Starfleet was developing a new first strike weapon which would utilise an extremely advanced cloaking system, with the Romulan senate unable to authorise a pre-emptive strike Vokar went rogue.

    History records that Vokar ordered the majority of his crew to abandon his flagship the I.R.W. Tomed which he then commanded in to Federation space and set his ship to collide with a Starfleet asteroid base where the technology was being developed. The collision resulted in a massive explosion fueled by the Tomed’s quantum singularity drive, with the ship traveling at warp the containment field failed whilst an active warp field was present creating a violent space-time event which resulted in the loss of a number of other asteroid bases as well as a Federation Starship and the deaths of thousands of Starfleet Officers.

    2311 - The Treaty of Algeron

    Almost immediately after the Tomed Incident the Romulans feared Federation retaliation especially since they thought the Klingon Empire would interpret Admiral Vokar’s terrorist attack as a sanctioned military operation and would join the Federation in a war against the Romulan Star Empire.

    With the Romulans short on options they made a desperate attempt to salvage peace with the Federation.

    As per the treaty the Federation would agree not to develop cloaking technology in exchange for the Romulan Star Empire agreed to make a number of concessions to the Federation, immediately after the signing of the treaty the Romulan Senate ordered an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all of it’s forces and citizens outside of Romulan space, isolating the Romulans behind their own border and cutting themselves off from the rest of the galaxy.

    2329 - Isolinear computing

    In 2329 the first isolinear optical chips entered use. Isolinear circuitry was considerably more efficient than duotronic systems. Isolinear chips were often featured on board nanotech processors to aid in memory access and had a maximum capacity of 2.15 kiloquads of data.

    2345 - The Federation-Klingon alliance

    For years the Romulans remained isolated within their borders having no interactions with the Federation. The Romulans did however continue to have agendas involving their galactic neighbours and launched attacks on the Klingon outposts on Narendra III and Khitomer in 2344 and 2345 respectively.

    The attacks were meant to de-stabilize the Klingon Empire allowing Klingon Houses which sought an alliance with the Romulans to seize control and both attacks were carried out with the help of Klingon traitors stationed at the two outposts, these traitors helped provided the Romulans with security codes and ship deployment information allowing the Romulans to trick the Klingons in to leaving both outposts undefended and then being able to overcome the outposts’ defenses with minimal effort.

    During the attack on Narendra III the U.S.S. Enterprise C crossed the border and engaged the Romulan forces. The Enterprise was ultimately destroyed with the presumed loss of all hands but the Starfleet crew’s valiant efforts in defence of the Klingon colony deeply impressed the Klingons.

    Less than a year later the U.S.S. Intrepid was the first ship on scene at the Khitomer colony following the Romulan attack. Unlike the Enterprise C before her the Intepid was too late to engage the Romulan forces but provided emergency assistance to the Klingons again impressing the Klingons.

    With the Klingons now so impressed by Starfleet they began to see the Federation as worthy allies and a formal alliance was signed between the two just months later.

    2347 - The Federation-Cardassian border wars

    Since annexing Bajor in 2319 the Cardassian Union had grown increasingly bold in attempting to expand it’s borders.

    In 2347 the Cardassians launched an attack on the Federation colony Setlik III in what would become known as the Setlik III massacre. The Cardassian forces had come to believe that Starfleet was using the colony as a staging ground for an invasion of Cardassian space and launched a task force to eradicate the colony.

    It wasn’t until after the attack had been launched that the Cardassians realised they had made a terrible mistake and that no such military buildup existed. Hours later the U.S.S. Rutledge arrived on the scene and fought back the Cardassian forces but not before several hundred Federation citizens had already been killed.

    Over the years the Cardassians came into conflict with the Federation on several occasions with the Cardassians attempting to annex Federation territory along their shared border. The Setlike III massacre and ensuing conflicts which varied from stand-offs and skirmishes to open hostilities became known as the Cardassian Border Wars and lasted for decades.

    2364 - The return of the Romulan Star Empire

    During 2364 a number of Federation outposts along the Romulan border were destroyed, this was first believed to be by the Romulans until it was revealed that the Romulans had also lost outposts following a series of mysterious attacks.

    The Romulans decided to end their self imposed exile emerging stronger than ever and quickly set about expanding their influence within the galaxy.

    2365 - The Federation encounters the Borg Collective

    The Federation had been aware of the existence of the Borg since the 2293 when the Federation offered aid to a convoy of El Aurian refugees fleeing the destruction of their homeworld. With the survivors having little or no information about their alien attackers the Federation had very little knowledge of the Borg or the threat they represented.

    It wasn’t until 2365 that Starfleet forces came in direct contact with the Borg Collective following the U.S.S. Enterprise D encountering a Borg cube after being flung into the Delta Quadrant.

    2366 - The Borg invasion of the Federation

    A year after Starfleet’s first encounter with the Borg a single Borg cube was despatched to assimilate Earth and from there enslave the rest of the Federation. In 2367 Starfleet forces engaged the Borg in what would become known as the Battle of Wolf 359. During the battle thirty nine Federation Starships were lost with the total loss of life just short of 11,000. The Borg vessel was eventually destroyed shortly after entering Earth orbit following Starfleet Officers managing to exploit a weakness in the Borg Collective consciousness.

    2369 - Discovery of the Bajoran wormhole

    Following the end of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, The United Federation of Planets were invited to the Bajorans to assist in reconstruction efforts. As part of the agreement Starfleet were allowed to operate the former Cardassian space station Terok Nor which was renamed Deep Space Nine.

    Whilst investigating the Denoriois Belt, Starfleet Officers discovered a stable wormhole linking the Bajoran system to the edge of the Idran system in the Gamma Quadrant. During passage through the wormhole, a mysterious alien species was encountered who dwell within the wormhole and form the basis of the Bajoran religion. These wormhole aliens are worshiped by the Bajorans as Gods which they refer to as the Prophets.

    2369 - The bio-neural circuitry is invented

    During 2369 the first bio-neural circuitry was created at the Daystrom Institute. Bio-neural computer technology allowed for far faster and more efficient data processing considerably speeding up computer response time.

    Starfleet and the Daystrom Institute jointly developed the bio-neural gel pack shortly after. The bio-neural gel pack was a self contained bio-neural circuit system which could interface with existing Starfleet hardware. Within a couple of years bio-neural circuitry began being installed in all new starship classes replacing the usual isolinear circuitry.

    2370 - First contact with The Dominion and the Dominion Cold War

    Following a disastrous first contact between the United Federation of Planets and the Dominion in 2370 which resulted in the loss of a Federation starship and a Bajoran colony many of the Alpha and Beta quadrants powers became concerned about the threat that the Dominion represented.

    For the next three years a number of overt and covert acts of aggression were carried out against and by The Dominion which resulted in a fundamental shift in galactic politics.

    2372 - The Antwerp terrorist attack

    A Changeling successfully infiltrated the 2372 Antwerp Conference, a diplomatic meeting between the Federation and the Romulans. The attack resulted in the Federation President declaring a state of emergency and given Starfleet greater powers to increase security measures across Earth and elsewhere in the Federation.

    These measures included the deployment of Starfleet armed forces as well as new security sweeps of Federation and Starfleet installations and the testing of Starfleet officers, Federation officials and their families.

    After a few days many of the increased security measures were scaled back.

    2372 - Klingon withdrawal from the Khitomer Accords

    In late 2372 the Klingon Empire was outraged when the United Federation of Planets condemned their invasion of the Cardassian Union which resulted in the Klingon Empire withdrawing from the Khitomer Accords.

    Tensions between the Federation and the Klingons began to rise quickly. Federation colonies located along the Federation-Klingon border petitioned the Federation Council to authorise Starfleet to conduct preemptive strikes against the Empire. At the same time the Klingon High Council demanded that the Federation withdraw from the Archanis sector within days or face war.

    The Federation refused the ultimatum and the Klingons launched an invasion of Federation space. During the early weeks the Klingons successfully launched attacks on dozens of Starships and Federation colonies. With almost a third of the Klingon military fighting on the Cardassian front Starfleet was eventually able to gain momentum and even managed to launch successful strikes within Klingon territory.

    In 2373, after months of fighting a ceasefire was agreed. Weeks later the Klingons broke the cease fire and invaded Ajilon Prime, Starfleet used this as an opportunity to prepare to retake the still occupied Archanis sector but the ceasefire was quickly restored.

    2373 - The re-signing of the Khitomer Accords

    After The Dominion supported a coup d'état within the Cardassian Union resulting in the Cardassians joining The Dominion and forced the withdrawal of the Klingon forces occupying Cardassian space.

    Immediately afterwards the Klingons re-signed the Khitomer Accords.

    2373 - The Dominion War

    The United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire declared war on The Dominion in 2373 following the unprecedented buildup of Dominion military forces within Cardassian space.

    The Federation Council decided that the best hope for peace in the Alpha and Beta quadrants would be to prevent any more Dominion forces passing through the Bajoran wormhole.

    The first act of the the war was the Federation’s mining of the Denoriois Belt within the Bajoran system. This provoked an immediate response from The Dominion who attacked the Federation held but Bajoran owned Deep Space Nine before the minefield was completed, Starfleet was able to hold the station long enough to fully deploy the minefield and to allow a joint Federation-Klingon fleet to enter Cardassian space and destroy The Dominion shipyards at Torros III.

    The loss of the Toros III shipyards and the activation of the minefield which prevented further Dominion reinforcements from safely traversing the Bajoran wormhole severely damaged the Dominion war machine they still had sufficient military power to advance against both the Federation and the Klingons.

    The Dominion continued to win most major engagements in the war for the next few months until Operation Return, Starfleet’s successful re-capturing of Deep Space Nine during 2374. Following a decisive victory for the Federation in re-capturing Deep Space Nine the Dominion withdrew to within their own borders and a temporary de-escalation of the conflict took place and the Federation accepted a peace proposal from The Dominion, the terms of which included a reduction in the number of ships along the shared border and disputed star systems being disputed to the side with de facto control over them at the time of the agreement.

    Despite this proposal Dominion activity soon began to increase along the border and several Federation and Klingon ships were lost to The Dominion. After using the temporary peace to recover The Dominion launched a surprise invasion of Betazed, completely overrunning the entire system and its outer colonies within ten hours.

    The tide of the war changed later that year when The Dominion assassinated Senator Vreenak of the Romulan Star Empire. Senator Vreenak had been a pro-Dominion voice within the Romulan Senate and was believed to have been carrying intelligence that proved that The Dominion was planning to invade The Romulan Star Empire. Outraged, the Romulan Star Empire joined the war, siding with the Federation and the Klingons against the Dominion.

    The Federation alliance quickly drove The Dominion forces back and by late 2375 allied forces had made significant inroads into Cardassian space. The Dominion countered by forming a military alliance with the Breen who launched a surprise attack on Earth, destroying much of Starfleet Headquarters. At the same time the Cardassian Liberation Front began attacking Dominion facilities and months later the Cardassian military rebelled siding with the Federation alliance.

    Ultimately the Federation alliance were able to invade the Cardassia system itself and forced the end of the war.

    2375 - The Treaty of Bajor

    In 2375 the Treaty of Bajor was signed by representatives of the The United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union, The Dominion and the Breen officially ending The Dominion War.

    2378 - A blow to the Borg

    After seven years in the Delta Quadrant the U.S.S. Voyager returned to Federation space, destroying a Borg Transwarp Hub in the process and severely limiting the Borg’s ability to launch long range attacks on other species.

    2380 - The return of the Borg

    In 2380 Starfleet became aware of a group of Borg stranded in the Alpha Quadrant, after being discovered the Borg attempted to attack Earth utilising a new class of Borg Cube but were successfully defeated by Starfleet.

    2381 - The Borg invasion of the Alpha quadrant

    Following their numerous defeats to The United Federation of Planets, the Borg began to launch a number of attacks on Federation and Federation allied worlds, invading the Alpha Quadrant with thousands of ships. Whereas the Borg typically attempted to assimilate other races the Borg instead attempted to annihilate those they came into contact with.

    The Borg were eventually stopped by a fleet of more than 300 vessels representing various Alpha and Beta Quadrant forces and led by the Federation.
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    That was a great read.
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    That was a great read.
    Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it!
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    i enjoyed this!