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USS Cascade Personal Log

Started By:
Zairu, Sat 20 May, 2017 4:51 AM
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    Captains Personal Log – Stardate: 65382.4

    It seems that misfortune has smiled on me this day, barely two weeks out of drydock and we’re already heading into the fray.

    This is my first command, I am nervous about it all. I keep running “what-fi” scenarios inside of my head. I feel that I barely know my crew and the Cascade, she is magnificent, not only does she carry around enough work-bees for an entire task group, but also 40 combat fighters and a standard shuttle compliment with the full maintenance facilities on-par with ESD. I will have to have a talk with Lt. Commander Teran, I haven’t served about many carrier vessels and it will be interesting to observe.

    I worry about the crew, we’re all newcomers here, we haven’t had the opportunity to work together nor do we know our limits together. For now, my plan is to run a tight ship and then let off the reigns a little bit once we are more comfortable. I do have some basic information on the crew, Lt. Commander Teran was about the USS Vinson so she is more than comfortable with flight operations, and Lt. Hughes came from a Miranda class that finally got de-commissioned.

    To be blunt, tensions are high among the Romulan border after the explosion of Hobus, we have been ordered by SFO to be part of “Task Force Ares” to help calm the situation.

    For now, I am going to learn my crew, and my ship and the best way to do that, is practice.
    “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.”

    //End Log//
    //For Official Use Only//

    Originally Posted by Lieutenant Scott
    *communicator chirp* “Captain, the modifications are ready”
    Originally Posted by Commander Kiritana
    “Thank you, Lieutenant, let’s see what she can do.”
    *end communicator chirp**

    The commander then presses a button on his desk, and states calmly:
    Originally Posted by Commander Kiritana
    All hands, this is the Captain Speaking, Red Alert.
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     –  Last edited by Zairu; Sat 02 Sep, 2017 4:04 AM.
    USS Cascade, Commanding Officers Quarters
    Starbase 39-sierra

    We arrived to the Sierra sector just under 2 hours ago, I have been reading on the briefings sent to us, as well as reading up on the other Captains and ships. For an aid mission we certainly did bring an excess of firepower. The Cascade, Pearson, Judica, Andromeda Endalla, Netherlands and the IRW Cumaen, most of them are combat vessels, and the only two with decent diplomatic capabilities are us and the Pearson, a class of ship the Cascade was designed to replace, though the Pearson has recently undergone a refit to the likes of the USS Lakota.

    The Crew and I have been running battle scenarios since we hit warp, the ship now has a steady combat rhythm. We are recieving a shipment of 50 Quantum torpedoes as well, I really wish I knew why such firepower is needed. I can take my guesses honestly, but I feel as we're too armed and it might destabilize the area even more.

    While we are waiting on everyone else to arrive I am going to spend some time touring the ship and getting to know all of my department heads, as well as get a feel for the general attitude on the ship given our recent orders.

    //End of Log//
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    USS Cascade, Deck 01, Ready Room
    Sierra Sector


    I have been analyzing the reports from Admiral Moore, it appears that the tensions of the region were intended as an understatement. From what I have gathered no less then 3 Romulan colonies have been repeatedly under assault, Romulan Warbirds are expected to have been under attack by Rouge Klingons and there have been reports of orbital bombardment. Furthermore, the romulans are getting desperate, with Romulus and Remus destroyed the only "Government" with any power is the tal'shiar, Indeed it is a tough time for the Romulans.

    The Pearson came in just an hour ago, I anxiously await the arrival of the rest of the battlegroup so we can begin our mission, I must say that waiting in times like these might just be the worst part, I hope it doesn't always feel this tense before a major mission.

    I have met with the crew and briefed the crew earlier today, it was odd speaking to all of them and being in command, things went well and the crew seems eager to help. I discussed tactics with CFG, and the other pilots, we are working on devising a new strategy to better utilize the port and starboard torpedo tubes.

    Lieutenant Hughes is pushing the crew with their drills lately, it appears as he is the no-nonsense type. Always plays by the rules, but pushes the rules to get things done. I may have to speak to him however, I feel as though he is pushing the crew a little TOO much, we did just get out of shipyard and the crew was spending all their hours refitting and maintaining the Cascade, while we were off on transfer leave from our old ships.
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     –  Last edited by Zairu; Tue 24 Oct, 2017 12:20 AM.
    USS Cascade
    Executive Officer's Quarters

    Lieutenant Commander Hughes personal log stardate 65669.29

    Things have been a mess, the encounter with the Romulans and then the Cascades engine failure, the chief engineer states that we will be up to full capability before Commander Kiritana returns, but that is still a report I am not looking forward to making. There is still no word on what caused the blockage so I have ordered the engineering team to figure it out hopefully there is a good explanation in all of this.

    With the captain being down on the planet and the talks with the Romulans going fairly well as far as I can tell hopefully we will be able to begin our missions. The crew is anxiously waiting on new orders, I even saw a young crewman walking around looking for something do to, so I sent her on down to engineering to help them out, most of them are a little too green under their ears as my grandmother would call it.

    I have ordered the fighters to make routine patrols around the area and the security team are running non-stop drills, the conn officer has also gotten some holodeck practice in. I think it is safe to say we are pretty much at peak efficiency. That being said, “Bloody practice makes war less bloody.” Its also easier to grease the wheel then change it.

    I wonder if the Captains promotion for serving as XO on the U.S.S. Layton is going to come through or not. It’s probably stuck in the administrative sludge that is Starfleet Headquarters. Ah well, that is something I have no control over.

    Lieutenant Commander Hughes out.
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     –  Last edited by Zairu; Tue 24 Oct, 2017 12:38 AM.
    Starship Captains Personal Log
    Commanding Officer's Quarters

    Clearance Restricted to Clearance Level V
    Commander, Federation Adminstrative Office

    Originally Posted by OOC
    This is totally just a placeholder for something trying to incorporate more dialogue for those who want it. Coming soon.
    ZairuKiritana Medals