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Feedback Response - General Enquiries

Started By:
Three of Seven, Sat 02 Sep, 2017 2:19 PM
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    FEO 240
    Feedback Response - General Enquiries

    The following anonymous feedback was sent via the feedback form.

    I am worried that members of the community doesn't get enough involvement with one another. I have noticed that a lot of the people here are really close with each other, but I fear that the younger members don't have the same interaction. I think that the "general chat thread" has helped though. What are the more active games that UFP supports?
    We are always looking at ways to help with community involvement, we have community open meetings every 3 months, in the same month as the UFPAC, but we are always open to suggestions. If you or anyone has an idea how we can improve involvement, please feel free to drop myself or use the Feedback Form to drop a suggestion. We have a trivia night coming up as well, if you check the events page, this is aimed to be a community event, along with a few others.

    Friendships do take time to grow, some people might not mix well with each other, but it's all about that willingness on all parties to take the chance to use what we offer to meet others, who share similar opinions and play similar games. If you are looking for people to join you in a game the UFP doesn't run events for, then maybe drop a thread somewhere on the forums, see if anyone has that game, reach out and you might be surprised! Or you might not be, it all depends, I have had mixed results with things over the years here!

    As for the most active games played in the UFP, there is Star Trek: Online, World of Warcraft, Diablo III and the Armada events, these seem to be the most popular at the moment. But there will also be "flavour of the month" games, which are just played on the fly, with no/few events going up, such as World of Warships or Overwatch. It's all about making your interests known and seeing if people have that game to play with you.

    Member involvement is something that is on the top of the agenda for the SFA command team to look into and Holodeck is always open to new ideas on games to run events for. If there is a game you'd like to run an event for, just get in touch with Noram, Adster94 and Sammygm.