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FNS Community Survey Results - Sept 2017

Started By:
Kerry Malone, Sun 17 Sep, 2017 10:14 AM
  1. Head of Community Administration

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    JUNE 2017 APPROVAL: 99%

    JUNE 2017 APPROVAL: 98%(-1%)



    New more articles!
    KerryMalone: We do try to get new articles out as often as possible, but this is limited to what there is out there, as well as our very limited writing team. Although we have brought on a new writer or two in the last three months, we've also lost a few people as well, so there really isn't the writing team in place to produce content as quickly as we'd like.

    Some of the news is good, but we need more news, more is good, yes I do volunteer!
    KerryMalone: I'm glad you volunteer! Keep producing the news, and we'll have more of it! Tongue Out

    Fabulous articles but there should be more frequent articles, it's too infrequent.
    KerryMalone: I refer you to my statement above. Our writers can only work so fast, and its a little unreasonable to expect our two writers to produce five articles a day. Tongue Out

    Although I can understand how difficult it can be to find interest so I'm rating it as strongly positive.
    KerryMalone: Thank you! It can be a challenge, but one I hope our writing team are up for!

    Have no idea who is running what or how well they are doing it. Getting no communication what so ever.
    KerryMalone: Well, I'm KerryMalone, and I'm the interim Supervisor of the Federation News Service. We do post regular updates on our forums, so I would strongly advocate looking there for information. We're not very secretive, so everything you could want is on here somewhere!

    its fine
    KerryMalone: Thanks ^_^

    I expected more articles and news facts relating to StarTrek if i'm honest. With such a large community one would think it'd be possible to convince those involved with Startrek (be it the series, the games, the novels or the merchendise) to give writers or other staff members of UFPlanets the latest news and from time to time even get an exclusive or something. "
    KerryMalone: We've managed that in the past, I do agree, but for the most part - it is very difficult for us to obtain this information consistently. We're a very small fan group, and whilst some actors/personalities from the series have engaged with us, most of the time its very challenging to get out there. However, I would state that this isn't for a lack of trying, and we do occasionally get things from Cryptic relating to STO. However, I would say most of our news is Sci-Fi related or Gaming related, rather than specifically Star Trek related.

    It also feels like the news articles are getting fewer and farther between as time goes by.
    KerryMalone: This is mostly due to our previously mentioned staff shortages, but if you'd like to help, feel free to let me know!

    Not read many but the few I have have been interesting. Looks like some people have put a lot of effort into them. I hope they are appropriately praised for this.
    KerryMalone: Our writing staff take great pride in the work they do, and they naturally get the kudos they deserve. Its obvious to see that our writers and editors are enthusiastic about what they do from the quality of our articles.

    A variety of news articles are published and publications are seemingly fairly regular. They make for interesting reading from a growing division.
    KerryMalone: Thanks! Praise is very nice! ^_^

    They are very informative!
    KerryMalone: I'm glad you think so! Smile

    When they are posted, the quality is good. I especially like the comments or brief from the FNS writer on their thoughts and main points for an article that is just a link to another site. It is a good starting point for follow-on discussions. I personally Three of Seven does this very well. Kudos to you.
    KerryMalone: We've always encouraged our writers to put a bit of themselves into an article, rather than just report on the facts dryly. Commentry makes the article fun, and yes, does prompt discussion from time to time. Three is a very... bizarre character, who loves to prompt intrigue and discussion, so naturally her articles reflect her somewhat zany world viewpoint, and are a great asset to the news team.

    Not seen much activity here, looking forward to seeing what comes out of the department in the near future.
    KerryMalone: Thanks! We hope not to disappoint!

    I'd be more willing to write about relevant real-world events, but, the editor staff should be judging the references and the sources of the content. In my opinion, the content itself is the WRITER's problem, NOT the editor. Opinion articles are more than OK for most of our membership.
    KerryMalone: If you want to discuss this further, please feel free to drop me a PM.

    I have just joined the site. My next survey will be more informative.
    KerryMalone: Looking forward to it!
    KerryMalone Medals
    I'd be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know.
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    Nice to have some feedback! Now we know what to improve and what to keep as is, I myself am going to start my new article this afternoon, so it will be online for everyone to see in about three-four hours.
    Nesta Medals
    Pax Vobiscum
  3. Fleet Admiral

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    I look forward to seeing your article!

    I need to find something to write about too, been a bit busy.