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Feedback Response - General Enquiries

Started By:
Three of Seven, Thu 23 Nov, 2017 10:53 PM
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    FEO 240
    Feedback Response - General Enquiries

    The following anonymous feedback was sent via the feedback form.


    Where Has Sharpkiller Gone?

    The other members of the Federation Executive Office have been online in the past day but Sharpkiller has been offline for 13weeks/two months/ so far

    I might be wrong but dont CL5 lose their position if they are inactive for a long period of time? Doesnt it apply to CL6 to?

    It looks bad if a member of the leadership has been offline for almost three months
    Sharpkiller is on a longterm leave of absence, he does still check in from time to time and has read this particular piece of feedback. Currently, he is still doing some work in the back end with regards to assisting in getting access to some old information, as well as earlier in the year assisting in transitioning over old logins for various UFP accounts on social media.

    In response to the second question, a CL5 won't lose their position if they have been inactive for a long period of time, so long as they have made it clear to their relevant supervisor. Inactivity is only punished if it is not authorised or known, it has been known for CL5s to go inactive for months, but we have known about it, so no action was taken. We need volunteers, but at what cost? We will try to make accommodations for people where we can.

    I hope that helps address the question! Real life should come first, and if you volunteer in the UFP, you should enjoy it, not see it as a second job!