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Many Partings

Started By:
Saelanna, Sun 21 Jan, 2018 11:04 AM
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    ”Lieutenant Gytaik, please report to the Admiral’s ready room.”

    Everyone in the mess hall turned to look at Oma, probably wondering what her Bajoran temper had got her into this time. Oma hastily drained the dregs of her deka tea and looked longingly at the remains of her breakfast before placing her tray into the replicator for recycling. Straightening her uniform she left the room and headed for the nearest turbolift.

    “Hey, Oma, hold the lift!”. Oma turned to see the first officer of the USS Imladris, Commander Dell Juler, jogging down the corridor a few feet away. A non-joined Trill, Dell had been the Admiral’s XO for several years and had welcomed Oma aboard when, fresh out of the Academy, she had joined the crew of the Imladris almost two years ago. With a shared passion for springball, the pair had become good friends.

    “Do you know why I’ve been summoned this time?” Oma asked her friend.

    “You know I can’t tell you, even if I knew.” replied the Trill, “But the crew transfers arrived over subspace this morning so maybe you’re up for promotion!” She added seeing the disappointment on the Bajoran’s face.

    Oma smiled wanly. A few weeks ago she had applied for the Chief Operations Officer post aboard the USS Ares, a newly refitted Sovereign class vessel scheduled to head out into unexplored space in a few weeks. The thought of discovering new cultures and documenting their languages filled Oma with a giddy excitement. If only…

    The turbolift arrived at the bridge and Oma stepped out into that familiar place. Her eyes met those of Major Thek Crohn, the Tactical Officer on detachment from the Bajoran Militia. He winked at her and she couldn’t help but grin back at him; their on/off relationship was definitely on at the moment.

    Oma crossed the bridge and rang the door chime for the Admiral’s ready room.

    “Enter…” came the female voice from within before the doors slid open.
    Saelanna Medals
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    Oma stepped through the door of the ready room. Admiral Saelanna Navan sat at her desk reading something on a PADD. Oma always had to remind herself that this petite and seemingly ageless woman was, thanks to her Vulcan half, older than Oma’s grandmother.

    “Ah Lieutenant, please come in.”, the Admiral said rising from her desk and walking to the replicator. “Tea?”, she asked.

    “No thank you Ma’am, I’ve just come from the mess hall.”

    The Admiral nodded and ordered herself a Vulcan tea, “Have a seat Lieutenant.” she said, indicating the sofa that ran along one side of the room, underneath the window. The two women sat down and Oma waited patiently for the Admiral to take a sip of her tea. Not wanting to keep the younger woman waiting any longer than necessary, the Admiral got straight to the point and handed Oma a small box. With trembling fingers, Oma opened the box and saw the rank pips of a full Lieutenant.

    “Congratulations!” said the Admiral, “Your application to join the Ares for the Semper Exploro Project has been approved by Starfleet Command.”.

    “Wow! Um, I mean, thank you Ma’am.” said the Bajoran woman, “I don’t know what to say!”.

    The Admiral smiled, “The Imladris’ loss is the Ares’ gain. A linguist of your calibre is an asset to any starship, especially for one heading into unexplored space. I discussed this with Starfleet Command when I recommended you for the position.”.

    “I can’t thank you enough Admiral! Although I will be sorry to leave the Imladris.”

    “I understand Lieutenant.” agreed the Admiral. “We’re scheduled to arrive at Deep Space Nine in two weeks. That should be enough time for you to get your affairs in order on board the Imladris.”.

    “Yes Admiral, thank you again.”. Oma made a mental note to thank the Prophets in her prayers that evening.

    “Dismissed.” said the Admiral with a smile; she continued to smile and sip the hot tea as the Bajoran officer left the room.
    Saelanna Medals