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FEO and Website March Roll Call Feedback

Started By:
Three of Seven, Thu 22 Mar, 2018 4:36 PM
  1. Fleet Admiral

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    FEO have looked over the comments from the last survey and provided their responses to them. A number of other divisions and departments have and will continue to post their survey results over the next few days. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and a special thanks to those who left comments. You can still submit feedback via the contact form if there is something you wish to send us. Or you can drop me a PM and I will respond in reasonable time.

    The FEO result has remained stable, once again, at 98% since the last Roll Call, stability is good! If there is something you disapprove of, I urge you to get in touch with us so we can attempt to correct or explain the decision taken. Communication and transparency is important to us.

    The website feedback, which Jordan has once again given his thoughts to, was down by 2% this Roll Call, which is sad to see, boo! But 97% approval still isn't bad!

    FEO March Approval Rating: 98% (0%)
    FEO December Approval Rating: 98%

    Hello, how are you doing?
    Three of Seven: Hello me! I am doing okay, not as ill this month as I was last month, feeling better than I did when I filled out the survey too, thanks for asking past Three of Seven!

    Jordan: Not bad. Life's good, work's good and tinkering with the website is great!


    Jonathan F-G: Very well thanks.

    KerryMalone: Just getting over a nasty bout of the Flu. Thanks for asking.

    You are doing great!
    Three of Seven: That is good to hear! If there is somewhere we can improve, let us know Smile

    Jordan: Dawww, we do try!

    Sammygm: Well thank you!

    Jonathan F-G: How kind thank you

    KerryMalone: I say, that's jolly nice of you!

    See a lot of activity and interaction with Three and Sammy. All-in-all, I think the FEO is doing a good job. The only thing is that they need to let Jordan come out more. Keeping the poor blue guy locked in the nether regions of the site is bad.
    Three of Seven: I mean, is it a good thing to have a lot of interaction with me? Most people find their IQ drops a little! But thank you, FEO does well these days, and Jordan is free to move around whenever he wishes, as far as I have been told, FEO wouldn't lie to the Fleet Admiral, would they?...

    Jordan: I come out once in a blue moon to say hi, otherwise i'm in my dungeon doing stuff like binge Babylon 5

    Sammygm: Hey! It's not our fault that Jordan wants to be locked up in the nether regions. It's like his choice!

    Jonathan F-G: Yeah I don't do anything...... a lot of what I do is behind the scenes so its not surprising you don't see much of me.

    KerryMalone: We try to keep Jordan in the basement, as he does far less harm there. He does get his yard-time though, we are required under the Geneva Convention to treat our slav... err... 'tech specialist' in a humane way.

    I strongly approve of the FEO team!
    Three of Seven: YEAH! GO TEAM FEO! Thanks!

    Jordan: Woo! High five everyone!

    Sammygm: Well I don't, that Sammygm person is terrible.

    Jonathan F-G: Yay!!

    KerryMalone: Woo! Go Team!

    FEO is doing a Good Job ????????
    Three of Seven: I don't know, is it ????????

    Jordan: Nah, our Fleet Admiral clearly doesn't have her head screwed on the right way

    Sammygm: Of course not, don't be silly!

    Jonathan F-G: I blame Three for this!!!

    KerryMalone: I second Jonathan's motion. This is clearly all Three's fault.

    You’re all fab!
    Three of Seven: No, we're FEO, FAB is a different department, headed up by Jonathan F-G. SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! No, but cheers for the kind words Smile

    Jordan: No Three... we didn't.

    Sammygm: I'm not part of FAB!

    Jonathan F-G:FABulous!!

    KerryMalone: Now look what you did, you got Jonathan all sparkly.

    All I can say is you guys are fantastic, how you managed to create such an amazing site escapes me, you should all pat yourselves on the back!
    Three of Seven: I didn't create the site, so I can't take any credit for that! I just make sure this place runs, or something like that! Let's all pat Jordan on the back, really, really hard!

    Jordan: Thanks, we've tried hard and much is thanks to retired Lynxmukka for the design work.

    Sammygm: It's not all our doing! UFP has a great legacy of members helping out the site in which ever way they could.

    Jonathan F-G: Credit should go to Jordan for helping keep the website going Big Grin

    KerryMalone: Isn't it purdy?!

    The wheels keep turning and the community keeps going so they must be doing something right.
    Three of Seven: I sure hope so!

    Sammygm: We hope we're doing it right! I always advise for members to tell us immediatly when they don't like something! All feedback is good feedback, unless your feedback is "it sucks" or "it's useless" cause we can't do anything with that.

    Jonathan F-G: Yes it does and hopefully it will for many years to come.

    KerryMalone: #WheelsOnTheBus

    Most seem to be doing stuff however Sharpkiller seems to be quite inactive. Why not remove Sharpkiller in her place? Having a CL6 who is never online is detrimental to the health of the community. I would like to hear the justification on having an inactive member of leadership.
    Three of Seven: Sharpkiller took some time away from the UFP for personal reasons, and has recently made the decision to step down. He had been with the community for a long time, around 9 years, so stepping aside was always going to be a difficult decision to make. We are thankful for the work he put into the community during his time in the leadership, and are sad to see him depart.

    Jordan: Ditto what Three has said. Sharpkiller was a big part of the development of the UFP and what it is today, but unfortunately, for personal reasons in his life, he has decided to retire and focus on what is most important to him.

    Sammygm: Without Sharp, the UFP wouldn't be the same as it is today. Sharpkiller poured his heart in to support the technical side of the UFP, building systems from scratch to help make everyone's time that much easier. You have to understand that it's very hard to let go of something you built and took care for. It is only normal to expect Sharpkiller to take his time on his decision to step down. You would've probably done the same if you were in his shoes.

    Jonathan F-G: To follow on from my colleagues, yes he was inactive for a time as his personal life to a priority and rightfully so. We are a volunteer staffed community and real life must take a priority. He has now decided to step aside and I am thankful for his work and service.

    KerryMalone: Sharpkiller was a big part of what made the UFP what it is today, and his service cannot be underestimated or ignored. Whilst he chose to focus on his Real Life (something that gets us all in the end!) he was always keeping an eye on things, so even if he didn't seem to be around, he was around. His decision to step down was very difficult, and he will be missed.

    It sucks
    Three of Seven: What does? Anything in particular? Or just FEO in general? We can't improve unless you tell us specifically!

    Jordan: Aww, without knowing what sucks we can't improve.

    Sammygm: 10/10 Feedback, we really learned a lot from it...

    Jonathan F-G: Pray tell.

    KerryMalone: Sorry...

    I mean, 2/3rds are active. Better than the member base. ^,^
    Three of Seven: Statistics and proportions, or something, maths isn't my strong suit, although I think I am slightly better at it than I am at English.

    Jordan: Statistically 5/6ths were active!

    Sammygm: Our member base is active, not everyone might frequent the forums, but there are plenty of active members ingame.

    Jonathan F-G: 5/6 > 2/3. Our staff are all an active bunch as well!!!!

    KerryMalone: Is the other third pie? I like pie.

    Still learning my way around, so for now all responses are neutral.
    Three of Seven: Very well! Drop me a message if you have anything you wish to say about FEO!

    Sammygm: We look forward from reading your feedback in the next roll call month.

    Jonathan F-G: Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!!

    KerryMalone: If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask!

    Not in fleet or seen enough to have a say.
    Three of Seven: As above, if you notice anything, let me know Smile

    Sammygm: We hope you enjoy your stay, and we look forwards for you feedback next roll call.

    Jonathan F-G: I don't really play STO but always on the forums and TS if you want a chat.

    KerryMalone: Welcome to the fun house!

    Website March Approval Rating: 97% (-2%)
    Website December Approval Rating: 99%

    Jordan: Nope.

    It's super awesome!!
    Jordan: So are you!

    The best website I know. It is always a pleasure to use it.
    Jordan: Awesome! I'm glad you're enjoying it and if there is anything that needs improving just drop me a PM!

    Jordan, you rock! The site and forums have always been well run and well maintained. Kudos and Cheers to you!
    Jordan: Awww, again just let me know if anything needs improving!

    Now that I'm used to it, it's a well-oiled scene. Yet, I still have the perception that some tweaks could be made, I just have not put my thoughts to paper yet. Yes, I still use paper Tongue Out
    Jordan: Dont kill the environment Sad Put those thoughts in a PM and send 'em to me!

    The forums are nicely organized, but I'm still fairly new, so trying to find my way around takes a little long.
    Jordan: Anything that can improve your experience just let us know

    We need a box, button, link chain, something that will allow us to access thread pages directly, not simply either First, Next (Previous), and Last. If I want to go to Page 10 of 30, it's a little rough. Other than that, it's good!
    Jordan: If you click the 'Page 1 of 10' it will show a page selection drop-down.

    Great Job to the Joint Techical Services Staff!
    Jordan: Whoop!

    The potentially forgotten miracle workers that beaver away in the background keeping everything going, adding new features, and just allowing this community to exist. Without the website being so well looked after I don't think the community would be doing so well. Good job WebSpinners!
    Jordan: Thanks, and we keep improving it almost everyday!

    Not found any issues. Will the forum be moved to a different forum software in the future? I don't know how much customisation has been done but Vbulletin is an old forum software in 2018. Vbulletin 5 was a total failure and it is unlikely that VB4 will get anymore updates. I understand that moving forum softwares is a massive undertaking but would it ever be considered in the future? (What are your thoughts on this?)
    Jordan: For the foreseeable future we will not be moving our forum. We have heavily customised the forum software in many cases where it encroaches on the forum code to provide functionality which wouldn't usually be accessible.

    Totally needs to be remade to be useable
    Jordan: Please let us know what is unusable as the comments thus far haven't been critical.

    Jordan: Maybe.

    It is a great website, I almost feel like I am in Starfleet.
    Jordan: Thanks, you would've enjoyed our previous full on LCARS website before this iteration.

    you do a great job glad to be part of the team !
    Jordan: I'm glad you're with us!

    Seems easy enough to navigate and use so far from what i have seen.
    Jordan: If you have any difficulty just let us know.