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[Guide] - Preparing your character for raiding

Started By:
Nic, Mon 27 Aug, 2018 10:00 AM
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     –  Last edited by Sammygm; Mon 23 Nov, 2020 12:29 PM.
    We are a casual raiding guild but this doesn't mean there are no rules. These rules are meant to keep our raids efficient (by starting on time) and enjoyable for all participants (by maximizing our odds of killing lots of bosses and getting phat loot).

    Here's a quick refresher on what the guild expects from each and every raider.
    1. Be prepared (as in, have ALL of the below items checked off BEFORE the raid and be present at the Raid entrance ~10 minutes before starting time.)
    2. Be geared Try to be sufficiently geared, this can be achieved by running dungeons.
    3. Be fully enchanted with Shadowlands enchants (don't worry about the highest tier for the time being).
    4. Be fully gemmed with Shadowlandsgems (don't worry about the highest tier for the time being)
    5. Bring at least 3 flasks that make sense for your spec, highest tier available. But don't drink them at the start of a raid as we'll usually be providing a cauldron.
    6. Bring plenty of potions appropriate for your spec, highest tier available.
    7. Bring plenty of food appropriate for your spec, highest tier available.
    8. Watch the Fatboss Strategy videos for all bosses in the first raid.
    9. Listen to the raidleaders During a fight ONLY raidleaders make calls. Keep discussions about tactics and any suggestions you may have until after the fight.
    And in case that isn't quite clear, here's a bit more background on each of these points:

    1. Be prepared.

    Our raiding team is made up of adults leading busy lives. This means that our raiding time is precious to us and we want to get the most out of it by starting the raid on time. We will not begin the raid until _everyone_ present is fully prepared. This means that if you come unprepared you make your fellow raiders wait for you until you ARE prepared and this is highly disrespectful.

    If you struggle getting prepared before a raid feel free to reach out to any of the officers in the guild and they'll be happy to help you. We will endeavor to stock the guild bank with the required enchants, gems, flasks, and potions so if you are a raider feel free to take your raid items from there.

    Do note that "The item I needed wasn't available in the guild bank" is not a valid excuse for coming to a raid unprepared. The auction house ALWAYS has stock and we all either have to farm or buy a WoW token from time to time to make raiding viable.

    Ask for help. It is PERFECTLY FINE to ask for help if you're low on funds or simply don't know how to get your hands on certain items. It is NOT FINE to wait with telling others until right before (or during) the raid.

    Be on time. If you think you're going to arrive "just in time" before the raid starts due to, for example, work; make sure you log off at the raid entrance already. Do NOT expect to get a summon. Summoning people takes time and leaving people outside of the raid longer to account for late loggers will guarantee a late start.

    2. Be geared
    Being sufficiently geared means that we'll be able to go through the bosses without making it harder on our selves. Raids are usually tuned to certain Ilvl so we should all try to reach this requirement/

    If you are having trouble gearing your character up please reach out to your guildmates for help. Most people are more than happy to help you run dungeons or even to team up for World Quests and Island Expeditions.

    3. Be fully enchanted & 4. Be fully gemmed.
    For this expansion you will need to enchant the following armor pieces:
    • Main Hand
    • Off Hand (If your class/spec uses one)
    • Cloaks
    • Chest
    • Bracers for Intellect
    • Boots for Agility
    • Gloves for Strength
    • Rings (x2)
    Gems will only be applicable for certain pieces these include: Helms, Rings, Necks, Bracers and Belts

    Check your class guide on Icy-Veins if you are unsure which enchants & gems are optimal for your class and spec.

    Note 1: "This armor piece is too low level for it to be worth enchanting/gemming" is NOT an acceptable excuse to come to raids unenchanted/ungemmed. Others have put in the time and effort to get geared and enchanted/gemmed and so will you.
    Note 2: Don't worry about getting drops you get during the raid enchanted/gemmed right away. We have regular breaks in which you can ask crafters to help you out but doing so in between bosses mostly just slows us down.

    5. Bring Flasks & 6. Bring Potions
    Check your class guide on Icy-Veins if you are unsure which flasks & potions are optimal for your class and spec.

    Drink your flask at the start of the raid. It's not cool to wait with popping your flask until we pull the first boss. We all hate grinding through trash and the quicker we do it the better. You'll need 3 flasks on a regular raiding session anyway so min-maxing your flasks that much is mostly just frustrating for others without any real savings for you.

    Pre-potting will usually not be required for boss fights when we are still learning the mechanics of the fight. The raid leader will at some point announce that the learning phase is over and from that point on we should all prepot on each and every pull.

    7. Bring plenty of food
    We will endeavor to bring feasts but do not rely on them. Bring food appropriate for your class and spec and eat it right after each wipe to ensure we're ready for a quick re-pull.

    Check your class guide on Icy-Veins if you are unsure which food is optimal for your class and spec.

    8. Watch the Fatboss Strategy videos
    While the raid leader will explain the tactics on any new fights and the best way to learn a fight is by wiping on it a healthy 10 or 30 times... we should all come into the fights with a minimum of pre-knowledge.

    To easily gain this knowledge, read the guides on WoWhead and watch the accompanied videos from FATBOSS:

    9. Listen to raidleaders
    Our raidleaders will make it clear who is responsible for which callouts during fights.

    The encounters are hectic enough without people randomly coming in with calls during fights. Remember any suggestions or ideas you had during a fight and share it with the group AFTER the fight.

    Our raidleaders are very reasonable and will gladly incorporate good suggestions into our tactics but disrupting communication during fights will be frowned upon.

    Bonus content: Handly tools, guides and addons to help you be better prepared!
    Note that these are highly personal. Some people will swear by these and others will hate them and that's fine. As long as you show up to raids fully prepared we don't care how you got there Wink
    • Pawn - Addon that helps you decide which gear is best for your spec
    • AskMrRobot - Addon and website that helps you decide which gear is best for your spec AND which tells you when you're missing enchants and gems and which ones you should use.
    • Icy-Veins - Website with tons of information on how to optimally spec/gear and play your class.
    • SimulationCraft - Tool, website and addon that allow you to run indepth simulations to find out your potential DPS. Handy if you are not sure which spec has the highest potential or when you can't decide between a couple of trinkets.
    NicNic Medals
    - Janeway.