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[Minutes] - Community Meeting: September 2019

Started By:
Bedders, Sat 14 Sep, 2019 10:33 PM
  1. Leave of Absence

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    Community Meeting: September 2019

    SATURDAY, September 14th 2019 at 21:00 BST (16:00 EDT)
    ATTENDEES: Jonathan, Petrarch, Sammygm, ThreeOfSeven, Lazereth, Asteropax, Bedders, Bridger, Enlistednut09, Michael, Noram, Seapanda, Solace, Chugster, Elderson79, Kozak, Liberal Pikey, Miles, Quelibrium, Ross.

    NOTE: All text in yellow represent meeting action points.

    • Jordan (on Netflix, not at the beach)
    • Saelanna
    • Mack
    • Novalance

    • Hot steamy romance novel published to Subscribers, much wow, excite!
    • Survey after changes shows a drop of negative feedback in numbers.

    Divisional Updates

    Federation Executive Officers
    • Community Administration:
      • Been a quiet month. Had a few reports which have been quickly dealt with and we are still on the lookout for a new Graphics Team member.

    • Community Development:
      • Been a very quiet summer period, not much happening and things ticking over. Looking at ways to revamp the review section, got an initial idea in mind and it’s in progress. Lars has offered to assist and waiting to hear back from him. Chewing on a couple of other bits but not got anything ready to present right now.

    • Community Gaming:
      • Not a whole lot has been going on, besides tactical. Tactical has been bumped down to just a forum for classic star trek games and mods. Avenger and Marcus are staying onboard as managers for their respective areas as a sort of thank you for their service, but there will be no further recruitment for this division. I also which to apologise for the late UFPAC recommendations, the period where I usually put them up conflicted with the WoW Classic launch and got distracted. Also Laz needed mana when Sammy asked him to pull.

    • Community Technical Services & Security:
      • Laz went over some stuff but didn't type anything, so he gets this posted in the minutes.

    • Star Trek Online:
      • Starfleet Operations:
        • STO Command conducted an event in the month of August. Mack successfully contacted all the winners and sent/traded them their prizes.
        • Several staff members have been on extended absences, leaving much of work load to a couple of staff. This means that STO Staff activity will be audited soon after the UFPAC.
        • Recently SFO Fleets had to be looked into due to lack of slots of members, as a result of which several accounts inactive for more than an year were removed. These members should be able to request an invite back should they decide to be active again.
      • House of Kular:
        • I also have to be up at 4am UK time tomorrow due to a last minute change in work so I'm gonna have to miss tonight's meeting. In so very sorry. However. I can report that house of kular is doing great and is on track to get tier 5 colony energy within the next 52 days! This is a good thing!

    • Starfleet Holodeck:
      • Seapanda promoted to Quartermaster to help maintain Warframe, and because of his excellent work filling the events pages.
      • Michael brought on as Event Officer primarily for SWTOR but also North American events.
      • WoW Classic headed by Sammy has a consistent attendance every night on Zandalar Tribe Alliance side. No official events but high activity.
      • Thead on Nintendo Switch for anyone interested!
      • Modded Stellaris, SWTOR 3 nights a week, Elite Dangerous, Age of Empires 2 all regular still. Open to new ideas for games at

    • Starfleet Tactical:
      • REMOVED DIVISION but forums remain, staff keep positions due to long service.

    • ARES Roleplay:
      • We have been doing well. We’ve got a new member and Blaster has been brought on as a new Simulations Officer. The story is continuing to progress and have a number of things going on to continue the drive towards the next chapter.

    • Federation News Service:
    • Starfleet Academy:
      • Everything is going well in the Academy, we have a new XO with Michael and two new RSO’s, bcadotte and Chris Wilkinson.
      • We have started the Newsletter back up and the Tour the Holdings event.

    • External Operations:
      • Nothing provided.

    • Discussion on a limit of the number of volunteer roles held by an individual person - in progress, carried to October.
    • Policy change for CL4 members to submit 1 UFPAC recommendation as a mandatory requirement - Still under review.
    • Revamp of reviews section - In progress


    NOTE: Those who raise the agenda item are expected to help write the minutes for their item.
    • No items raised.

    • Congratulations to Sammy, Lazereth, Mihutz and Rattlehead for 4-manning a dungeon successfully in Classic Wow during the meeting.

    • None Received.

    • Three proposed merging the CL5/CL6 and Member open floor. Petrarch agrees and December JCM will have an all open floor instead of 2 separate floors.
    Bedders Medals