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[Guide] - Task Force Operations Guides

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Sul-Matuul, Sun 15 Nov, 2020 1:47 PM
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     –  Last edited by Sul-Matuul; Tue 01 Jun, 2021 9:45 AM.
    STO 240

    Faber est suae quisque suae futurae
    Everyone is the artisan of their own future

    sto sfo sep

    Greeting Captains.

    The STO Division has written some updated guides for the Task Force Operations in game. Hopefully these will be helpful for our newer members (or even those who've been away from the game for a while).
    They are not intended to be guides for ultimate DPS runs; they are here to offer information for players who are unfamiliar with the missions. After all; learning the basics of a mission is the first step in performing well in it!

    Additional guides will be added as they are completed so this thread will be continually updated. There's a LOT of TFO's to get through!

    We wish you all the best in your missions Captains!

    Omega Force - The Borg Front

    Infected: The Conduit

    TFO: Infected: The Conduit, Space
    The Borg are presumed to have assimilated Federation Starbase 82; all contact has been lost. Additionally, the Borg have constructed a Transwarp Gate near the starbase; powered by two transformers.
    Your mission is to destroy the Transwarp Gate.
    The mission can be run as a premade team or just queued up randomly as part of the TFO system. Many players are so familiar with the mission by now little preparation is required, even for random teaming.

    The Transwarp Gateway is drawing power from two Transformers; each powered by four Generators. You must destroy the Generators first, then the Transformers and finally the Gateway.
    Beware though; the Borg will send in Nanite repair ships to attempt to fix and damage you cause to the Transformers. Allowing repairs to happen could fail the mission!

    Additional Borg support vessels will be present as well and must be dealt with to secure the system.

    You will be fighting against the Borg; resistance is always an option when you have a big stick!
    You will be facing:
    Borg Probe
    Borg Sphere
    Borg Cube
    Borg Tactical Cube
    Borg Transformer x2
    Borg Transwarp Gateway x1
    Borg Power Generator x8

    Mission Briefing
    • There is a countdown before anyone can move.
    • This should allow anyone with pets to get them launched and ready, or those with slower loading to warp in.
    • If running premade and a timed/parsed run; make sure pets are on recall first or they will engage before the enemy before the players can.
    • At Elite difficulty there is a timer on this mission; you must complete it before the timer ends or it will fail automatically.

    • Defeat the guardian Cube and Spheres; There is usually 1 Borg Cube and 4 Spheres at Advanced level; Normal removes the Cube altogether; Elite swaps the Cube for a Tactical Cube.
    • A tactical player can fly into the Cube core breach to take damage and allow access to Go Down Fighting to buff their next attack run.
    • Traditionally at this point everyone heads to the left transformer.

    Left Transformer
    • Destroy the cube overhead.
    • Destroy the 4 Generators around the Transformer.
    • As soon as one Generator is completely destroyed, Borg nanite ships will warp in from the Gate. You must stop these reaching the Transformer.
    • [Warning] If the Nanite vessels reach the Transformer before it is destroyed, they will heal it very rapidly and the optional objective will fail. This will instantly fail the elite version of this mission.
    • Gravity Well can be used to delay the Nanite vessels from reaching the transformer. A powerful GW can even pin all the Nanite vessels and accompanying Spheres to the Gate; holding them down for dealing with later.
    • Destroy the Transformer once the Generators are all gone.
    • Destroy any remaining Spheres or Nanite vessels still hanging around.

    Right Transformer
    • This attack should follow the same principle as the left side Transformer.
    • As soon as the Transformer is destroyed a Tactical Cube will warp in and the Gateway will become vulnerable.

    Transwarp Gate
    • Destroy the Gate.
    • The Gate can take a lot of damage and it can shoot back at you, though it cannot move.
    • Anyone with Raider Flanking should attack from the rear of the gate for increased damage.

    Tactical Cube
    • Destroy the Tactical Cube.
    • This can be a tough fight for newer players, but it is only one ship and therefore it is just a case of surviving and hammering it down until it explodes.
    • Science vessels with drain builds will aid greatly here by reducing the firepower the Cube can put out, plus dropping its shields faster.

    • Nobody should head to the left side before all the starting Spheres are destroyed. This will prevent the shield around the Cube from dropping and require someone go back and finish off the last sphere.
    • The team not focusing on the Transformer once the Nanite spheres are warping in and on the move can be a disaster. You need everyone’s DPS potential to kill it before the Nanites get in range to heal it.
    • If the team has enough DPS though, one science player with Gravity Well can keep the Nanite ships under control and out of the way.
    • Once the first Generator goes down the team should ignore everything but the Generators and the Transformer.
    • A team member switching to the right before all enemies are destroyed on the left and destroying one of the generators is the path to the dark side. The next wave of Nanite spheres will begin to warp in and head right before the rest of the team can get over to help.
    • Splitting the team (intentionally or accidentally) between the Gate and Tactical Cube reduces attacks against them both. These are big targets and go down much faster with concentrated firepower; not splitting between targets.

    Cure Found

    TFO: Cure Found
    The Borg have taken control of three Klingon shipyards in the Vorn system. The KDF has sent in a ship, the Kang, to investigate but has lost contact with her.
    We need to go in, investigate the loss of contact with the Kang; and destroy the captured shipyards.

    The are three Klingon shipyards across the map which have been assimilated by the Borg. They are laid out Left, Middle, Right as you face them from the starting point.
    Each shipyard has one Borg Cube floating about it and it connected to this by means of energy streams, routed through 8 Borg Nanite Probes.
    The probes are in 2 players of 4 and the Cube cannot be destroyed until they are dealt with.

    The Kang is located several km’s in front of the shipyards but is disabled; you must protect it at all costs.

    As soon as you begin your attacks on the shipyards, they will each spawn assimilated KDF ships to attack you and the Kang. Primarily these ships will launch is groups of 3 from each shipyard and head straight for the Kang. Bird of Preys are the first to spawn, and for each shipyard destroyed tougher vessels will spawn from the others (Raptors and then Negh’vars).

    When all shipyards are destroyed, an assimilated KDF Carrier will appear with several support craft; destroy it to end the mission.

    You will be facing:
    Borg Nanite Probe
    Borg Sphere
    Borg Cube
    Assimilated Bird of Prey
    Assimilated Raptor
    Assimilated Negh’var
    Assimilated Carrier

    Mission Briefing
    • There is a countdown before anyone can move.
    • This should allow anyone with pets to get them launched and ready, or those with slower loading to warp in.
    • If in a premade team you could decide to send players to each shipyard, one to guard the Kang and one spare for helping others.
    • The mission is over if the Kang is destroyed.

    • Move to attack the Nanite Probes transferring power between the Cubes and Shipyards.
    • You cannot damage the Cubes until the Probes are dealt with.
    • The probes at the top cannot be damaged until those underneath them are destroyed.
    •Be warned there are several Spheres or other Assimilated vessels guarding each shipyard which will try to hinder your attacks.

    • The Probes and Cubes are not particularly tough, any build with decent AOE attacks such as BFAW or TS should be able to mop up the Probes quickly.
    • A tactical player can fly into the Cube core breaches to take damage and allow access to Go Down Fighting to buff their next attack run.
    • A group of 3 Assimilated BoP’s will be moving to attack the Kang from each shipyard as soon as you start the mission.
    • Each shipyard saved will also result in a group of 3 additional assimilated KDF vessels spawning from the remaining shipyards.
    • These spawning vessels will get progressively tougher as each shipyard is destroyed.
    • A science vessel with Gravity Well will be a great asset for taking out and controlling the spawning groups of ships.

    Final Battle – Assimilated Carrier
    • This is not a tough fight; often the Borg ships die without causing anyone any damage.
    • The Assimilated Carrier will not move and is essentially a sitting duck.
    • Gravity Well and AOE attacks can very rapidly destroy the entire enemy group within mere seconds.

    • The Kang is never really in any danger as it has a lot of health, only at Elite level will it be at risk.
    • The biggest threat to the Kang is getting overwhelmed by ships left to attack it without being dealt with. At Normal and even Advanced level this is not an issue but at Elite the extra health o the enemy makes dealing with a massive swarm attacking the Kang risky.
    • The spawning assimilated ships will endlessly appear until each shipyard is dealt with.

    Khitomer Vortex

    TFO: Khitomer Vortex, Space
    Borg ships are massing in the Quadra Sigma system. Sensors are also detecting large amounts of Chroniton particles; if the Borg are messing with time travel this cannot be good news.
    Get in there are stop whatever they are up to; we cannot allow the Borg threaten the past, or future.

    Before you can get to the main mission at hand you must destroy the Borg Tactical Cube guarding the system.

    The Khitomer map consists of a central Borg Temporal Vortex, flanked by 2 Transwarp Gateways.
    Each Gate is receiving power from 2 Transformers and these in turn are drawing their power from 4 Generators each.
    You must destroy the Gateways on each side whilst at the same time stop any Borg vessel attempting to use the Temporal Vortex to travel through time.

    Once you destroy both Gateways you must face off against and old friend, Donatra of the Romulan Star Empire, who has been assimilated into the Collective. She will not be an easy fight.

    You will be facing:
    Borg Probe
    Borg Sphere
    Borg Cube
    Borg Tactical Cube
    Borg Transformer x4
    Borg Transwarp Gateway x2
    Borg Power Generator x16
    Assimilated Scimitar Warbird
    Borg Tractor Probes

    Mission Briefing
    • Most of this mission works exactly like the Infected: Conduit space TFO.
    • The Generators must be destroyed to allow attacks on the Transformers, the Transformers must be destroyed to allow attacks on the Gateways.
    • Allowing any Probes to pass through the vortex will auto-fail the mission at elite level, at lower difficulties you have a maximum of 10 allowed through before the optional objective fails.

    • Destroy the Tactical Cube guarding the system. Thankfully it is not as dangerous or as tough as a standard Tactical Cube. It should be easy work.
    • The team needs to split between the left and right Gateways now; but bear in mind someone must keep an eye open for Probe trying to use the vortex!

    Attacking the Gateways
    • As soon as the guardian Tactical Cube is down, Borg Probes will start making a beeline for the vortex. You must stop these vessels entering the vortex.
    • The Probes will spawn in groups of 3 mostly. They are slow and easy to kill; provided someone is keeping an eye out for them.
    • Once 2 generators are destroyed per Transformer additional Borg vessels warp in to protect it. On normal difficulty this is a Sphere, at other difficulties it is a Cube. This can hinder the attackers.
    • As soon as one of the Gateways is destroyed a massive group of Probes and Spheres will warp in via the other Gateway; so be prepared to have a lot of enemies appear at once.
    • The Gateways will attack players who get too close to them.
    • Gravity Well can greatly help control the Probes and Spheres warping in; making dealing with them easier as they are delayed en-route to the vortex.
    • Science vessels should mark the Gateways with Sensor Analysis as soon as possible to allow it to stack up a full set of buffs against these bigger targets.

    Donatra and her Scimitar
    • Once the Gateways are both gone you’ll get a message from Donatra of Borg; she’s not too happy and has come to sort you lot out…
    • The Assimilated Scimitar is a tough ship to bring down. It will make repeated use of its cloaking device, thalaron pulse, and be supported by Tractor Probes that try to pin you down.
    • Additionally, Borg support ships will warp in occasionally from the vortex to come and assist their leader. These generally don’t pose a threat to anyone and often the fight moves far enough away from the vortex for them to be ignored.
    • Getting within 5km of Donatra will cause her to cloak and fly off; this can make the fight last quite a long time if players keep getting too close to her.
    • The Scimitar’s cloak does not act the same way a player cloak or even normal NPC one does; it cannot be stopped by Gravity Well, cannot be broken by use of Charged Particle Burst, and the ship can ignore tractor beams holding it when it wants to cloak. In short, it cheats!
    • Abilities and effects that “lock on” to targets can sometimes track and follow the Scimitar through it’s cloak; giving you a clue where it will de-cloak.

    • Somebody must remember to watch for Probes heading to the vortex or you’ll loose the optional objective (or fail the mission at elite).
    • Ask for help if you are getting overwhelmed taking on the Probes; they come from both sides at once too!
    • The Scimitar’s thalaron pulse is quite nasty but easy to dodge as the green cone effect is obvious and it takes time to charge up.

    Hive Onslaught

    TFO: Hive Onslaught
    The Borg Queen has transfered her consciousness to a vessel near the Unimatrix facility. This is our chance to strike and destroy her once and for all.
    You will be part of the task force led by the U.S.S. Houston assaulting the Borg Unimatrix; this will not be and easy fight.

    Hive Onslaught is a brutal attack against the nerve centre of the Borg; an attempt to kill the Queen herself.
    The U.S.S. Houston will assist you in this mission and is already on site.
    When you first warp in you will be confronted by a veritable armada of Borg vessels and the surrounding infrastructure makes it look even more intimidating.

    The first task is to tear through the Borg’s defences and force the Queen’s vessel to appear; then destroy it.

    At Normal difficulty you will be up against a smattering of Borg Cubes and Spheres. At Advanced Tactical Cubes will be added to the mix and at Elite there will be a considerably larger number of Tactical Cubes than any other difficulty.

    Once the initial enemy fleet is dealt with 2 Unimatrix ships will appear to defend their queen. These are the massive V’ger style vessels encountered in Red Alerts.

    Once these are taken care of the Queen will be vulnerable in her Octahedron vessel. Destroy her and throw the Collective into turmoil.

    You be facing:
    Borg Probe
    Borg Tractor Probe
    Borg Sphere
    Borg Cube
    Borg Tactical Cube
    Borg Unimatrix Command Vessel x2
    Borg Queen’s Octahedron.

    Mission Briefing
    • At Normal and Advanced difficulty this mission should pose no issue for most players. The Borg are tough, but everyone should be well used to handling them by the time this mission unlocks.
    • At Elite difficulty, this mission becomes considerably harder and a premade team is strongly recommended.
    • A premade team will want to have multiple high DPS damage dealers and at least one serious tank build to attract and soak up the huge amount of fire coming from the massed Borg ships.
    • Damage dealers will need to be capable of putting out considerable firepower to take down the multiple Tactical Cubes within the time limit.

    • The initial attack is against a massed fleet of various Borg ships.
    • DO NOT fly into the very middle of the enemy fleet unless you are extremely confident about your ability to tank heavy enemy fire!
    • There’s essentially a few options here: draw out individual Cubes to kill them away from the main fleet, attack from one flank only and move L-R or R/L, attack from above and work down through the enemy fleet.
    • Science vessels can be immensely powerful here as they can ignore the Borg’s shields with many attacks. Gravity Well however can work against the less prepared team as it can aggro the entire map easily and get players killed easily with massed enemy fire.
    • By a similar mechanic, AOE attacks like BFAW and TS are just as bad at getting too many enemies to notice and attack you.
    • Once all the Cubes etc. are defeated 2 Unimatrix vessels warp in with the Queen’s ship. A short cutscene will play.

    Unimatrix Command Vessels
    • The Unimatrix vessels are very powerful and you need to use a few tricks to survive against them.
    • Their primary attack will be Plasma Lance blasts; this will one-shot most players.
    • They will also fire HY Plasma Torpedos similar to their fighting style in RA’s.
    • Like the game hints, stick within 5km of the dormant Queen’s ship and the Unimatrix ships won’t be able to shoot at you.

    The Queen
    • Once the Unimatrix ships are down the Queen and her Octahedron ship will activate.
    • She’s a tough fight with some nasty tricks to catch out those who don’t pay attention.
    • Her first trick is to use Feedback Pulse to cause you to damage yourself when you fire upon her. Keep and eye out for when she uses this.
    • Secondly, she will use Scramble Sensors, making you target your allies. If you have a massive attack lined up and get hit by this you can easily kill a teammate.
    • Try to stay 6km away from her to keep safe from most tricks.

    • Don’t try to rush in and take on the whole enemy fleet. The easiest way to mess this mission up is to take on too many enemy vessels at once.
    • Aggravating the whole map or too many enemies makes everyone’s life miserable. The volume of enemy fire can wipe out the whole team in some cases if too many enemies are engaging you.
    • Stay close to the Unimatrix ships to avoid their heavy weapons.
    • Stay far from the Queen to avoid her sneaky tricks.

    Borg Disconnected

    TFO: Borg Disconnected
    Following her defeat in the Hive Onslaught, thousands of Borg were disconnected from the Collective.
    But the Queen is eternal and is trying to regain control of these drones. She has downloaded her consciousness into another Unimatrix complex and is trying to reconnect with her lost “children”.
    The Borg Cooperative have asked for our help in saving these newly freed drones from reassimilation.

    Once again you will find yourself warping in to a Borg Unimatrix complex.
    This time there are 3 different “reassimilation nodes” which are the large glowing green areas to the left, right and straight ahead.

    Borg vessels lost from the Collective will be warping into the system and be drawn into these nodes. You must free these Borg before they are reassimilated in the nodes and the Queen regains control of them by uploading a virus to fully disconnect them from the Collective.

    Ships you can free are coloured blue on the HUD to distinguish them from the hostile enemy vessels.
    This initial stage requires you to free 15 vessels. This is an instant failure on Elite but optional on all other difficulties.

    Once you have freed the initial wave of ships, the Undine will make an appearance and try to attack any and all Borg vessels. The same objectives apply again in this stage; free the ships before they are reassimilated.

    There will be a further break in the combat where the Voth will arrive and decide everyone needs to be eliminated, especially the Borg.
    Yet again the same objectives apply.
    This time the Voth will have Frigates launching Anti-Borg Torpedos that can one-hit kill a Borg vessel; they are shooting them at the ships you are trying to rescue. You cannot shoot down the torps but you can ram them to detonate them. The Frigates are easy targets however.

    The final stage of the mission will pit you against 3 ememy dreadnoughts; a Voth Citadel, and Undine Tethys Bio-dreadnought, and once again the Borg Queen’s Octahedron.
    To complete the optional objective for this part you need to kill all 3 within the allotted time limit; a tough target on elite.

    You will be facing:
    Borg Probe
    Borg Sphere
    Borg Cube
    Borg Queen’s Octahedron
    Voth Palisade Frigate
    Voth Bulwark Battleship
    Voth Bastion Cruiser
    Voth Citadel Dreadnought
    Undine Nicor Bioship
    Undine Dromias Bio-cruiser
    Vila Heavy Bioship
    Tethys Bio-Dreadnought

    Mission Briefing
    • This mission is full of multiple stages and can get fairly hectic for the unfamiliar.
    • However, the first 3 stages have one nice trick, you don’t need to fire a single shot if you know what to do!
    • The Borg ships can only be freed when out of combat, so staying away from getting into fights is a must.
    • If you are careful and avoid getting the attention of the enemy ships hanging around you can free the friendly ones without engaging anything.
    • Once the Voth and Undine show up you can just let them attack each other and the enemy Borg, they pay more attention to each other than you.
    • The only real concern is Voth anti-Borg torps and Undine rifts which pin down ships you need to free.

    Stage 1
    • Move to the reassimilation nodes; there are 3 to pick from and the team can split up as they wish. Generally, groups of 2/2/1 players per node works fine.
    • Free the Borg ships warping in that are marked for being freed. You can only do this out of combat.
    • There are a few enemy Borg vessels around, but you can ignore them (it’s far easier to free ships without aggravating the enemy anyway).

    Stage 2
    • Exactly the same as S1 but now there are Undine enemies around as well.
    • The main annoyance here is the fluidic rifts the Undine create that pin down the friendly Borg ships. These must be closed before you can free any ships (luckily it can be done in combat).
    • You can generally ignore the enemies and let them fight each other.

    Stage 3
    • The same as S1 & S2 but now the Voth have joined the party as well!
    • The only major concern here is the fluidic rifts as in S2 and now the presence of Voth Frigates launching Anti-Borg torps. These will kill the friendly and enemy ships in one hit.
    • Take out the frigates quickly, they are usually quite far out on the flanks and are easy to kill.
    • The torps they launch are invulnerable to weapon fire but explode when rammed, dealing damage to you.

    Dreadnought Stage
    • The 3 dreadnoughts are not too difficult as they also fight each other.
    • The Borg Queen is as tricky as before in the Hive; using placates and confuses to have you shooting your teammates.
    • The Undine dreadnought is the weakest but is faster and tends to run away more. It’ll also spawn in Nicor Bioships to aid it.
    • The Voth Citadel is a tough fight; it has immunity shields that are almost impenetrable, uses shield healing regularly, and makes use of Gravity Wells and Tractor Beams. Science magic works best here, or anything that ignores shields.

    • Try not to engage the enemy in the first 3 stages; it makes freeing ships easier and faster.
    • Buffs that give temporary hit points allow you to free ships even when under fire or at red alert, the trait from the T6 Pathfinder is one such buff and the Pilot spec tree also offers temporary HP on use of attack patterns.
    • Don’t have all players group up on one node, the Borg ships to free don’t spawn fast enough and you’re just missing ones at other nodes, having people sit around doing nothing all in one place.

    Discovery Legends

    Defence of Starbase One

    TFO: Defence of Starbase One
    Listen up!
    The war has not been going well for the Federation, and Klingons are advancing on our position. We need to hold off their ships until reinforcements can arrive.

    We expect the Klingons to attack in waves - their smaller, faster ships are hungry for battle and won't wait for the rest of their fleet to arrive in one group. As the fight progresses, their heavier ships will show up. Hold them off until more Starfleet ships can get here!.

    This is a pretty simple mission where you will face three waves of Klingon attackers trying to take out a Starbase.

    Starbase One itself is never at any risk of being destroyed as it has literally millions of hit points.

    Evacuation ships will be launched throughout the mission from 4 quadrants on the starbase; these need to be protected until they reach their warp-out point.

    You will be facing:
    Klingon Bird of Prey (DSC)
    Klingon Sech Battlecruiser
    Klingon Cleave Battleship
    Klingon Chargh Battleship
    Klingon BortaS blr Battleship

    Mission Briefing
    • Defend Starbase One against attackers.
    • Defend evacuation ships against attackers.

    Stage 1
    • The first wave of attackers will be solely made up of Bird of Preys.
    • These ships are of little concern for most players and only really become an issue if you get totally mobbed by them.
    • Gravity Well works really well here for sucking up vast swathes of enemy ships.
    • Any other area effect weapons are good here also; Fire at Will, Torpedo Spread etc.
    • You just need to wait out the timer and the remaining enemies will warp out.

    Stage 2
    • The second stage will be identical to before but adds in some larger Klingon ships as enemies.
    •Evacuation ships will start to appear now.
    • There are 4 evacuation ships in total; each launching from each corner docking area. They follow a route marked by a lane towards their warp out point.
    • The evacuation ships can survive on their own despite occasionally asking for help; they are pretty tough.
    • Again, wait out the timer for the break in combat.

    Stage 3
    • Again, this stage is identical to the previous two; now Klingon battleships will appear as well.
    • The final evacuation ships will be launching in this stage. They can survive fine with little help.
    • Simple wait out the timer as previously.

    • Nothing really of note for this TFO; it’s essentially just a shooting gallery.
    • Some of the Klingon ships can mob you if you really get a lot attention but they are not too dangerous even in numbers.
    • The escaping ships can normally manage perfectly well on their own, even at elite difficulty when totally ignored they are very unlikely to die.
    • The larger Klingon ship though more dangerous, are slow and ponderous so don’t pose much additional threat.
    • Crowd control abilities like Gravity Well, Tyken’s Rift etc. work wonders here; rapidly sucking up large numbers of enemies.

    Battle at the Binary Stars

    TFO: Battle at the Binary Stars
    The Battle at the Binary Stars is one of the most important historic battles between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
    Every cadet studies it at Starfleet Academy, though it has been purely in a historical context until now.

    The threat of temporally-displaced rogue Klingon starships, led by the legendary J’Ula, has brought a need for understanding 23rd century battle tactics to the attention of Alliance admiralties.

    The infamous Battle at the Binary Stars was the first engagement in the Federation Klingon War.
    This confrontation has been recreated as a holographic mission to allow Starfleet to learn more about the Klingons brought to the future by J’Ula.
    You’ll be facing off against a considerably larger force of enemy ships; but you will have some famous names fighting alongside you and you’ll also be up against the infamous Sarcophagus ship of the dead; a legendary battleship from Klingon history.

    The mission begins with the Klingons taking the first shot; disabling the U.S.S. Shenzhou. Your team must protect her at all costs.

    Following this initial skirmish, you must rescue escape pods from two disabled Starfleet vessels; they are surrounded by Klingons who are trying to take prisoners.

    The final engagement is an all-out fight for survival until the end. How long this takes depends on how many ships you can destroy.

    You will be facing:
    Klingon Bird of Prey (DSC)
    Klingon DaSpu Light Cruiser
    Klingon Sech Battlecruiser
    Klingon Qugh Dreadnought
    Klingon Chargh Battleship
    Klingon BortaS blr Battleship
    Klingon Sarcophagus Dreadnought

    Mission Briefing
    • There are three stages to this mission.
    • First you must defend the Shenzhou after it is initially disabled.
    • Second gather escape pods from the U.S.S. Yeager & U.S.S. Clarke whilst under fire from the Klingons.
    • Third destroy as many Klingon ships as possible in the time limit to force them to withdraw.

    Stage 1
    • The Shenzhou takes the first hit starting the fight.
    • This is just an all-out fight though you do need to protect the Shenzhou and keep her health above 50% or 80% depending upon the optional objective.
    • Most of the Klingon ships are easy to kill and they don’t have any surprises to be worried about.
    • Gravity Well or similar abilities works very well here due to the sheer volume of enemy ships.

    Stage 2
    • Two Starfleet ships have been disabled and will be marked on the battlefield by the ring around them.
    • To collect the escape pods, you must remain within the circular marked area.
    • You can still be in combat whilst gathering the pods which makes things easier.
    • The Klingon ships are not really a threat, but they do respawn indefinitely so try not to simply blow the whole enemy fleet near each rescue operation away; you are just wasting energy.
    • A player with Gravity Well can help to pull the enemy ships away from the rescue operations making things easier.

    Stage 3
    • In the final stage you must destroy as many enemy ships as possible in the limited time you have.
    • There is nothing unexpected here and it is essentially a repeat of the first stage in terms of the volume of enemies to kill.
    • You’ll get more rewards at the end if you destroy more enemy ships.
    • This stage lasts 4.5 mins so can be a bit tedious but there is plenty to shoot at as the enemy keep spawning in until the timer runs out.

    • The Sarcophagus Dreadnought cannot be destroyed, only temporarily disabled.
    • Most of the Klingon ships are of little threat to most players; the only real risk is if you get mobbed by too many.
    • Due to the massive number of enemies you’re facing area of effect (AOE) weapons and abilities work really well here.
    • During the escape pod rescues the enemy ships near the disabled ships will respawn endlessly; don’t spend too much time trying to wipe them all out. Leaving a couple alive stops the next batch appearing.
    • This mission uses a fair bit of original voicework from the first two Discovery episodes themselves.
    • The U.S.S. Europa and the Klingon Cleave Battleship never actually appear other than being in one visually impressive cutscene.

    Operation Riposte

    TFO: Operation Riposte
    Operation Riposte is the first major Federation offensive of the Klingon-Federation War of 2256-57.
    After nearly a month of crushing defeats, the Federation initiates a bold new plan to regain initiative in the war.
    The planet of Priors World has recently been conquered by the Klingons, but the Federation counter-attack aims to not only wrestle control of that world back into Federation hands, but also to deliver the first major defeat to the Klingons and thereby inject a much needed morale boost back into the ranks of Starfleet.

    This mission will have you recapturing the planet of Priors World from Klingon forces.

    The first stage in the mission will require you to retake three orbital stations surrounded by defence satellites that will attack you until the station is recaptured. Marauding Klingon ships moving around the system will try to stop your efforts.

    The second stage involves defending troop ships as they land ground troops on the planet. The Klingons will launch anti-ship missiles at the transports from the planet; destroy these to protect our troops. Klingon ships will also be trying to attack our transports.

    The third stage will involve capturing Klingon transports as they attempt to escape from the final orbital station still in their hands. You must disable these transports and tow them back to our own fleet.

    Finally, once all the transports are captured Aakar will warp in to take you on with his dreadnought and its accompanying fleet. Disable it to capture Aakar.

    You will be facing:
    Defence Satellite
    Orbital Stations Zenith 1, 2 & 3
    Anti-ship Missile
    Klingon Bird of Prey (DSC)
    Klingon Sech Battlecruiser
    Klingon Chargh Battleship
    Klingon BortaS blr Battleship
    Aakar’s Dreadnought

    Mission Briefing
    • Stage one – retake the three Orbital stations from the Klingons.
    • Stage two – defend Starfleet transports landing troops on the planet from missiles.
    • Stage three – capture Klingon transports fleeing the battlefield.
    • Stage four – Defeat Aakar and his fleet leading to his capture.

    Stage 1
    • To capture the orbital stations you must first drop their shields, then beam assault teams across4. You need to keep doing this until each station is retaken from the enemy.
    • The surrounding satellites will shoot at you until the stations they a next to are retaken.
    • Once all three stations are retaken a fleet of Klingon reinforcements will warp in; destroy them.

    Stage 2
    • Starfleet troop transports will warp in to two locations above the planet, you must protect them.
    • The first threat to them will be Klingon ships warping into the system to attack. A couple of players need to hag around each transport location to defend them from attacking ships.
    • The second much bigger threat is from Anti-ship Missiles launched from the planet. At least one player needs to shoot these down to protect the transports.
    • The missiles will be launched singly at first, but this will gradually ramp up to more and more at once as the stage progresses.
    • The missiles are tricky to hit so be prepared to chase them down; they are immune to crowd control abilities like Gravity Well.
    • If one player on their own taking out the missiles starts to get overwhelmed then other players should assist – keep an eye on the battlefield.

    Stage 3
    • You need to capture the fleeing Klingon transports that are spawning from the final orbital station; it is indicated by a red glow emanating from it.
    • To disable a transport just shoot it until its health is low enough and it will turn from a red UI marker to blue.
    • Once disabled click to use the tractor beam on the transport and tow it back to the U.S.S. Buran and the rest of the fleet. You cannot use full impulse for this but abilities like Ep2E or APO will still boost your speed.
    • Klingon ships will try to block your way back with a towed transport but are of little concern to most players.
    • The Starfleet ships will automatically take over holding the captured transports with tractor beams once you are within range.

    Stage 4
    • After a brief cutscene Aakar will warp in with his remaining fleet.
    • You just need to whittle them all down and disable the dreadnought; it is a tough ship with a lot of hit points, but the rest of the fleet are easy picking.
    • Gravity Well or similar AOE attack can quickly pin down and wipe out the accompanying Klingon ships.

    • The majority of Klingon ships are of little threat to the players so they should pose few issues.
    • The Anti-ship Missiles are difficult to hit with most weapons so something with rapid rates of fire or a AOE attack will be best to try and hit them as often as possible.
    • The missiles cannot be slowed down by crowd control abilities.
    • Player ships with hangers excel at taking out the missiles as their fighters etc. can move quickly to intercept targets.
    • Normally only a single player needs to take on the missiles; but the rest of the team should pay attention in case they start to get overwhelmed.
    • When capturing the Klingons transports be careful not do too much damage in their vicinity as it is possible to blow them up by accident. Gravity Well, combined with massive torpedo spreads can often have this outcome so be aware of your own power!

    The Voth Advance
    The Breach

    TFO: The Breach
    The Voth Fortress Ship is vulnerable. It's time to attack.
    Our plan is death by thousand cuts. We'll disrupt the Fortress's integrity field by destroying multiple nodes across the hull. Once that's complete, we'll be able to breach the hull and attack from the inside.
    Use the trenches to navigate at speed around the Voth Fortress.

    This mission involves an assault upon the gargantuan Voth Fortress Ship. The ship is vast, hundreds of kilometres long, and will require a carefully planned attack to succeed.

    The first stage is to move down the main dorsal trench and make your way to a weak point on the outer hull of the ship. You have the option to attack and many structural integrity nodes along the way to make breaching the hull easier.

    Once inside you must navigate the vast corridors of the ship to locate and destroy the main power core.
    You need to escape the fortress before the main core goes critical.

    You will be facing:
    Voth Antiproton Turrets
    Voth Palisade Frigate
    Voth Bastion Carrier
    Voth Bulwark Battleship
    Voth Sub-power Core (passive – see later notes for details)
    Voth Power Core

    Mission Briefing
    • Stage one – Navigate the Dorsal Trench to breach the outer hull.
    • Stage two – Destroy the Sub-power Core.
    • Stage three – Destroy the Main Power Core.
    • Stage four – Escape the Fortress Ship.

    Stage 1
    • The initial countdown timer will allow players to launch any hanger pets they wish to use. You cannot move until the timer ends.
    • The objective here is to simply reach the breaching point which is located on the right of the fortress as you are facing it at the start.
    • You cannot simply fly direct to the breach point, you must navigate the dorsal trench, which guides you to your eventual destination.
    • Along the trench are multiple hardpoints and these are easy to destroy; each one adds a small amount to the weaking of the breach point which is listed as a percentage.
    • There are two large groupings turrets along the trench together with an Integrity Node each that will force you to deal with them. The node cannot be destroyed until the turrets around it are destroyed.
    • Once one member of the team reaches the breach point the whole team can skip to that point via a prompt.
    • Breach the outer hull by shooting the hardpoints around the breach point until it explodes.

    Stage 2
    • Flying into the breach made in the outer hull you must follow the tunnels and pass through several doors until you reach the sub-power core room.
    • There are several groups of Voth ships within this room, each surrounding a captured Federation ship.
    • Destroying the Voth ships and interacting with the captured ships before the timer above them runs out will free them and get you an optional objective. These ships will also fight alongside you once rescued.
    • The sub-power core is located within one of the 3 sets of power regulators. These need to be interacted with to open them; they only stay open a limited time though.
    • There will be one of 3 things within the regulators: the real sub-power core, a fake core, or nothing.
    • Shooting the fake core will result in an energy discharge that injures all friendly ships.
    • The real power core will teleport twice when taken down by a third of its total health. Upon destruction it will unlock the door at the end of the room leading to the main power core.

    Stage 3
    • In this stage you need to destroy the main power core. It is inside the massive central room and protected by various defences.
    • The primary defence is the pair of rotating shield plates, one on either side. These block all shots that impact them. Because of this shooting the power core must be carefully timed, or attacks made from within the shields themselves.
    • The power core has multiple lightning attacks that randomly arc around the chamber, these will do considerable damage to ships if caught in them too much.
    • There are antiproton beams shooting from various points around the power core which will target player ships.
    • Finally, the power core has the ability to teleport players so they cannot shoot directly at it,or are facing the wrong direction.
    • The only real challenge here is the large health pool of the power core; it generally does not pose much of an actual threat to players.

    Stage 4
    • You must escape the fortress before the explosion of the power core kills everyone.
    • The route out is fairly easy and is essentially the reverse of the way you came in, although there are two ways out of the power core room; a lower and upper exit.
    • The exit doors from the core room are highlighted to make it a bit easier.
    • Your ship will automatically have full impulse for this stage and the time limit is fairly relaxed so there’s little chance of getting blown up by not escaping in time.

    • Any member of the team with a ship capable of cloaking can rush the trench run part of the mission and get to the breach point way ahead of the others. This can open the prompt for everyone to skip to there; considerably shortening the mission time.
    • Ships that travel extremely fast can on occasion become stuck on the doors inside the fortress as they may open too slowly to let the approaching ship through.
    • In the Sub-power Core room, it’s possible to get crushed in the regulators around the power cores as they only stay open a short time. This will instantly kill a player.
    • There are three sets of power regulators which can be opened but only one contains the real sub-power core. A fake core will have a “?” over the name and when it is shot releases an energy burst that damages players and stops them moving to full impulse.
    • The sub-power core will just twice when taken down to 66% and 33% health. It cannot be damaged beyond these limits each time until it has jumped and been revealed again.
    • The main power core has an annoying teleport attack which moves you into an area where you often cannot directly shoot back at it.
    • The rotating shield plates on either side of the main power core are immune to damage and will block any shots that impact them.
    • Attempting to fly below the fortress ship, or high above it will result in the player being instantly killed.
    • Attempting to fly back inside the fortress after everyone has escaped or the timer has run out will instantly kill the player.
    • To make the escape a bit easier for you, when the core’s health gets down to less than 20% it can be useful to make sure you are aligned facing towards an exit door or can see/get to one easily. When the core explodes the FX and debris can make finding the right direction a bit hectic with the clock ticking!

    Iconian War
    Gateway to Gre'thor

    TFO: Gateway to Gre’thor
    We have been alerted of an Iconian invasion of Qo'noS. All allied forces are being redirected to repel the Iconians!

    This mission will pit your team against an invasion force attacking the Klingon homeworld; Qo’noS.

    You must first save the orbital shipyard and starbase from attacking Iconian ships. Following this protect troop ships as they attempt to land reinforcements onto the planet to repel the Iconian invasion forces.

    The final stage will be fighting against an Iconian dreadnought and its accompanying fleet of ships.

    You will be facing:
    Iconian Probe
    Iconian Mir Fighter
    Iconian Baltim Raider
    Iconian Quas Cruiser
    Iconian Vonph Battleship
    Iconian Iaidon Dreadnought

    Mission Briefing
    • Stage one – Clear attacking ships at starbase & shipyard.
    • Stage two – Protect landing troop ships.
    • Stage three – Defeat the Iconian Dreadnought.

    Stage 1
    • The initial countdown timer will allow players to launch any hanger pets they wish to use. You cannot move until the timer ends.
    • The starbase and shipyard are on opposite sides of the map from where the team starts; one to the left, one to the right.
    • The team needs to split into 2 groups and attack both locations at the same time. Usually a split of 2:3 works fine. More powerful players may be able to handle a side alone.
    • There are several Iconian ships hanging around in the asteroid field between the 2 locations; ignore these as they are not part of any objective and merely distract from the real targets.
    • Each location will have 2 waves of enemies; they are not particularly challenging but watch out for some of the Iconian attacks that mess with your subsystems.

    Stage 2
    • This stage will require the team to again split into 2 parts; to cover each side of the map.
    • Troop transports will launch from the starbase and shipyard and follow a direct line to the planet’s surface. The Iconians will try to stop them by various means so you need to protect them.
    • The primary threat to the troop transports is Radiation Gateways which are coloured green and emit theta radiation at anything flying in front of them. These will cause the troop transports to grind to a halt in front of them and quickly be destroyed.
    • You need to interact with the radiation gateways to shut them; it takes a short time to do so.
    • There are also yellow-coloured gateways that will spawn in Baltim Raiders which then fly about attacking transports and player ships.
    • The objective here is to protect the transports; not engage the enemy ship. They numbers are infinite so shooting them down only makes more spawn and wastes time and effort.
    • The enemy ships pose little threat to players or the transports so they can mostly be ignored outside of elite level play. They cause little damage to players so there’s no risk of getting killed if you ignore them.
    • The optional objective here is to land at least 25 transports on the planet, and you’ll get bonus marks for landing additional ones over this.

    Stage 3
    • Once the transport phase is complete, you’ll be notified an Iconian Dreadnought is entering the system; your objective is simply to defeat this ship and its accompanying fleet.
    • The Dreadnought will continually spawn new ships around it; replenishing the fleet numbers; so, it should be the primary target of the team.
    • The optional objective here is to defeat everything within 3 minutes.
    • At several points in the fight the Dreadnought will jam sensors of the player ships and cloak; after which it will appear some distance away.
    • Once all enemies are defeated the mission will end.

    • Ignore the group of enemy ships hiding in the asteroid field in the middle of the map during the initial stage; they are not part of any objective.
    • Herald and Iconian ships use a lot of science and Intel powers to disrupt your ships; especially the Iconian Probes.
    • It is possible to find a position between where 2-3 radiation gateways spawn in the second phase and park your ship; then simply interacting with each as they open. This is easier than chasing down the gateways as they spawn, especially whilst under fire and without full impulse.
    • When tying to shut down a gateway sometimes it is a bit unreliable and merely moving will disrupt the action. Sitting still is the most reliable way to get a gate shut.
    • Herald raiders in the second phase can be ignored easily enough as they pose very little threat to anyone.
    • The Dreadnought in the final stage has tough shields so attacks that bypass shields such as science abilities or plasma fires are good for damaging it.
    • You may need to ensure you have a decent ability to clear debuffs from your ship such as Science Team, Hazard Emitters etc. as several intel and science abilities will be used against you by the Herald and Iconian ships.

    Klingon Civil War

    work in progress

    Last Edit - 01/06/2021
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