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[Archived] - Interlude

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WelshAvenger, Sat 02 Jan, 2021 7:33 PM
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    Commanding Officer's note

    Season 1 - Interlude

    Attachment 15327

    Hey guys! I hope you've enjoyed this first 'season' as it is. We all have worked hard to provide a fairly consistent story through these past few months. I know this chapter has been going on for a very long time and I want to apologize for it getting that far.

    As for the growing pains of command, I'm getting used to it. I'd like to thank all the members whom helped me out in the past few months. The advice & assistance is greatly appreciated.

    I hope to make these closing notes a constant thing moving on from tonight.

    With that, Interlude is now concluded.

    Attachment 15327

    Chapter Status: CLOSED
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  2. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Sun 07 Nov, 2021 11:15 AM.
    "Aye, sir. I'll be there right away. Tarquin out." Turning back to his screen, he told Jarroth, "I've got to go, its the captain. I'll get back with you quickly to discuss this further. Tarquin out."

    Jarroth boarded the shuttle he had become acquainted with only 30 minutes ago. The padded seat wasn't even cold when he sat down. Several officers worked outside prepping the ship. Jarroth watched as the 5 security officers walked towards the shuttle from the far end of the Landing Deck. As they made their way closer Jarroth caught a glimpse of the prisoner he would be in charge of ferrying.

    Both hands and feet shackled the prisoner meandered himself inside the shuttle where his chaperones sat on each side of him. One of the security officers came up to the secondary pilot chair and introduced himself.

    "Hey, I'm Officer Kowalski."

    "Pleasure to meet you, Officer. I'm Ensign Verce'... Let's hurry and get this guy delivered, and get back in one piece."

    "Agreed, the less time around him the better."

    =^= This is Commander Tarquin, I'm going to need two more Type 11 shuttles prepped in addition to Ensign Verce's, as soon as possible.=^=
    Two more shuttles lurch from their docking bays across from Jarroth's and Kowalski's vessel. Machines lower them down from their perched positions and maintenance officers run towards the shuttles placing fuel tubes and begin running internal system checks. 18 minutes pass. The Chief waves Jarroth to begin to initiate takeoff procedures.

    Officer Kowalski preps sensors and tactical weapons systems, while Ensign Verce' revs the engines. Two other Type 11 shuttles line up in standard formation behind them... just as the chief gives the signal for take off. Jarroth elevates the shuttle at minimal speed allowing the other two shuttles to exit and quickly rendezvous with them just outside of the Ares Sovereign Class Starship.

    The sister shuttles initiated accelerated impulse flying away from each other but in spread formation. Jarroth's and Kowalski's shuttle flies between them within a slightly higher vector.

    "Jarroth to Commander Biiqs... Come in Commander..."

    By that time, Biiqs had already settled into the ship's Combat Information Center with a cup of spiced raktajino, monitoring the sensors trained on the shuttles. "I'm reading you loud and clear, Ensign, go ahead."

    "Alright... now switching to Coms frequency codes.... Delta 4 is open... requesting package path? "

    "Roger, we're sending the package path now." Biiqs nodded at Petty Officer Bintou Keita, who transmitted the information at his gesture. "Everything looks clear here."

    Each vessel on either side of Jarrroth's veered farther away from the initial joint formation. Seventy two hours pass as all shuttles continue to travel. No longer in range of immediate range of Ares sensors or subspace communications the vessels continue upon their destination....

    "Ok officer's lets switch to secured channel from here on..."

    "Way ahead of you, Delta."


    "Hey Delta?"

    "Go ahead..."

    "If that sad sack of !@#$ so much as looks in your direction you have my permission to smack the &!@# out of him!

    *Chuckles* I'll definitely keep that in mind...

    Jarroth looks at his co pilot and they both look back at the prisoner who looks quickly away from both of them. They both look back at each other and smile simultaneously.

    Officer Kowalski wishing to press the situation looks back towards the prisoner... "You heard him didn't you. He just gave us permission to check you if you as so much as look in our direction..."

    The prisoner bites his bottom lip and looks back into the eyes of Kowalski... "None of you understand... if they come they aren't coming to rescue me... they WILL kill us all."

    "I think you think too much of yourself. Maybe they don't think you are even that important to waste the time necessary to make the attempt?"

    "You better hope I'm not..."

    "Delta 4, Come in... We are under attack!!"

    Jarroth's fingers flew across his pilot's terminal. The Shuttle lurched forward going the maximum impulse speed available. Kowalski powered up the shields and armed the shuttle's weapon systems.

    "Acknowledged, Vorsah 1... Delta 4 to Commander Biiqs, Vorsah is taking damage... now initiating vector 1 - 4 - 3 - 4, mark 2!"

    FAB spacer small
    Biiqs had just strode into the Combat Information Center, still clad in Ares athletic gear and sweating from his below decks run. The CIC had standing instructions to alert him the moment anything anomalous occurred. He didn't have to even ask for a report, as the situation was made clear from the forward screen and Ensign Verce's report.

    "Acknowledged, Ensign, take all evasive maneuvers practical and proceed to rendezvous at maximum speed." He turned to a yeoman, and said, "Specialist Bekos, alert the Captain that an Orion vessel has engaged in action against our shuttles. Whats the rendezvous time, Keita?"

    Petty Officer Keita responded, "Current rendezvous time is approximately four hours and twenty six minutes, at the USS Mont Baton's current cruising speed of Warp 8.2"

    "Warp 8.2? She hasn't increased speed?" The look on Biiqs' face switched from amazement to smoldering anger in the space of two seconds. "Get me the Mont Baton on the line!!"
    FAB spacer small

    One lone Orion vessel's location and description was relayed between each shuttle as well as the Ares Starship.

    Kowalski looked at Jarroth with a worried look and uttered...

    "The Vorsah has been destroyed." Kowalski then looked back at the prisoner who was slightly smiling... "Looks like this will be the end of both of your prestigious Starfleet Careers."

    Jarroth Looked back at the prisoner and stated solemnly... "If it is... we will be taking your friends with us."

    "Delta 4, Come in!"

    "Copy Delta 4..."

    "The Orion ship is now attacking us! Initiating evasive maneuvers!"

    "They won't last long, Jarroth."

    "I know... but we are almost there. We have to stick to the plan. There ship is meant to buy us time and that is exactly what we will allow them to do. "

    "The Reformer is firing on the Orion ship. Minimal damage to shields taken. The Orion ship is firing upon the Reformer again.... the Reformer has been destroyed."

    "Commander Biiq this is Delta 4, the Reformer has been destroyed...."

    The blip indicating the Reformer disappeared from sight mere seconds before Ensign Verce relayed the confirmation. "Acknowledged, Delta," Biiqs said, voice coated with impotent fury, "Take any and all actions to hold out complete the mission. Help is on the way."

    FAB spacer small

    At that time, the link from the USS Mont Baton came in. Surprisingly, it didn't come from the vessels captain, but what looked like a chief engineer. "Commander, we're proceeding to the rendezvous as quickly as possible. We've had a bit of difficulty with the starboard nacelle...there's a phase variance that..."

    "PHASE VARIANCE!?!?!?" Biiqs roared, standing in front of his seat. "My people are DYING OUT THERE. You will fly your ship APART or I will make it my personal goal in LIFE that you and every person in leadership is court martialed for treason and cashiered from the fleet! Anything less than your highest warp speed smells of corroboration with the enemy to me!"

    The engineer stood shocked and his lips opened to speak. "I wont want to hear what you have to say, increase warp NOW! That is an order!!! Keita, get him off my screen."

    The call terminated and Biiqs sank back into his chair, drained and disheartened. Even though his order wasn't particularly lawful, the only thing he could do with a fight raging at long distance was to rage and yell, hoping the sight of an unhinged Bolian would shock someone into compliance. He'd done enough of that during the war.

    A moment later, Ensign Brag Malin chimed in from across the room. "Sir, the Mont Baton has increased its speed. Warp 8.9....warp 9.2....Sir, I think there's a chance they could make it..."
    FAB spacer small

    We have almost reached the target area. At our current rate of speed we should arrive before the Orion ship can close on--

    The Delta 4 shakes violently, Kowalski's tactical co-pilot station explodes knocking him unconscious and sending shrapnel into his chest cavity.


    Jarroth grimacing initiates evasive maneuvers arcing the ship abruptly to avoid the Forward phaser fire of the 2nd Orion ship, which had just appeared on sensors.

    "Delta 4 to Commander Biiqs, we have lost tactical. Officer Kowalski is badly wounded, we were ambushed by a 2nd Orion ship! I will attempt to---

    The Delta 4 shudders violently again this sparks fly all over the shuttle as the Orion weapons penetrate the Shuttle's shields entirely. The shuttle begins a wild spin initated by the explosions and inertia that follows. Jarroth tries desperately to gain control of the compromised vessel.

    "Let me out, I can help you! You have to have someone to shoot back!" Says the prisoner realizing his fate is about to be sealed. "Please let me help you!! Help US!!!"

    The Orion's then lock on with a tractor beam and jam further communications to Ares.

    "Both weapons and helm controls are down now any way and even if they were up, they are no match for that Orion's starship compliment or shields. But I did make you a promise didn't I..." Jarroth fingers fly once more across the pilot terminal beginning the self destruct sequence.

    "I am a man of my word..." Jarroth says as he smiles sinisterly at the prisoner.

    "No.. you wouldn't! You are a Starfleet Officer!"

    "Yes... and as a Starfleet Officer, I'm afraid that we cannot allow you to be rescued. "

    "You... you are INSANE!!!"

    "No. I am a Starfleet Officer committed to my orders."

    "No!!! Let me out! This is not how anyone should die! I HAVE RIGHTS!"

    Jarroth leans back in his seat as the prisoner tried in panicked desperation to free himself from the shackles. Kiflin anticipated that the Orions would release the tractor beam to prevent Delta 4 from blowing up to close in proximity to the Orions starship rendering their shields uneffective. Jarroth could only hope that Orion's sensors could pick up on the Delta 4 shuttle's self destruct sequence...

    The initial Orion ship arrived. And just as it did the 2nd disabled it's tractor beam but the shuttle was still in close proximity. The Orion ship shifted in directional position and initiated Warp. The second Orion ship remained... as if looking to see if the shuttle would ultimately have the fortitude of will to carry out what it had begun. Jarroth set still his fingers not moving as the clock continued to run into single digits.... 5, 4, 3---

    FAB spacer small

    The explosion brought the whole nerve-racking affair to a dramatic coda. The staff in the Combat Information Center stared at each other in silence, attempting to process what just happened.

    It was a turkey shoot, as humans say. The shuttles were lured to their execution, and so was Hollis. It had always been apparent, Biiqs thought. The inability of the Ares to conduct the transfer, the inability of the USS Mont Baton to divert course. Their reluctance to even increase speed. It was designed for failure.

    It was a zero g rollercoaster in the end. The USS Mont Baton was close to arriving before the second Orion ship revealed itself. Battering the last shuttle's defenses, it sought to make quick work of it before the Mont Baton could intervene. And with Jarroth's last message, it looked to have done just that.

    "Delta 4 to Commander Biiq, we have lost tactical. Officer Kowalski is badly wounded, we were ambushed by a 2nd Orion ship! I will attempt to---

    "The Orions are jamming the signal. Shuttle's systems are failing. It doesn't look good sir. The Mont Baton is barely a minute away, but....they don't have that long." Petty Officer Keita said. Her grim assessment was an unnecessary layer of what was apparent to all by the information on the screens.

    "Hey, sir....I'm showing....the shuttle's auto destruct is activated," Ensign Malin said with confusion.

    "Hollis," Biiqs said. "He must have gotten free. Verce said that Kowalski was injured. Maybe he freed him to assist. Get me the prefix codes on that shuttle, now!!!"

    "The Orion has disengaged their cloak and is backing off! Its warping out!" Keita reported, excitement in her voice. "The second is standing by...."

    Prefix codes ready sir, system shows eleven seconds on the countdown.

    "SIR! The Mont Baton is on site! Its engaging the Orion vessel!"

    Biiqs watched as the Starfleet vessel warped in and immediately began pouring fire into the Orion vessel. It took him half a second to remember the countdown.

    "Transmit prefix codes! Belay that auto destruct!!!"

    The auto destruct froze at one second at the same time the Orion ship exploded into flames.

    The shock took some time to wear off, but when it did, Biiqs said in a slightly hoarse voice "Hail the shuttle. Ensign Verse, report."
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Mon 01 Nov, 2021 3:22 AM.
    A Joint Post by deuZige and Logical Leopard

    ==USS Ares, corridor near Security Department fascilities==

    Almost 2 full hours. Nearly 120 minutes Danre had been leaning, trying to look casual about it, against the wall in the corridor near the entrance to the Security department’s offices.

    And during those 2 hours, he had been in constant debate with himself about whether he should or shouldn’t go in, and ask if anyone there knew anything about the extended access and authorization he was supposed to get, or if he should just go back home and send a message over the comm to the duty officer with the question, so he wouldn’t be bothering someone doing something important with what basically came down to impatience.

    On the other hand he’d argued that if he was to contribute something usefull to the security department, or any other for that matter, he was going to have to find out if there was something the department or an officer wanted he could be helpful with. That meant asking the question to some one who had this information.

    But then he reminded himself of the tricks he had pulled to get a network signal out from Ares while regulations stated clearly that he wasn’t authorized to do so when the ship was at red alert. He also remembered his father’s wise words on Starfleet’s “inter officer physics” that had told him that from all departments in the fleet, Security was the department where traits like humor, downplaying, or off-record solutions were unanimously considered embarrassing and shameful.

    There was little if anything someone working in security would be willing to apply rule five to or come to an agreement about without logging a report detailing the agreement.

    As Danre had not only disobeyed several regulations but also had actively circumvented, bypassed, and sometimes even disabled security measures, he had also obtained and used security department resources without asking. To top all of that off he had also successfully interrupted the ship’s Captain while the ship was under attack because he needed to warn the Captain and save the ship according to the report.

    But he knew that the reason he began to find a way to communicate to the Bridge was that he couldn’t accept that no one he had tried to communicate the information through had condescendingly treated him as a 12-year-old boy going through his first red alert on a starship without his daddy to hold on to.

    Of course, he was at that time a 12-year-old boy that was experiencing a red alert on a starship without his father there to comfort him, but that was beside the point… at least he’d thought so at the time.

    Anyway, if his father’s words held true then he could be reminding people what had happened that day and that Danre had basically never had to face disciplinary or correctional measures as a consequence of his actions.

    Of course the other part of him then immediately reminded Danre that if his security clearance was to be upgraded, and his authorizations expanded, it was someone in the security department who had to receive and enter the request for the changes into the system, then get the appropriate approval for the request before finally have someone make the changes, and implementing them.

    Wouldn’t it be better to get acquainted with the security department’s people now, requesting their help in carrying out the Captain’s instructions?

    This dillemma and reasoning back and forth with himself, for two hours while leaning casually agains a corridor wall, had eventually lead to Danre making a decision, taking a deep breath and even take the first step in the direction of the doors to the security department. But before Danre could lift his foot off the ground to take the second step though, a large hand forcably taking a hold off his shoulder accompanieed a voice from behind him stopped him in his tracks.

    "Young Mr. van Hulftoids," Biqqs rumbled in his deepest baritone, drenched in the icy scorn he had learned to use as a Chief Petty Officer years before. He approached the boy and put a calloused, thick hand on his shoulder. "It's quite a surprise to see you turning yourself in. It saves me the trouble of having to come to you." It wasn't hard to decorate his face with a scornful glare, he'd been wearing it since the recent debacle with the prisoner transfer. Heart pained by the senseless death of officers and mind clouded by the suspicion of others, he was in one of the lowest states he'd been in since the war. But seeing the ship's young wunderkind at his door began to pull him out of his funk.

    As Danre turned around he found the hand and the voice to belong to an officer of the security department who looked at him as if Danre killed his daughter’s little puppy.

    Danre was sure that the best thing to say at that moment was nothing at all, and to feign innocent ignorance, so the security officer would have to lead the conversation and reveal what security accused him off, and what evidence they had to back up those allegations.

    He was also sure that the way the officer had grabbed his shoulder and the way he looked at Danre had guaranteed that what was best at that moment was not what Danre was going to do. Instead, he placed his arms at his side, took on an expression of someone who was being forced to interact with someone beneath their station and intelligence. In his most condescending tone Danre replied;

    “I’ll have you know that my presence here is everything BUY voluntarily. I have tasks to carry out given to me by the Captain personally and am prevented from doing by either ignorance, incapability, or willful uncooperativeness of the security department. I can assure you that if I could, I most certainly would, not expand the effort it would take to come down here in person.”

    Biiqs had honed his "poker face" on a vast variety of interview suspects. It was mostly unflappable, but he couldn't stop his eyes from widening at Danre's words. Although he was able to keep the laughter at bay, he could not completely quench the smile. So he turned it into something more like a smirk. "Oho, so you're on the Captain's business, is that right? Tell me, sir, does this has to do with your impending appointment to Acting Ensign? Is that the pressing business that you have that keeps you from being civil with persons who will vastly outrank you once that is completed?"

    Danre opened his mouth to reply in an equally snide and snobby way as he had before but caught himself just before he had uttered a sound. For seconds he could utter no more than “I… you… the captain said… but… why… huh?” as the officer’s words slowly began to sink in. Just before they had reached the Officers desk and sat down Danre’s first coherent sentence was “The Captain did mention some broader authorization and access but I didn’t expect this!”

    "Well, perhaps you aren't as smart as you think you are, Mr. van Hulftoids," said Biiqs as he sat down behind the desk. "Being able to anticipate the potential outcomes of one's conduct is an expectation of Starfleet Officers. That's something especially needed in Security. I am the outgoing department head, but I promise you, if you arent sharp, the next department head will have you for breakfast." Biiqs angled his head a few degrees as if assessing the young man. "Or a light snack. You're familiar with our friend from the Klingon Defense Force Lieutenant Thane, aren't you?"

    At this, Biiqs found that he could no longer hold his poker face, and burst out laughing. "Sorry, Mr. van Hulftoids. I was having a bit of fun at your expense. Forgive me, it's been a rough time for the Ares lately, and her security staff. A little easing of the tension is helpful, though it wasn't my intent to lay that tension on you. You'll find if you decide upon any role in a security department, the humor can run a little dark." Shifting gears, he thumped his hand on the table and asked, "So! Tell me....are you really interested in a lifelong career in Starfleet, or is this some way to pass time? Starfleet service is serious, and requires an oath of service. It's not a computing club, or a....junior detective agency, as they say on Earth? Biiqs smile was geniune, but his eyes were keen and waiting to assess the boy's response.

    “Yes, I’ve taken an oath to apply to and attend Starfleet Academy and serve the Federation and its security personnel” Danre confirmed, wondering why he was asked that question, and before he’d even asked himself if that was any of the officer’s business. He did realize that, surprisingly, he liked the man sitting across the desk, a content smile lifting his facial expression.

    "That's all very good," Biiqs said, nodding. But one question. Why? You've got your whole life ahead of you, and with your skillset, you can pursue a number of interesting and impactful careers, without having to learn to stand at attention and keep your uniform tidy. Why Starfleet?"

    Danre took a moment to consider the question. He'd spent hours after the talk with the Captain thinking about it, and more specifically the question of what he would want to do in his future if he hadn't committed himself to Starfleet. The answer was he couldn't think of anything. He looked up at Biiqs with a sincere expression.

    "There are multiple reasons for my commitment to Starfleet. First of course is my father. He's been Starfleet all his adult life, believes in Starfleet and he's proud of what he's accomplished, and I want to make him proud. Second, I think that Starfleet has the resources as well as the motivation to supply its personnel with the resources they need to fully develop their potential, resources that other organizations might not be able or willing to provide. Third, because the Captain asked me. And the fourth and final reason is that there is nothing I'd rather do in my future than serve in Starfleet to the best of my abilities." Danre said.

    Biiqs nodded as Dante spoke, and waited until he finished. "Its a great deal like I thought. You have a few external motivators...your father and the captain. Not a particularly strong expression of why the commitment aligns with you personally. But that's to be expected. You're young. Younger than I was when I joined, and my main motivation was to get away from my father. But with age, you come to know who you are, and not just what you can do. And with that knowledge, the commitment to Starfleet will grow inside of you in a very personal way. Do you understand?

    Danre nodded after a moment in understanding. Then he decided he'd try to achieve what he had initially set out to achieve coming to security. "So the Captain said i would get a higher security clearance. When can i expect that to come through, and is there something I can help with in the security department?" he asked, keeping his expression as neutral as he could, hiding the anxiety he was feeling.

    You'll be assigned to the new Chief of Tactical, Lieutenant Thane. He is currently on leave, so specific assignments will take time. But don't worry, You'll have officers access within the next day, and a ton of assignments before then." Biiqs picked up a PADD and typed in some commands before handing it to Danre. "I will have a schedule for you soon to begin your formal training, but before then, I want you to review the latest addition of Jane's Fighting Starships, and write a 15 page analysis of the known vulnerabilities of Romulus ships of the line to electronic warfare. I also want you to read "The Ethics" by Benedict Spinoza and the autobiography of Commodore Christopher Pike, and write a 10 page paper on the importance of duty and sacrifice. I want all of that done before you even attempt to log into the system. Expect Senior Chief Lien Tran to start your physical training soon, appropriate to your age, of course. She is an utter despot. I know, because she trains me. But your body will be as sharp as your mind, when she finishes with it."

    "A Starfleet Officer is no mean, beggarly thing as a pusher of buttons, an author of algorithms, or a person who saves the day. A Starfleet officer is a connsumate professional at the head of his field, keen in mind and keen in body, a philosopher, a leader, a proud example of the values of the Federation. And we'll make one out of you yet! You'll do your father and the captain proud, but won't compare to how you feel about yourself. Danre, you are the future of a long and proud tradition. Remember that, no matter how hard things get. Now, off with you! Get some sleep and get to work!