With my physical limitations right now, I couldn't handle a FPS. I was never a huge fan of them on PC to begin with. But if it does turn out to be story-driven, I might give it a peek.
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With my physical limitations right now, I couldn't handle a FPS. I was never a huge fan of them on PC to begin with. But if it does turn out to be story-driven, I might give it a peek.
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I just meant a first person perspective, not a shooter.
If it's anything like the Telltale games, it will be story, with choices, and possibly some puzzles? Been a while since I played a narrative game, but it should be quite slow paced.
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A lof of their games were pretty good. The Wolf Among Us was great, Walking Dead, Batman, like Three said GOT etc so if you've played any of them you'll probably have a good idea of what to expect.
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Good to know. Thanks, Boss. I need slow right now. It turns out that I'm NOT pregnant and suffering from PGP, I just have MBD (Metastatic Bone Disease), and it's causing my ribs and spine to microfracture. Who knew that microfracturing was a real thing?
So, yeah, right now slow is good.
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This is abso-friggin-lutely on my must buy list. I haven't had a good story driven game in that era of Trek since Elite Force 2 and that was meh in a lot of ways.
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Official Release date confirmation: May 23rd 2023
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And Frakes is going to be voicing Riker in it apparently.
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"Shut up and take my money".png ;D
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I almost didn't purchase it because most Telltale games I found disappointing, but I was pleasantly surprised by this game and now that I've finished it I'm not regretting the purchase at all.
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It is a fantastic game and I enjoy every second of it.
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Good fun, a bit of a janky animation system at times and some missing graphics but a good story and I look forward to playing it through again sometime
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Worth playing?