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[Announcement] - STO December 21 Community Survey Results

Started By:
Bridger, Mon 31 Jan, 2022 9:16 AM
  1. Gold Contributor

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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Mon 31 Jan, 2022 9:50 AM.
    STO 240

    Here are the December Survey Results, a big Thank You! to all in the UFP!


    DEC APPROVAL: 99% (~%)

    Strongly Approve: 20%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 60.5%
    Disapprove: 0.5%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    DEC EVENT APPROVAL: 100% (+1%)

    Strongly Approve: 15%
    Approve: 18%
    Neutral: 67%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%


    Rudolph the red nose spaceship had a very shiny phaser beam
    Jestersmith: That's a strange way to describe the Defiant not sure Sisko would agree

    Bill: Indeed

    Bridger: Lock on target, and open fire

    Novalance: that looks like something I'd write but this time it wasn't me!

    unfortunately had little opportunity to go into STO lately.
    Jestersmith: No time like the present to join us

    Bill: Life does get incredibly busy, but you must make time to have fun also

    Bridger: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present

    Novalance: STO is only one of the games our community plays

    STO seems to host a bunch of events and the team also can be in-game
    Jestersmith: We aim to please

    Bill: They do like to stay busy Smile

    Bridger: Indeed

    Novalance: always in game at least once a day (usually the event grind!)

    There needs to be more community engagement from some of the command staff. A few are rarely seen interacting with other members. An invisible command team hardly screams community.
    Jestersmith: Command teams all here and always working

    Bill: I wish I had invisibility as a super power!

    Bridger: You can't see gravity but you know it is there

    Novalance: the whole point of a command team is to ensure things run properly, if they are running properly you likely won't see us often, when things are bad or you are the problem, then you see us.

    Just joined no idea
    Jestersmith: Welcome to the madhouse

    Bill: Welcome indeed!

    Bridger: Aloha!

    Novalance: one of us!

    is this a game community?
    Jestersmith: Indeed

    Bill: I hope so

    Bridger: Si Senor

    Novalance: Obviously

    Would love some TNG/Voy themed events again, that's my favorite era
    Jestersmith: This can be requested and suggested to the Spec ops team they are very accommodating and sure they would be more than happy to do something at some point

    Bill: Yes, what Jester said

    Bridger: We will forward that to the team

    Novalance: I would like to do a Year of Hell event.


    Events every week in STO sometimes busy sometimes not so but they always on hand,
    Jestersmith: The spec ops team do an excellent job and yes times are busier than others but that's down to the attendees we all have different commitments and sometimes you can not make the event, we do have an opening at present for someone to join the Spec ops teams also should anyone be interested in coming and joining to host events.

    Bill: Life ie like a box of chocolates

    Bridger: Indeed

    Novalance: excellent

    There are still more events than i have opportunity to join so i have no right to have an opinion on that.
    Jestersmith: Everyone has a right to an opinion if you can not make the ones that are on you can post to outline when you would like events and if the team can accommodate with occasional specials I am sure they will, again as above we have an opening people are more than welcome to apply and then be able to suggest alternate events that they may be able to do once in position also.

    Bill: Just do what you can and have fun

    Bridger: The most important thing is that you enjoy what we are doing but also tell us if you don't

    Novalance: more events is better than no events

    I attend a couple irregularly and they are fun!
    Jestersmith: always good to see people who don't attend all the time they are open to all regardless of ability and yes they are always fun

    Bill: Fun is a good thing

    Bridger: Glad to hear that

    Novalance: STO events are always fun

    just joined no idea
    Jestersmith: Everyone is welcome when you want to attend and join in just pop along on the Friday or Saturday all events can be found on

    Bill: Just take your time and look around. I'm sure you'll find plenty to peak your interest.

    Bridger: You are more than welcome to join

    Novalance: welcome to UFP
    Bridger Medals
    “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;
    he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever” ~ Chinese Proverb
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    Reply With QuoteQuote
    There needs to be more community engagement from some of the command staff. A few are rarely seen interacting with other members. An invisible command team hardly screams community.
    Novalance: the whole point of a command team is to ensure things run properly, if they are running properly you likely won't see us often, when things are bad or you are the problem, then you see us.
    Mack Medals