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[Active] - DS9 | Cmdr Worf | CMD

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Kiflin, Sat 11 Jun, 2022 3:29 PM
  1. RPD Commanding Officer

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    RP 240



    Current Status - Active Duty - Stardate 58370.2 - May 16, 2381 - 03:08
    FAB spacer small

    STAR TREK: Ares Season 3 Time Line

    Species: Klingon
    Gender: Male
    Age: 41
    Birthday: 2340
    Hometown/Homeworld: Qo'noS

    Occupation: Head of Security of DS9
    Rank (if applicable): Commander
    Current Starfleet assignment (if applicable): DS9

    Height: 6' 3''
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Complexion: Brown
    General body type: Large Muscular
    Other defining physical traits: Wide shoulders, large arms and hands, braided long black hair
    ~Favorite physical trait: Practicing the Mak'bara
    ~Least favorite physical trait: Anyone sitting in his seat in the mess hall

    "Positive" traits: Focus, attention to detail, tenacity, martial prowess, experienced in warfare, tactical mind
    ~ What do THEY (the character) consider to be their best personality trait?: His honor and devotion to Jadzia, and Lukara
    "Negative" traits: Impatience, obsessive compulsive with Klingon Lore
    ~What do THEY consider to be their worst trait?:
    "Neutral"/other notable traits:
    Skills: Experienced Engineer, Natural Leader
    Likes: Prune Juice, and gall (he admires gall)
    Dislikes: Smart asses
    Favorite books/movies/tv shows/sports etc.:
    Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any):
    Proudest accomplishment: His daughter Lukara
    Biggest regret or embarrassment: Not doing more to prevent Captain Picard from being abducted by the Borg
    Biggest fear(s): Losing his family
    Biggest long-term goal: Become an Admiral and then retire with his wife
    Ambition: Train his daughter to become a better warrior then he is

    Colonel Worf (grandfather) Mogh (deceased father) Adoptive family. Sergey Rozhenko (father) Helena Rozhenko (mother)

    Kurn (brother)

    ~Spouse/significant other: Jadzia Dax
    ~Children: Lukara Jadwiga
    Other relationships (specify friends/co-workers/it's complicated/etc):

    Background Info
    Personal History:
    Service Record:
    YEARS - Activity/Posting


    2340 - Worf was born on Qo'noS (the Klingon homeworld) as the son of Mogh

    2357 - Worf entered Starfleet Academy

    2361 - Worf graduates the Starfleet Academy and is commissioned the Rank of Ensign


    2364 - Worf was assigned to the USS Enterprise D as relief flight control and tactical officer with the rank of Lt. Junior Grade

    2365 -Worf renewed his relationship with K'Ehleyr when she came aboard the Enterprise as a Federation emissary on an urgent mission. He proposed marriage but was rejected

    2366 - Worf is promoted to Lt.

    2367 - K'Ehleyr returned with Klingon Chancellor K'mpec who had come to meet with Captain Picard. When she came aboard, Worf learned he had a son named Alexander. She wanted to marry him but Worf refused because he did not want to share his dishonor with her and their son. After K'mpec's death, she assisted Captain Picard with the rite of succession. K'Ehleyr was eventually murdered by Duras when she found evidence of his involvement in the effort to discredit Worf (and why he was discommended). Exercising his right of vengeance, Worf fought and killed Duras with a bat'leth in a duel, allowing Duras's political opponent Gowron to become chancellor. A civil war erupted when the Duras's son Toral challenged Gowron.

    2369 - While the Enterprise was at Deep Space Nine, Worf investigated a claim that his father might still be alive in a Romulan prison camp. His father was not there (having indeed been killed during the battle at Khitomer), but a number of Klingons were living there with the Romulans. Unable to return home with honor, as Klingons are supposed to commit suicide rather than be taken prisoner, they stayed and strayed from their way of life. Worf's visit had a profound effect on the children of the prisoners and many chose to leave with him.

    2371 - In 2371, he was promoted to the rank of Lt. Commander After the destruction of the Enterprise-D, Worf took an extended leave to evaluate his future. He was at a monastery on the Klingon colony of Boreth when he was ordered to go to Deep Space 9 to advise Captain Sisko when a Klingon fleet massed at the station.

    2373 - Worf became involved with DS9 science officer Jadzia Dax, a Trill woman. She was familiar with Klingon customs due to the experience of the Dax symbiont's previous host, Curzon. She was the first non-Klingon that Worf could "physically" be with in the traditional Klingon way, although it still left bruises, cuts and broken bones.

    2374 - By late 2374, Worf and Jadzia were married less than a year when they decided to try to have a child, despite the extreme difficulties posed by the disparate biologies of Trill and Klingons. While Worf was away during a mission, Jadzia visited the Bajoran temple on the station where she was attacked and almost killed by an alien possessing the body of Gul Dukat, who had come aboard the station to destroy an Orb of the Prophet.

    2375 - Worf and Jadzia have a girl named Lukara Jadwiga. After the conclusion of the Dominion War, Worf was offered the position of the Federation ambassador to Qo'noS But turns it down in favor of remaining upon DS9 with Jadzia.

    2381 - Worf and Jadzia continue to raise their 6 year old daughter on DS9. Worf begins training her in the art of the Mak'bar.
    Kiflin Medals