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FAB - Global Moderator

Started By:
Kerry Malone, Wed 25 Oct, 2023 3:01 PM
  1. Head of Community Administration

    • Highly Decorated
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    Join Date
    Apr 26 2014
    Bracknell, UK
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    • Kiflin
    Federation Administrative Bureau - Global Moderator
    CL4 - Tier 3 (Lieutenant Commander)

    Global Moderators ensure that the rules contained within the Code of Conduct are understood and followed at all times by users on the forums. You will be expected to be fully familiar with all community rules, but remain flexible in the understanding that every situation can be different. Being a Global Moderator entails both a great deal of trust and responsibility being granted to you out of any other CL4 position.

    Therefore, expectations will be high and you will be essential in maintaining the positive atmosphere and clarity of the community forums.

    • Moderate the UFPlanets forums as a whole, as well as any specific areas as expected by the Head of Community Administration
    • Actively offer assistance and advice to any UFP member in need of support. As a moderator you are expected to be courteous, mature and understanding
    • Ensure threads are posted in the correct locations; move any which are not.
    • Be highly active within the community.
    • The successful candidate of this role would report to KerryMalone

    • Exams: Orientation Assessment, Officer Qualification Exam & Command Exam
    • Timekeeping, communication and organisational skills are highly valued for this role. A degree of common sense, maturity and understanding of the forums are absolutely essential. Good communication of English is also essential.
    • Due to the level of trust required, CL4 experience is essential for this role. You must also be able to demonstrate your commitment to the community.
    • Is it a CL5 position? No
      PLEASE NOTE: If it is a CL5 position, the successful candidate will have to sign the Command Position Agreement before entering the role.

    Please apply using the Position Application Form.
    The position closes on This position has no closing date.

    TIP: While it is ultimately up to you how you format your application, please try to include your online volunteering history, any relevant real life experience that's applicable, why you decided to stick with the UFP, why you feel you're the best person for the role and how you think it will benefit you.
    KerryMalone Medals
    I'd be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know.