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[INFO] UFP Assets STO Staff Structure & Roster

Started By:
Novalance, Sun 17 Dec, 2023 12:36 PM
  1. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet
    Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet

    Star Trek Online Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 19 Dec, 2020 10:23 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 22 Dec, 2018 11:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Sat 12 Feb, 2022 12:04 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Captain on the Bridge
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the STO Division Commanding Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.01% have received this achievement

    • Head of the House [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of the House of Kular

      Unlocked Wed 09 Jan, 2019 1:01 PM

      0.05% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 26 Sep, 2020 8:59 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

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    Join Date
    Feb 12 2012
    • Users who disliked
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    • Jestersmith
    • Arlu3n
    • T'Tan
    • Miles
    • Stormy
     –  Last edited by Morris; 6 Days Ago.
    STO 240
    Star Trek Online DIVISION

    sto sfo sep

    The purpose of this thread is to explain the hierarchy, responsibilities, and structure of the STO Staff team. This thread has been created to help educate those interested as to how we operate. As many of you may already know, sometime in 2017 the divisions of SFO & HoK were merged to create the Star Trek Online Division. After Delta Rising expansion things had changed and it was time to make changes on a community level along with it. Many other internal changes were also made within the staff team ranks, hierarchy, and operations since then which significantly set the division apart from how it previously operated. This change helped continue the enthusiasm for Star Trek Online as a whole to date.

    StoOverview5 2020? t=1606055464

    Division Command
    STO Commanding Officer (CO) : Novalance - @aipomdude
    STO Executive Officer (XO - STO Fleet Operations) : Morris @Captain Morris
    STO Executive Officer (XO - STO Fleet Operations) : Jestersmith - @generaljester
    STO Executive Officer (XO - Armada Operations) : Bill - @drbillmd

    STO Command team directly oversees and administrates operations of the division and the staff team. Feel free to approach anyone from the STO Command Team regarding your STO experience in the UFP or to discuss any issues. Sharing experiences and feedback always helps.

    The STO Command Team report directly to the Head of Community Gaming & Deputy Head of Community Gaming.

    Every CL4 Officer of the STO Staff Team reports directly to the STO Command Team

    Sul-Mutuul - @lordsteve1
    MrNeal89 - @mrneal#1113
    darthnovawave - @darthnovawave
    Remsus - @karsten2013
    T'Tan - @tytan47

    Quartermasters are the senior staff of the STO Staff Team who are entrusted with managing the fleet bank, fleet funds, and the fleet shop. They keep STO Command apprised and up to date, while also being mentors for the new staff members and setting them up with relevant access. They are also responsible for slotting UFP Asset projects in a timely fashion. Finally, internally they mentor and assist Personnel Officers with processing invites and promotions while also providing insight to the Command Team.

    You may contact the Quartermasters regarding fleet bank, fleet shop, and project slotting.

    UFP Assets consist of UFP 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5th Fleets along with The House of Kular, Taku, and Metak all other Armada affiliates are not considered fleet Assets and do not fall under our remit of control.

    Special OPS Commander
    Miles - @aldea#1478
    Rastilion - @rastilion
    Remsus - @karsten2013

    Special OPS Commander rank is a re-brand of the Event Officers staff rank, along with some changes and a new communication interaction focus. This staff rank helps run all Special Operations activities of the Star Trek Online division and monitor the activity of Special OPS Veterans / Order of Kahless. Special Operations are anything related to STO events, be it themed events, ad-hoc events, weekly events, forum events, or CL3 hosted events! The mission of the Commander is to coordinate & execute all these activities to drive community engagement and make sure everyone playing STO is always involved. New Special OPS Veterans are selected by STO Command when advised by the Special Forces Commander. Everyone is invited to attend these events (and to host more events even as a CL3). Should you also choose to build interest and advance your knowledge in the game and builds - the Special OPS Veterans will help you with the same.

    Special OPS Commander reports directly to the SFO Commanding Officer & HoK General from STO Command Team.

    You may contact Jestersmith, Novalance, or Morris regarding STO events and activities. Be it ideas or willingness to host events.

    Personnel Officer
    Brunocsf - @benvindo
    T'Tan - @tytan47
    Sythe - @sytheeverblade
    Remsus - @karsten2013
    Stormy - @stormymaverick

    Personnel Officers help manage the fleet rosters for invites and promotions. More than that, they are always around to help around be it on the forums or in-game chat.

    You may contact the Personnel Officers for assistance regarding fleet invites, promotions, or questions you may have!

    sto hok sep

    While each staff rank has a specific role, we all operate as one team and help each other where we can. Every current and past staff member holds credit for the smooth operations of this division.
    Novalance Medals
  2. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sat 20 Feb, 2021 10:00 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 11:19 AM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • At the Helm [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Operations

      Unlocked Tue 08 Dec, 2020 3:00 PM

      0.07% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 26 Mar, 2022 9:49 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Enabled Two Factor Authentication

      Unlocked Sun 24 Oct, 2021 2:59 PM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    May 07 2012
    Liverpool UK
    • Users who disliked
    • None
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    • None
    - 04/03/2024 : Updated Roster,

    Jestersmith Medals