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[Guide] - Powerleveling in STO

Started By:
Jestersmith, Fri 05 Jan, 2024 1:08 AM
  1. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Fri 05 Jan, 2024 1:14 AM.
    Today or yesterday, depending on your location, several Discord discussions were held on reaching level 65 quickly. I outlined that a few lockbox research assignments can help power-level. Here's a video by @CasualSAB Spencer that you can watch and follow. Both Mentioned User Novalance and I have used the Nak'ul research assignments and some others.

    I noticed that Mentioned User koala asked if this could be pinned, and Mentioned User RavenSplat was also involved. So, here it is posted on the forums for you and anyone else who wants to follow it. If you need to quickly rank up a character, you don't have to go to the extreme of what Spencer does, but it's another tool that, along with Admiralty, will speed up the process of reaching level 65.


    Jestersmith Medals