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DS9 Anniversary

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Jestersmith, Fri 05 Jan, 2024 3:07 AM
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    So, as we celebrate the anniversary of DS9 this week one of the shows we all loved let's discuss your favorite episodes and why. For me, in no particular order:

    The Way of the Warrior

    Worf's transition from the USS Enterprise to Deep Space Nine marked a significant shift. His integration into the station added a new dynamic, fusing his Klingon charisma and combat skills. It wasn't merely Worf's personal journey; it represented a pivotal moment for the entire series. The station underwent retrofitting to enhance its capabilities in defense and offense, particularly against the Klingons. The memorable "PEW PEW" moments essentially solidified the engagement and interest in the storyline for me.

    A Call to Arms

    The Dominion siege led by Gul Dukat had us all on the edge of our seats. When Captain Sisko made that tough call to abandon the station in the face of an impending war, it hit hard. It wasn't just a strategic move; it felt personal, like leaving a home behind. You could feel the weight of the decision, and it set the stage for some of the most intense conflicts we'd see. That moment lingered, leaving its mark on the series in a way that felt raw and real.

    Second Skin

    Kira going undercover as a Cardassian spy was like, whoa, peeling back all these layers, you know? It wasn't just about sneaky stuff; it was like a wild ride into her dealing with having two identities. Meeting Liana Ghemor and riding the emotions with Kira was like watching a rollercoaster. It wasn't just about spy missions; it was about who she was. The whole thing hit like an emotional rollercoaster making you understand the struggle to juggle two sides of yourself.

    The Visitor

    Tony Todd as older Jake Sisko was mind-blowing. Seriously, he nailed it. The whole emotional rollercoaster of the father-son connection across time and space? Todd made the emotions seem a lot deeper. It was like this deep dive into how living through the craziness of Deep Space Nine stuck with Jake. Having Todd as older Jake was like the cherry on top, bringing all those enduring consequences to life in the most perfect way. Such an underrated actor.

    I could go on and list Emissary, The Pale Moonlight, Paper Moon, Far Beyond The Stars, and many more when you reflect to show had so many layers.

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    All of the one you mentioned above but for me:

    In the Pale Moonlight

    Avery Brooks, delivers an outstanding performance. His portrayal of the internal conflict and emotional turmoil faced by Sisko is both convincing and compelling, adding a significant emotional depth to the episode. The unexpected plot twists that keep you engaged and on the edge of your seats.

    These twists contribute to the overall impact of the story and make it a memorable viewing experience. The events in "In the Pale Moonlight" have lasting consequences for the series as a whole, affecting the political landscape and relationships between major factions.

    This adds weight to the episode, making it feel like a significant turning point in the ongoing narrative of DS9.
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    Oh, so many to choose from:

    My top 3 (in reverse order) would be:

    3rd - Season 2 Episode 22 - The Wire

    I loved this story and the acting, of course, from Andrew Robinson as Garak was off the charts (I'm biased, I know...). So many twists and turns in this episode. Did Garak kill 98 Cardassians? Did he release those Bajoran children or execute them? Or was it all just the ramblings of a madman with an object in his head which was killing him? In the end, I guess we have to accept what Garak says: All his stories have been true - "especially the lies."...

    2nd - Season 3 Episodes 20 and 21 - Improbable Cause and The Die Is Cast.

    The double episode was a bold and pivotal moment in the series for many reasons. Again another story focuses on the dark and deliberately deceitful world of Garak and an attempt made on his life by bombing his shop. Or did he blow it up himself, as Odo insists and Garak goes on to suggest? We get taken on a wild ride with Romulans Tal'shiar and Cardassian Obsidian Order plotting together to take on the Dominion. My favourite of the two was actually the Improbable Cause, the ending where Garak agrees to work with Tain to take over the order... you never know where you stand with a Cardassian Tailor.

    1st - Season 6 episode 25 - The sound of her voice

    Not the flashiest of episodes but the story and the acting, especially by Debra Wilson who never actually appears on screen, but is still able to create a character the audience immediately cares about, is fantastic. All the way through you think that the Defiant will get to her in time, but when you realise that they were years too late, its a crushing ending. RIP Captain Lisa Cusak.
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